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What r the Xbox keys

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  On 3/20/2019 at 6:44 PM, Mikenike said:

@PrvDancer85 I did but I cannot find half of those I need, like how to close cargo doors and how to open ladders and solar panels.


On PS4 you scroll the curser on the cargo doors, solar panel or ladders and press the Square button to bring up a window that has the options to toggle those actions.  I would imagine it’s the equivalent button on the Xbox controller.  Which I believe is the X button.

Edited by OrganizedChaos
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What platform do you play on?

I play on Xbox so I bought a copy in the Microsoft store, for steam I think it’s another digital copy, I don’t know about PS4.

There is a sub forum just for questions about the game and how to get it, how to play it, etc.

On another note it needs a complete button layout tutorial and a custom movement tutorial and then it would be a great game, don’t get me wrong it is a really great game, although it needs some updates.

A list of needs:

A complete button tutorial 

A custom movement tutorial 

An ability to move and remove parts -Xbox enhanced edition

More parts 

A moveable camera that is not around parent part 

An ability to remove parts from stock Vab  setups

A way to tilt parts to one side


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  On 3/25/2019 at 12:54 PM, Mikenike said:

A list of needs:

1 A complete button tutorial 

2 A custom movement tutorial 

3 An ability to move and remove parts -Xbox enhanced edition

4 More parts 

5 A moveable camera that is not around parent part 

6 An ability to remove parts from stock Vab  setups

7 A way to tilt parts to one side




as said above; u will find everything u need to controll your vessel in the optionsmenu, things like ladders, cargodoors or antennas can be controlled via the partactionwindow or if u set actiongroups (note that at this moment alot of stuff doesnt work as intended with actiongroups, at least on ps)


Cant u place or remove parts? Just grab a part out of the list to the left and put it somewhere on your rootpart. To remove a part grab it and put it in the left side where the parts are or use the keycombo from the optionmenu for your preset and console. U can move parts while holding or with the (i belive its called) movetool at the upper right in the editor. Look up the keys to see wich key change the moveaxis, must be one of the bumpers.


If u dont play science or sandboxmode u have to earn sciencepoints and money to get new parts via the sciencebuilding (dont know the real name just now).


Cant u move your camera with the rightstick? U can select a part at wich the camera orients by open the partactionwindow of a part and press "aim camera". U can change the camerarotationaxis by pressing the right stick, if not look up the key in the optionsmenu. I like the free cameramode best.


Same as for 3


At the upper right corner in the editor there is an rotationtool wich work pretty much the same as the movetool. U can also rotate a parts while holding it (in my case it would be r1+leftstick while holding, look up the keys in the optionsmenu for your preset.

Sorry @Mikenike ive missread your post, but pretty much all u want is allready in the game besides the tutorials

Edited by PrvDancer85
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@PrvDancer85 you gotta remember I play enhanced edition and I can’t do half the stuff that older versions can simply because  A it hasn’t be out long enough and B it simply hasn’t developed enough yet, like Minecraft it took around two years before mods and other things that make life so much easier.

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  On 3/25/2019 at 4:27 PM, Mikenike said:

@PrvDancer85 you gotta remember I play enhanced edition and I can’t do half the stuff that older versions can simply because  A it hasn’t be out long enough and B it simply hasn’t developed enough yet, like Minecraft it took around two years before mods and other things that make life so much easier.


Everthing i said was for ksp ee, we're in the same boat just that im on ps4. I dont see mods for ksp on console that just wont happen

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