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New user needs help with mod installation

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[Moderator note:  This was originally in another mod's thread.  Good questions and good answers so far-- thanks everyone for helping! :) -- but not really about that mod in particular so splitting it off to its own topic.]

sorry to be a downer but when i installed this it umm

it got rid of all my crafts in space (including my hard worked on space stations :( ) when i installed it every single stock-non-mod-or-DLC-part was deleted :/

what just happened.

        -a spaceX fan (with no crafts in orbit)

Edited by The_evil_martians
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  On 3/18/2019 at 2:51 AM, The_evil_martians said:

sorry to be a downer but when i installed this it umm




it got rid of all my crafts in space (including by hard worked on space stations :( ) when i installed it every single stock-non-mod-or-DLC-part was deleted :/


what just happened.


        -a spaceX fan (with no crafts in orbit)


You can recover older saves from this directory:

\Kerbal Space Program\saves\[SAVE NAME]\Backup

With respect to the mod, most issues with missing parts are due to having old versions of ModuleManager or not having it in the first place. Can you upload KSP.log from your KSP directory and link it here?

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  On 3/18/2019 at 10:07 PM, The_evil_martians said:


thanks a ton i really still don't know how to do it

and theres no tutorials :(((


If you've never used Google Drive, Dropbox, etc there are plenty of tutorials available on the internet.  Evidently you found the file, it's just a question of putting it somewhere where other people can access it.

But you're going to have to figure some things out yourself too.  Running KSP with any mods is occasionally going to require some troubleshooting and knowing how to resolve issues - there's only so much help that can be provided via forum posts.

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@The_evil_martians it is worth reading this thread to get to grips with how mods are installed for KSP: 

Please read the entire first post to become familiar with the process. Also, if you, for some reason, cannot seem to get the hang of the folder locations or something, there is always the possibility you can use CKAN to install this mod for you:

Whilst you are having trouble installing ReStock for your game, this thread is not intended for discussion as to how to install KSP mods, being intended for the discussion for the development of ReStock. Please refer to the Modded Support section of the forum if you require further help from the community as to how to manage your install of KSP: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/70-technical-support-pc-modded-installs/

Edited by Poodmund
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Hi @The_evil_martians, you've come to the right place!  :)  The forums are a friendly place with lots of helpful people.  Hopefully we'll get you squared away.

Just FYI:  I know you were having difficulties with the "Restock" mod specifically, but a lot of your questions seemed to be difficulty with KSP mod installation in general, so I've taken the liberty of moving your question (and the answers so far) into this thread of its own.  Hopefully you'll be able to get the answers you need, here.

  On 3/18/2019 at 11:08 PM, The_evil_martians said:

i read 2x the CKAN thread and don't know how to download it


It's right at the very top of the thread-- see the link that says "Download the latest release."  ;)

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  On 3/19/2019 at 11:43 PM, The_evil_martians said:

i can't i have the screenshot but don't know how to put it here


To post a screenshot:

  1. Go to some third-party image sharing site like http://imgur.com
    • (doesn't have to be imgur, but that's what most KSP users seem to use, since it's so easy to use and doesn't require signing up with an account)
  2. Click the green "Create new post" button at top left
  3. You'll see a screen with a "drag your picture here" box on it.  Drag your screenshot there.
  4. Give it a few moments to finish uploading.  You'll see a web page with your image on it.
  5. Right-click on the image and choose "Copy Image Location"
  6. Paste that URL here.
    • Important, it needs to be the URL of the image, not the URL of the page that it's on.
  7. Presto, it gets automagically turned into an image in your post!  :)
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  On 3/20/2019 at 12:22 AM, The_evil_martians said:

 it said choose image address is that what im looking for? (didn't find the site)


Go to this website:


Top left corner looks like this:


...see where I've drawn a big red arrow?  That green "New post" button: click it (on the imgur web page) and go from there.

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Ah, OK, you said "didn't find the site".  site = website, thus the misunderstanding.

So there you go.  Post the image on imgur, copy the address of the image, then paste it here.  Done!  :)

Just right-click on the image (or, if you only have a single-button mouse on a Mac, hold down "control" and click it), then choose "Copy Image Location".  Then paste that here.

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OK, there you go.  :)

I'll now have to hand you over to someone more knowledgeable about CKAN than I am, since I've never used it myself and know nothing about its care and feeding.  Good luck!

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