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Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Next

Rudolf Meier

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Is there a way to specifically exempt a specific part?  I want to try exempting the Orbital DIY kit from GroundConstruction - I'm having an issue with a test build where it will deploy but at some point during deployment (or, if I'm time-warped through it, at the end of time-warp) the station I've got it attached to goes wonky.  My suspicion is that the deployment changes the size of the kit, and the joints aren't being resized to fit it.

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1 hour ago, DStaal said:

Is there a way to specifically exempt a specific part?  I want to try exempting the Orbital DIY kit from GroundConstruction - I'm having an issue with a test build where it will deploy but at some point during deployment (or, if I'm time-warped through it, at the end of time-warp) the station I've got it attached to goes wonky.  My suspicion is that the deployment changes the size of the kit, and the joints aren't being resized to fit it.

I'm working on an update... it's almost ready. Check the information for developers on the first page when it's out. I'll describe how you can do it and what options there are. ... so, in short: Yes, there is an option... after the update

oh and... this information is also good for non-developers who want to fix a problem by modify the cfg file of a part

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The new version is online (and after some days it will be released on CKAN as well).

It is compatible with the new DLC and it's robotic parts (at least it should be). It is also compatible with every mod that is compatible with AutoStruts. No mod needs special code to be KJRn compatible anymore and KJRn does also not need to know every mod to be compatible with them. It... just works ;) 

And for developers it offers a new debugging ui (more on that on the developer thread).

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One minor request: At the moment any MM patches would have to operate/not operate in the presence of any KJR variant.  Could you rename the DLL to something like 'KerbalJointReinforcementNext.dll'?  If I remember my MM patching creation correctly, that should allow patches to be created that target that directly.  (While the folder still being 'KerbalJointReinforcement' means that patches targeting that would still work.)

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18 minutes ago, DStaal said:

One minor request: At the moment any MM patches would have to operate/not operate in the presence of any KJR variant.  Could you rename the DLL to something like 'KerbalJointReinforcementNext.dll'?  If I remember my MM patching creation correctly, that should allow patches to be created that target that directly.  (While the folder still being 'KerbalJointReinforcement' means that patches targeting that would still work.)

ok, done... I've re-uploaded 4.0.1 -> see development thread for this

Warning for all who used 4.0.0 and did a manual update to 4.0.1

-> delete the old folder first! ... the plugin name changed, otherwise you will have trouble


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Thanks for the great work! It really goes well with big ships or complex robotics parts.

I think I found an odd behavior of kerbal on EVA with this mod installed.

The kerbal cannot walk or fly straight, and keep falling to the ground. Literally uncontrollable.

Removing this mod fix the problem instantly.

I'm using mod version 4.0.1 on KSP 1.7. If you have time, please look into this problem.


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6 hours ago, JWS said:

Thanks for the great work! It really goes well with big ships or complex robotics parts.

I think I found an odd behavior of kerbal on EVA with this mod installed.

The kerbal cannot walk or fly straight, and keep falling to the ground. Literally uncontrollable.

Removing this mod fix the problem instantly.

I'm using mod version 4.0.1 on KSP 1.7. If you have time, please look into this problem.


thanks for the info... the problem is, that an EVA reports false for "isEVA" (at least for the first some seconds of existence it is of type "debris"). Because of that, KJRn is doing something with it instead of ignoring it... this seems to be a new behaviour of KSP... I never saw this before... anyway... I'll try to find a solution...

it is not new (this problem), and I definitely see where it comes from... so, "isEVA" is NOT a way to detect wheter a vessel is an EVA or not, because you never know, if it's still initializing... that's what I'm talking about when I say "those guys messed it up completely" ... you simply cannot program it like that... but... anyway, I'll find a way to solve that

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1 hour ago, Rudolf Meier said:

thanks for the info... the problem is, that an EVA reports false for "isEVA" (at least for the first some seconds of existence it is of type "debris"). Because of that, KJRn is doing something with it instead of ignoring it... this seems to be a new behaviour of KSP... I never saw this before... anyway... I'll try to find a solution...

it is not new (this problem), and I definitely see where it comes from... so, "isEVA" is NOT a way to detect wheter a vessel is an EVA or not, because you never know, if it's still initializing... that's what I'm talking about when I say "those guys messed it up completely" ... you simply cannot program it like that... but... anyway, I'll find a way to solve that

As an idea for a solution, based on how KIS adds inventory to a Kerbal:

		name = KJRExcluded

After all, Kerbals are one-part ships when on EVA...

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2 hours ago, DStaal said:

As an idea for a solution...

Thanks for the idea, but as far as I can see it's easier... an EVA vessel is always first a KerbalEVA and only later a Vessel... so, checking vessel.GetComponent<KerbalEVA>() instead of vessel.isEVA should do it. ... I've to test it, but I think it should work.

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28 minutes ago, Rudolf Meier said:

Thanks for the idea, but as far as I can see it's easier... an EVA vessel is always first a KerbalEVA and only later a Vessel... so, checking vessel.GetComponent<KerbalEVA>() instead of vessel.isEVA should do it. ... I've to test it, but I think it should work.

Currently the more interesting about this problem is, why it is affecting EVA's that much. It shouldn't, even if KJRn is adding things to it. That's currently the more interesting question. :) 

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When trying to load KJR-Next from CKAN, I got something saying like "conflicts with unmanaged DLL". Is that something you're aware of or know what that might be?

Certainly, I can ask about this in the CKAN support thread, but they'd probably request I mention something here first.

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19 minutes ago, scottadges said:

When trying to load KJR-Next from CKAN, I got something saying like "conflicts with unmanaged DLL". Is that something you're aware of or know what that might be?

Certainly, I can ask about this in the CKAN support thread, but they'd probably request I mention something here first.

I'm not sure, but my guess is, that you have installed the original KJR and that htis is the problem...

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1 hour ago, scottadges said:

When trying to load KJR-Next from CKAN, I got something saying like "conflicts with unmanaged DLL". Is that something you're aware of or know what that might be?

Certainly, I can ask about this in the CKAN support thread, but they'd probably request I mention something here first.

As @Rudolf Meier said, it's probably a leftover file from a previous installation of KJR or KJR Continued, they all three install into the same directory.

Look into your GameData directory and delete the KerbalJointReinforcement folder, then try again.

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I have a huge problem with KJR - Next. Earlier I was using "Continued" version in my save and it was fine. Then I installed "Next" version, more precisely 4.0.1 and now the ships that I used to launch without a problem destroy themselves when coming out of time warp. I then tried to test something:

1. I launched that same ship fully vertically just to get into space to see if that was a fluke. When exiting time warp it destroyed itself.

2. I removed only other mod added between two play sessions, that being Snacks!. Ship destroyed itself on time warp exit.

3. I removed KJR - Next 4.0.1. and launched it again. It was a bit wobbly on the launch, but it did not destroy itself when exiting time warp

4. I have installed KJR - Next 4.0.2 and it was again destroying itself

What was happening is that when I would exit time warp all of my parts would just collide with each other.


Here is a log from that last test:



Then I installed Snacks! and KJR - Continued 3.4.0 back into my game and problem was not there.

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31 minutes ago, Cuky said:

4. I have installed KJR - Next 4.0.2 and it was again destroying itself

Yes, sorry... the zip file of the 4.0.2 contained two dll's instead of one. This is fixed now.

After the installation there should be only the "KerbalJointReinforcementNext.dll" and no "KerbalJointReinforcement.dll" in the "Plugins" folder.

I'm sure it works, when you try again with the new file :) 

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since my last check in on 6 may, I have been using KJR-N and it seems to functioning exactly as advertised. 
I've only had one issue with wobbling and that was a relatively long 'tube' with 4 other even longer 'tubes' that were docked on 4 sides ( normal, anti-normal, radial-in and radial-out) but that was during physical timewarp during a .3 g burn.  because i was basically asking for this problem, i completely back this mod, and the problem was fixed merely by using autostrut on the end pieces .  

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49 minutes ago, mrclucks said:

since my last check in on 6 may, I have been using KJR-N and it seems to functioning exactly as advertised. 
I've only had one issue with wobbling and that was a relatively long 'tube' with 4 other even longer 'tubes' that were docked on 4 sides ( normal, anti-normal, radial-in and radial-out) but that was during physical timewarp during a .3 g burn.  because i was basically asking for this problem, i completely back this mod, and the problem was fixed merely by using autostrut on the end pieces .  

hm? ... sorry... did I miss something?

29 minutes ago, kcs123 said:

@Rudolf Meier, seems that you have forgot to update version file. That is most probable reason why CKAN have issues to pick up new version even after 20h.
It usualy recognize update within 6-12 hours.

no, I didn't... I didn't want to show up in CKAN until it's clear that it works :) (that's also why it's marked as "pre-release" because CKAN ignores those) and, I have a pull request running there for an update in CKAN that I need in the meta data before I can release it... but it was planned to be done today

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Hopefully my issue with Global Construction is solved. Glad to see mod devs working together.

I did notice a performance decrease with KJRn. I will run a few more tests, but I'm getting stuttering. Runs for 5 seconds, pauses for a second.

It could be just that one vessel, I'll test it out later with other vessels. With KJRc or no KJR at all, it was running more smooth.

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1 hour ago, Paadwyn said:

Hopefully my issue with Global Construction is solved. Glad to see mod devs working together.

I did notice a performance decrease with KJRn. I will run a few more tests, but I'm getting stuttering. Runs for 5 seconds, pauses for a second.

It could be just that one vessel, I'll test it out later with other vessels. With KJRc or no KJR at all, it was running more smooth.

we can discuss this in the development thread if you want... there is a debug version of KJRn... try to use this one. it allows you to see the joints that are built and it allows you to turn them on and off via gui... then you can see the effects immediately





I've uploaded 4.0.3 (almost the same as 4.0.2 except for the debug version) ... and this time it's also released on CKAN

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Hi. Have some problem.

I launched a spaceplane into orbit, separated the probe, switched to the probe, performed the maneuver, and switched back to the spaceplane.

And after that the game showed it.



It says here: Error loading machine The device is not loaded due to lack of details: KJRAutoStrutHelper.

Thank you.

UPD: I switched straight from the flight through the map. If you first switch to Space Center, and then to the spaceplane, nothing happens. Everything works well.

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