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Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - Next

Rudolf Meier

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Tested all my crafts that were having issues with KJRn 4.0.9. (exploding parts on staging, uncontroled woobling in same cases worse than without KJR).
None of encountered issues exist with new release KJRn 4.0.10.

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1 hour ago, josselin2196 said:

seem to be incompatible with the new robotic part, all part who are not directly connected to the robotic part can not be moved: they act has fix object.

They are being "jointed". I had this with autostruts on IFR classic too.

A possible fix is to add some entries to the Exception configuration file.

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3 hours ago, josselin2196 said:

seem to be incompatible with the new robotic part, all part who are not directly connected to the robotic part can not be moved: they act has fix object.

show me this construction and I tell you why it is... or send me a craft file

by the way... nothing changed since 1.4 about how to detect a moving joint... nothing... if it worked in 1.4, it still works in 1.7.1 and also with the DLC robotic parts

in most cases when something is locked down, then it's because of the autostruts... but, who knows... maybe you built something that shows us a KJR bug... might be

Edited by Rudolf Meier
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3 minutes ago, Boamere said:

I don't own the DLC but I have heard other people complaining on reddit that their joints don't work with any version of KJR installed. 

For continuied KJR fork it is expected. You need to edit config file and add on exclude list following modules:
ModuleRoboticServoHinge, ModuleRoboticServoPiston, ModuleRoboticServoRotor and ModuleRoboticRotationServo.

KJR next should work, but I just have finished installing mods over KSP 1.7.1. so, I can't either confirm or deny anything yet. At least, weekend is just started, so hopefully mod developers would have some time to check everything and update as needed.

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1 minute ago, kcs123 said:

For continuied KJR fork it is expected. You need to edit config file and add on exclude list following modules:
ModuleRoboticServoHinge, ModuleRoboticServoPiston, ModuleRoboticServoRotor and ModuleRoboticRotationServo.

KJR next should work, but I just have finished installing mods over KSP 1.7.1. so, I can't either confirm or deny anything yet. At least, weekend is just started, so hopefully mod developers would have some time to check everything and update as needed.

Interesting, If I get the DLC I will do this, thanks.

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Correct, KJR Next should not touch those parts since it is detecting them (they use the same technique to mark them that is available sind 1.4) and this has been in every version of KJR Next from the beginning.

But autostruts... that's an other thing... I saw online presentations of the new DLC and they locked down their robotic parts with autostruts and didn't know what to do now or how to solve it...

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1 minute ago, Rudolf Meier said:

Correct, KJR Next should not touch those parts since it is detecting them (they use the same technique to mark them that is available sind 1.4) and this has been in every version of KJR Next from the beginning.

But autostruts... that's an other thing... I saw online presentations of the new DLC and they locked down their robotic parts with autostruts and didn't know what to do now or how to solve it...

Yep, I have messed with stock only parts and no any other mods. If you don't pay attention and use autostruts on each part, it can mess up craft a lot.
Sometimes it helps on woobling crafts, to use lock option on robotic parts and enable autostrut. Then previously woobling (variable wing in my case) part behave like it is attached to fuselage.

But it is clumsy to remove autostrut when you want to reposition robotic part and to unlock robotic part before attempting to move at all. If you forget it then it will either, not going to move or introduce kraken forces.

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Finally tested stock robotic parts with KJR next. It works without issues from KJR next mod. Only issue can come from stock autostrut feature.
Stock landing legs/gears still autostrut to heaviest craft part. Don't know how SQUAD have solved that it can work along with robotic parts.

Edited by kcs123
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15 hours ago, Rudolf Meier said:

show me this construction and I tell you why it is... or send me a craft file

by the way... nothing changed since 1.4 about how to detect a moving joint... nothing... if it worked in 1.4, it still works in 1.7.1 and also with the DLC robotic parts

in most cases when something is locked down, then it's because of the autostruts... but, who knows... maybe you built something that shows us a KJR bug... might be


16 hours ago, Lisias said:

They are being "jointed". I had this with autostruts on IFR classic too.

A possible fix is to add some entries to the Exception configuration file.


Finally find the answer.

When KJR installed, when i add robotic part to "old craft file", the parts not directly connected to robotic can't be moved but if I save the craft under a new name, it "update" and parts can move normaly .

When KJR not installed, robotic part added on "old craft file" work normaly.

I just have to rename all my craft save and end of problem.

Strange bug but well, it's not game breaking so no problem. And give me a good excuse to make csome leaning and organisation on my craft file.

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1 minute ago, josselin2196 said:

KJR Next last version on CKAN

can you try this with the debug version of KJR and turn on the visibility of all additional KJR joints? ... and then try to find out, if it looks differently? (turn off the default joints or green lines, the interesting ones are those with other colors... and autostruts) ... maybe this would give us more information about what happens

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Thanks to Lisias for pointing me towards KJRn, it's working perfectly for me right now with 1.7.1 stock + Making History. 

So is there any more feedback on whether KJRn works with Breaking Ground? I'd love to get my hands on some sweet hinges.. 


Edited by Ken.C
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as far as I know there is no problem with KJR Next and DLC or IR Next... all problems found so far were related to autostrut bugs, ksp bugs or one possible bug in IR next's translational joints (but only for one special configuration... this one is still under investigation and currently only a speculation)

but... no KJR Next problems found so far...

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10 minutes ago, Met said:

What is the difference between KJR Continued and KJR Next?

a lot... first it was just the version built to work with Infernal Robotics Next and fixed some bugs the original version had (it had big problems with robotic joints and those ships were highly unstable)... then the development continued and almost everything has been written new... the basic idea is still the same, but Next should have improved performance, provide better results of stabilization (joints are built differently and don't simply try to stabilize what is there at the moment but they try to stabililize everything according to the original plans of the ship)... and you have a debug version

the continued version is (as far as I know) still the same as the original one with minor updates...

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On 6/1/2019 at 8:05 AM, josselin2196 said:

Finally find the answer.

When KJR installed, when i add robotic part to "old craft file", the parts not directly connected to robotic can't be moved but if I save the craft under a new name, it "update" and parts can move normaly .

When KJR not installed, robotic part added on "old craft file" work normaly.

I just have to rename all my craft save and end of problem.

Strange bug but well, it's not game breaking so no problem. And give me a good excuse to make csome leaning and organisation on my craft file.

Thank you so much for an excellent solve! This problem was driving me nuts!

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On 6/6/2019 at 8:26 PM, Zesty said:

What is the difference between KJR Continued and KJR Next?

KJR/Next is a rewrite of the legacy KJR that fixed a lot of issues by plain removing the situations in which such misbehaviours would happen. It's also sensibly faster (to tell you the true, sometimes it's way faster!) than the legacy code - I got somewhat betwwen 20 to 30% of improvements on an artificially overloaded rig using KJRn - but, of course, your mileage may vary.

The legacy code, however, performed better when things are exploding. :D (no, this is not a joke. And this is something to think about when recording movies).

It's some time since I tested KJRn by the last time. And I think it's time to do another round I will work on it after I finish some unrelated duties. The previous testing run follows:


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3 hours ago, Lisias said:

The legacy code, however, performed better when things are exploding. :D (no, this is not a joke. And this is something to think about when recording movies).

Would be interesting to see if this is still the case... in case it is, I would start another PIP (performance improvement program) for the mod :) 

And a comparison with the autostruts... that would be very cool too...

Edited by Rudolf Meier
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6 hours ago, Zadfield said:

I can't seem to move a servo on a wing if I have two control surfaces on;  auto-struts are disabled. https://imgur.com/a/jiIgCDy

well... to be honest, I cannot imagine that... use the debug version, turn on the visualization of the additional joints and if you see one, then it's a bug... but I'm almost sure, that you won't find one

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