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The inspiration for the Kerbal race


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People always say kerbals are green because they mess around with radioactive stuff, the're photosynthetic/biowhatever and all that stuff (or so I read on youtube comments and alike), I just watch a couple episodes of one of my favorite cartoons, Invader Zim, and I can swear the kerbals are modeled after the Irken race, just made a bit more humanoid, or like zim with his costume, hehe. (IE no pink eyes, antenna etc.)

Google image search incase you don't know the show: https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=1007&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=2ZrNXIyjCJeO1fAPx_GhmAY&q=invader+zim+irken&oq=invader+zim+irken&gs_l=img.3...4116.4268..4588...0.0..0.0.0.......1....1..gws-wiz-img.-4L7yd5UvUc


You guys think i'm crazy?

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I had a running theory that Kerbals were a subterranean race which explained the dearth of surface features on Kerbin, their flat heads (minimises height for the tunnels), massive eyes and general comfort at being alone in a space capsule for decades at a time. The green I supposed was similar to the peacock's colourful plumage. Kerbals would be adapted to be really sensitive to the green of food underground* in limited light and therefore were naturally attracted to that colour.

* so the theory here carried on that as a mole like race that had taken to agriculture underground their natural diet was tubors, and that a hint of green was a sign of a healthy tubor. I clearly thought about this far too much**

** This theory then goes on to speculate about how they're secretly a hyper advanced race with replicator style fabrication technology and KSP is actually a game they let young kerbals play to educate and motivate them in the ways of science. That's how science from a munar soil sample can teach them how to build better rocket engines: they already knew how to build them, they just "unlocked" them for the child that proved themselves worthy. This head-cannon goes on, but I'll stop now...

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They're definitely photosynthetic. Which explains their absence of need for snacks, and why they try so hard to advance their solar power. Because if nature's doing it, it must be the right way, no?

I also think they are actually highly evolved plants which have converged on not only mimicking most of animals abilities but the bipedal shape. I believe they replicate by creating and planting seeds, which is why they need worlds with OK gravity. And also explains why they can survive falls just under terminal velocity without horrific injury - plant stem cell differentiation carries on until you are adult.

I, too, have thought about this far too much.

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