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I need help to get ready to go to the MUN and Minmus

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What kind of calculator do you recommend? I wanted a used rocket, because it has been pre-tested, and I know it works well, cause if it didn’t they wouldn’t tell me about the lifter. Also is there any basic station designs that I can use to put in orbit, lifter not needed but would prefer. Please post picture and part list in order in which you placed them.

Edited by Mikenike
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I do agree with Zethaan, may it be in a bit of a different way. Yes you can find tons and tons of information on this forum, on youtube and internet in general about...well any aspect of the game really. The one thing that got me really going when I started playing KSP a few years ago was to read up about all the things/numbers/words I didn't understand in KSP. Or in real life rocketry for that matter. Having a good basic understanding of orbital mechanics and general rocket science gives you a deeper understanding of how KSP works. I'm not a wizkid, nor a scientist or someone who understands and uses difficult formulaes. But I like to think that by now I understand hów things work in spacetravel. For a while I spend as much time playing KSP as reading about spacetravel, twr, isp, orbital mechanics etc...the works really. (The history, development and design features of the Saturn V rocket for example...interesting stuff!)

A normal calculator, you know to add, subtract, divide etc. Any calculator will do. You can calculate TWR for example, Dv even. Just do a search on google, or here on the forum to read on how to calculate several things. Mind that all real life rocket calculations work the same in KSP. It's a simulator after all.

On the matter of spacestatons: there is no basic station design. Anything that is in orbit could be a station. The design often depends on the purpose of the station. And even with a certain goal in mind the designs of spacestations may vary wildly. There is no basic formulae for that. Mind that building spacestations is one of the harder things you can do in KSP. You need to be confident in orbiting, rendezvousing, docking etc. Have patiente and be curious! Rocketscience isn't easy...KSP is not an easy game...very rewarding yes, but not easy.

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3 hours ago, Mikenike said:

What kind of calculator do you recommend?

Any scientific calculator will do.  Mainly, if you want to calculate delta-V, you'll need a calculator with a natural logarithm key.  The basic calculator program that comes with Windows is sufficient to the task, though you may (read:  probably will) want something a little easier to use.

3 hours ago, Mikenike said:

I wanted a used rocket, because it has been pre-tested, and I know it works well, cause if it didn’t they wouldn’t tell me about the lifter.

Try looking at KerbalX.  You cannot use any of the craft files directly, but having a look may give you some ideas.  Filter the output to pure stock lifters and don't bother with a search term; you may want to go in order of size, but either way, there are a lot of ideas to be had there.

Alternatively, take a look at the Mission Reports Forum.  Look for Mun missions--there are many--and see what you can find there.  You can find ideas even in places where it does not appear to be a straightforward Mun landing mission.  For example, there a lot of reports that are submissions for the Elcano Challenge, which is a rover circumnavigation challenge.  The rover mission itself is not what you want, but the rocket to deliver the rover (which is just a special class of lander) and the rocket to return the kerbals after the mission is completed will likely provide insight.

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I would say that at this stage, what OP needs more then calculator is getting handle on controls and orbital mechanics. Lots of supposedly counterintuitive properties of spaceflight can actually become quite familiar with experience, and instinctive feeling of something being wrong is something you can't calculate yet it saved me many times. So my advice would be – do it like real astronauts, in incremental steaps.  Play around in orbit with tasks you can handle easier (or fail with less pain, which will inevitably happen) until you learn enough to pull off Mun orbit and then landing. Playing with orbits, chasing sattelites, doing EVA's, building stations - there is a lot to do.

One particular thing that I always recomend is to learn rendezvous and docking. Tanker or rescue ship can get one from many sticky situatiuons, pretty much everything except really hard landing. Yes, it's one of the hardest things to do, but that is why you want to practice it in easy steps, at familiar Kerbin orbit and not in real distress.

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1 minute ago, Mikenike said:

OK, I got it, now if you guys could provide me with some how to orbit tricks that would be great!

Change inclination at the lowest velocity. The outermost moons are great for this.

Assists: To slow down, pass in front of the body, to speed up pass behind the body, relative to retrograde orbit.

Try to breathe normally as much as possible.

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For the Mun no inclination change is required but due to the fairly high gravity compared to Minmus, an Apollo mission is worthwhile and beneficial long term if you're playing in career or science mode if you have learned to dock. This means using a 'disposable' lander to dock with a command module after reaching the surface (leaving a probe core, solar panels and antenna on all the disposable stages for future contracts and even rescue missions, propellant permitting).

For Minmus I get into Kerbin orbit, select Minmus as a target in map view and plan an encounter around the ascending (An) or descending (Dn) node to negate the inclination change*.

* An and Dn are the intersection points in your orbit relative to your target.

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2 hours ago, Mikenike said:

How do I set a target on xbox version?


In cursor or default preset, in map mode, you point your cursor at the object in question then select it. You should get two buttons: focus object, or 'set as target'.


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Guys, some comments have been removed.  Let's remember we're here to help each other, and we need to respect each other's comments, both questions and answers.  If we don't like one, just choose to ignore it. 

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