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[1.12.1] JNSQ [0.10.0] [23 Sept 2021]


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2 hours ago, OhioBob said:

Did your scans show the Mohole anomaly at the north pole? 

Yes actually. I found two anomalies on Krel during one of my debug playthroughs, and I thought I saw a PQSCity object being created in krel.body.log alongside Monolith01. I'll try to cut together that video today. However, my most recent attempt at testing (where I copied Krel into a stock install orbiting Kerbin) it didn't appear in the log.


That's the object I'm trying to mark with a waypoint. I didn't actually see anything there, but I think the stock object to help folks locate the Mohole is just an invisible or possibly really tiny PQSCity item.

I think you can remove this anomaly by blacklisting PQSCity or PQSCity2 objects, in addition to the ones already blacklisted in Krel's configuration. You can always add back a randolith.

Speaking of that Krel copy test, I found that I didn't run into wheel friction issues or flag planting issues in the copy I made. This was on the same Bleeding Edge Kopernicus on KSP 1.10.1. However, there were no Breaking Ground objects either, and I think that's because I didn't copy all of the plugins over. I seem to remember reading that MyRocksAreBiggerThanYours.dll is what allows people to add those objects.

Edited by Gordon Fecyk
Clarification on what might be at stock Moho
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22 minutes ago, Quoniam Kerman said:

If memory serves, in Kop Bleeding Edge, MyRocksAreBigerThanYours is obsolete. So if you kept it in your 1.10.1 JNSQ install, there might be an issue there.

I don't recall where I read it, but that's my understanding as well.  It's now built into Kopernicus.


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1 hour ago, Quoniam Kerman said:

If memory serves, in Kop Bleeding Edge, MyRocksAreBigerThanYours is obsolete.

Hm... now that would've been nice to know. I'll return in a bit with some testing.

[Later] OK first off, the anomaly at the north pole is now no longer showing up on KerbNet, even with the RoveMate probe core that has 100% detection, so it seems this too was resolved with Kopernicus BE 46 released, now six days ago, this was fixed. This explains why I thought I saw a Mohole PQSCity object in the Krel log; it was there with releases 20 and 28, but not any more.

Second, I'm still having traction issues on some surfaces, and the odd flag behavior triggers when an EVA loses traction. The flag gets planted where the landed EVA last had 'valid' traction on the surface. However, this is comparably minor and can be worked around with a quick save and quick load, much like the wheel traction problem.

I can confirm though, that Breaking Ground objects still appear at the north pole and they don't kill EVAs anymore. They didn't appear in my hack job Krel above stock Kerbin because the saved game's random seed was different for those.

Now I just need to figure out why my hack job Krel doesn't exhibit this traction problem. I have most of the same add-ons that impact physics in both installations except for World Stabilizer, which might also not be needed anymore. More testing...

[Another update] I'm at a loss as to what plugin or another might be messing with surface traction at this point. 

So I've removed MyRocksAreBiggerThanYours.dll from JNSQ Plugins but have not otherwise altered the JNSQ installation. I've also removed World Stabilizer for the moment but that add-on's saved many a craft so I'll want to put it back in eventually. Are there any other add-ons or plugins that may be interfering with surface friction?

I've inserted my current installation's GameData here. While it is in Program Files, I've granted Modify to non-admins so the game has read/write access here. I'll also spoiler the list of active plugin DLLs separately.

Let me make something perfectly clear: JNSQ is not tested or supported on KSP 1.10.1 and Kopernicus BE. I get that, so I'm not asking for support from Team Galileo. I'm right now just looking for something that might be obviously wrong at a glance. I will compile a lot more testing results before posting issues to any GitHub repository.

The install folder's GameData:


C:\Program Files\Kerbal Space Program\JNSQ 1.10.1-1\GameData>dir
 Volume in drive C is OS
 Volume Serial Number is C6FB-64FB

 Directory of C:\Program Files\Kerbal Space Program\JNSQ 1.10.1-1\GameData

11/21/2020  19:21    <DIR>          .
11/21/2020  19:21    <DIR>          ..
08/23/2020  13:55    <DIR>          000_ClickThroughBlocker
08/23/2020  13:55    <DIR>          000_USITools
08/23/2020  13:55    <DIR>          001_ToolbarControl
08/23/2020  13:55    <DIR>          BonVoyage
08/23/2020  13:55    <DIR>          CommunityTechTree
08/23/2020  08:56    <DIR>          DistantObject
08/29/2020  05:26    <DIR>          EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
08/23/2020  13:55    <DIR>          EVAStruts
08/23/2020  13:55    <DIR>          EVATransfer
08/29/2020  06:30    <DIR>          ExplodiumBreathingEngines
08/23/2020  13:51    <DIR>          FerramAerospaceResearch
08/23/2020  13:54    <DIR>          Firespitter
08/23/2020  08:28    <DIR>          JNSQ
08/23/2020  08:28    <DIR>          JNSQCompetitors
08/23/2020  13:55    <DIR>          JX2Antenna
08/23/2020  13:52    <DIR>          KanadianDictionary
11/21/2020  19:26    <DIR>          KerbalEngineer
11/16/2020  19:52    <DIR>          Kopernicus
08/23/2020  13:55    <DIR>          MemGraph
11/16/2020  19:52    <DIR>          ModularFlightIntegrator
08/23/2020  07:58           141,312 ModuleManager.4.1.4.dll
11/21/2020  19:21         5,062,953 ModuleManager.ConfigCache
11/21/2020  19:21           395,995 ModuleManager.ConfigSHA
11/21/2020  19:21             9,128 ModuleManager.Physics
11/21/2020  19:21            79,844 ModuleManager.TechTree
08/23/2020  07:58               719 ModuleManagerLicense.md
08/23/2020  13:54    <DIR>          OSMods_MunPocketEdition
08/23/2020  13:55    <DIR>          RealPlume
08/23/2020  13:55    <DIR>          RealPlume-Stock
08/23/2020  13:54    <DIR>          ReentryParticleEffect
08/23/2020  13:55    <DIR>          SCANsat
08/23/2020  15:13    <DIR>          scatterer
08/23/2020  13:55    <DIR>          SmokeScreen
08/23/2020  07:53    <DIR>          Squad
08/23/2020  07:53    <DIR>          SquadExpansion
08/23/2020  13:55    <DIR>          TextureReplacer
08/23/2020  08:56    <DIR>          TriggerTech
08/23/2020  13:54    <DIR>          UmbraSpaceIndustries
08/23/2020  13:55    <DIR>          UnKerballedStart
               6 File(s)      5,689,951 bytes
              35 Dir(s)  639,315,636,224 bytes free

C:\Program Files\Kerbal Space Program\JNSQ 1.10.1-1\GameData>

The loaded plugins:



[LOG 19:21:30.275] Log started at 2020-11-21 19:21:30.275
[LOG 19:21:30.275] Pre patch init
[LOG 19:21:30.574] compiling list of loaded mods...
Mod DLLs found:
  Name                                    Assembly Version         Assembly File Version    KSPAssembly Version      SHA256

  Assembly-CSharp                                         1.10                     535f53fe218e045b57a9d56b78878c944261cf2a4a20b975b19ea8f58c423ec6
  ModuleManager                                           2.5                      c3a771f61e578ac9e9d69ac642ddd98dde19de8e26635266876748c86b829d81
  ClickThroughBlocker                                     1.8                      fd40d337a20393b883d8aacd5b38372ea994767ba145863a97805ac48f28434a
  USITools                                                                         b617c03ebe963f15de26965c2c2fda694901674253793799c7f25ea855f582e8
  ToolbarControl                                          1.0                      19de6e9b6754da5e13aa557ccda4cc740eadc8186d77fdce167f09edab5814b3
  BonVoyage                                                                        5ead9cad1fdd327da74a1ee77fdcd2ea0aad21ddbb609786fc4bc7458b083fc5
  DistantObject                                           2.0                      a39c07af0fdef24f12089c3444af14f3e7d3b713bf56afc0f93929eafcc76882
  Atmosphere                                                                       59085c64606a404481468f0c19b2dbea2b9c5b9673fc92082531fc21a60cd83d
  EVEManager                                                                       e6dc5a2a6b476c9a6bbe3f497ad95a83779d78a2448badd30b45a0934d6b90af
  PartFX                                                                           fade319b5d2c6f3923f7c30c9cbb64724f550f30a1230b43ac142cb8319326d9
  PQSManager                                                                       b99ec86277e1f5483bd32d4acd305c1709192310c6137da3150c2a62e3bc97d5
  ShaderLoader                                                                     34a43fb2f5eb79741d304e95b54c84e24dc5f173b5f2266592b59c7747720228
  Terrain                                                                          bbf1851cb08bfb2c7d276d2864d473cba95e052782d404741f12fbbfdbf84596
  TextureConfig                                                                    fd090ffba9c54347354c403bf13fd177ee572579528ce48f77d8662153b8a471
  Utils                                                                            0b7612364b15193ff649320744e3783ca921915b7d0e37ca7b0a08fdac7d7771
  _BuildManager                                                                    3ac87772d74a87c564c05349cae6349a51763cdd969462396b9ff10438a4e176
  EVAStruts                                                                        727fe44de6f107eaa357e63025ee7bcab288a8c5d708fde3d8351c3e370e5989
  EVATransfer                                                                      a8dc0a6cf17651628896421a15a0b74fcbba56c85bf806b198124c6bf512d75a
  ModularFlightIntegrator                                 1.0                      f3b20efc76b5802809588e282ef615e8cc992a0493d0bc301fb128df4488f800
  FerramAerospaceResearch                             0.15                     ffdaa8621520aca6391d4ee14186011e7b278a3c7403b160349c21fcc5c3510b
  ferramGraph                                                                      f6ba39572f21a143585ff2282e8182b7245a4511ae416478025813233654f9b5
  Scale_Redist                                                                     dab723459654573f4eb11ba5672856d616a683ab30d22547ee0f6edc91b507a8
  Firespitter                             7.3.7240.11089           7.3.7240.11089                                    f239ad8a4ba3ce7a796cd5a6bd037b3d263e01ab8c48ba21aea75e2826abf462
  Kopernicus.Parser                                       1.0                      57b99b22cfbabaef975920e333d639924aef109c2a3e09bb211393805dfcf0d3
  Kronometer                                              1.0                      adcf0717f93c8348c26434ef35cf0461300b12612ef91cf09273774946ba02b9
  SigmaTweakChutes                                        1.0                      b704eba33e3d42d7bb5f679e1451e6f0084df8d709ae6e186b1c6d0551df1d5d
  Sigma88LoadingScreens                                   1.0                      02257d9545b650e0c61451a5e29ba9ec8c0fe42eddc5229f4daca4bd80d6b1ff
  KerbalEngineer                                                                   53314462de70eaafc2499e79a9a172910efeca11479003f6159bc1c1fe2b0dff
  KerbalEngineer.Unity                                                             3459e15ec058627ea2225f1a102dcd7819c4751531c13294d3d96e6c81d20e60
  Kopernicus                                              1.0                      7fa1448e2ddb3aa342af6efad35b4f3b01eadf47ab9d484a169cbe7728d4b7ac
  Kopernicus.Parser                                       1.0                      57b99b22cfbabaef975920e333d639924aef109c2a3e09bb211393805dfcf0d3
  MemGraph                                                                         1e8432e12258aa454616fa7fd1d5f1c54b29d38b4e91b4f49b06a69dba542360
  ReentryParticleEffect                                                            fec95826d747ec11c2ede8cec3cb9f059ae0a7ccce2b123f3b1354a5d5f2ae5a
  SCANsat                                               1.8                      0ffcb7ad7ced8b2ab93e9362dc7230170eff06ce5e6bed061947abb201a7311a
  SCANsat.Unity                                                                  cf801a8a9b1712fa30b6c2437d558e6d42b66c06cb9dc4d7300a247f7ea5c053
  scatterer                                                                        bfd041ce82bccf20ae5ab6e07ab9d6d72f29fdb9dbffd844857db9bf1bb4195a
  SmokeScreen                                                                      4d8341090a27d3cd118121d6226ddad877dfc1d829b2d8679241adfa5dacc91e
  KSPSteamCtrlr                                                                  1675fa4fcb61d014eb1babe7eed703e7f76a1008537ee57ca7cec65cd9ff94ac
  TextureReplacer                                                            59f7283e6384976dfa332169e8684ea0d0a2d54c867ded67ab0f994fff584e69
  KerbalAlarmClock                                                               87bd9654cf33efc3fda473d91a792feabaf072c8bd569effe15330a17434b45c
  TransferWindowPlanner                                                            d04399e7fdbd43d98a51bfc008df304a72540cf6c0af65d853a3c4a76e52ccc3
Non-DLL mods added (:FOR[xxx]):
Mods by directory (sub directories of GameData):
Mods added by assemblies:

[LOG 19:21:30.595] Extracting patches

I need to compile a lot more information before actually submitting a proper issue to R-T-B, because there's one thing that's bugging me. If I copy Krel to a stock installation of KSP 1.10.1 with Kopernicus BE and make it a moon of stock Kerbin, I do not get the traction problem. Here's that install's GameData and loaded plugins:


C:\Program Files\Kerbal Space Program\KSP 1.10.1\GameData>dir
 Volume in drive C is OS
 Volume Serial Number is C6FB-64FB

 Directory of C:\Program Files\Kerbal Space Program\KSP 1.10.1\GameData

11/21/2020  19:37    <DIR>          .
11/21/2020  19:37    <DIR>          ..
11/21/2020  09:06    <DIR>          BonVoyage
07/03/2020  20:19    <DIR>          EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
11/21/2020  19:37    <DIR>          ExplodiumBreathingEngines
07/03/2020  19:55    <DIR>          FerramAerospaceResearch
11/21/2020  13:49    <DIR>          JNSQ
11/21/2020  19:37    <DIR>          KerbalEngineer
11/21/2020  13:14    <DIR>          Kopernicus
11/21/2020  13:14    <DIR>          ModularFlightIntegrator
07/03/2020  19:53           141,824 ModuleManager.4.1.3.dll
11/21/2020  19:37         3,504,168 ModuleManager.ConfigCache
11/21/2020  19:37           146,698 ModuleManager.ConfigSHA
11/21/2020  19:37             9,129 ModuleManager.Physics
11/21/2020  19:37            28,994 ModuleManager.TechTree
07/03/2020  20:15    <DIR>          scatterer
07/03/2020  19:48    <DIR>          Squad
07/03/2020  19:48    <DIR>          SquadExpansion
07/03/2020  20:19    <DIR>          StockVisualEnhancements
08/01/2020  04:51    <DIR>          TriggerTech
               5 File(s)      3,830,813 bytes
              15 Dir(s)  639,319,035,904 bytes free

C:\Program Files\Kerbal Space Program\KSP 1.10.1\GameData>


Mod DLLs found:
  Name                                    Assembly Version         Assembly File Version    KSPAssembly Version      SHA256

  Assembly-CSharp                                         1.10                     535f53fe218e045b57a9d56b78878c944261cf2a4a20b975b19ea8f58c423ec6
  ModuleManager                                           2.5                      4ec9762d7c2e5118382fca92bf833caa547444a03f178dad005742ddd47b59ed
  BonVoyage                                                                        5ead9cad1fdd327da74a1ee77fdcd2ea0aad21ddbb609786fc4bc7458b083fc5
  Atmosphere                                                                       59085c64606a404481468f0c19b2dbea2b9c5b9673fc92082531fc21a60cd83d
  CityLights                                                                       c4f41ca2e1b3fa6c661b66dfd13661173911f2000185365266185fc076cc7ae3
  EVEManager                                                                       e6dc5a2a6b476c9a6bbe3f497ad95a83779d78a2448badd30b45a0934d6b90af
  PartFX                                                                           fade319b5d2c6f3923f7c30c9cbb64724f550f30a1230b43ac142cb8319326d9
  PQSManager                                                                       b99ec86277e1f5483bd32d4acd305c1709192310c6137da3150c2a62e3bc97d5
  ShaderLoader                                                                     34a43fb2f5eb79741d304e95b54c84e24dc5f173b5f2266592b59c7747720228
  Terrain                                                                          bbf1851cb08bfb2c7d276d2864d473cba95e052782d404741f12fbbfdbf84596
  TextureConfig                                                                    fd090ffba9c54347354c403bf13fd177ee572579528ce48f77d8662153b8a471
  Utils                                                                            0b7612364b15193ff649320744e3783ca921915b7d0e37ca7b0a08fdac7d7771
  _BuildManager                                                                    3ac87772d74a87c564c05349cae6349a51763cdd969462396b9ff10438a4e176
  ModularFlightIntegrator                                 1.0                      f3b20efc76b5802809588e282ef615e8cc992a0493d0bc301fb128df4488f800
  FerramAerospaceResearch                             0.15                     ffdaa8621520aca6391d4ee14186011e7b278a3c7403b160349c21fcc5c3510b
  ferramGraph                                                                      f6ba39572f21a143585ff2282e8182b7245a4511ae416478025813233654f9b5
  Scale_Redist                                                                     dab723459654573f4eb11ba5672856d616a683ab30d22547ee0f6edc91b507a8
  KerbalEngineer                                                                   53314462de70eaafc2499e79a9a172910efeca11479003f6159bc1c1fe2b0dff
  KerbalEngineer.Unity                                                             3459e15ec058627ea2225f1a102dcd7819c4751531c13294d3d96e6c81d20e60
  Kopernicus.Parser                                       1.0                      4f70a65922c7a54fd0cc0de6edece1d32dd43cdcb10b07719d9be5b72473907c
  Kopernicus                                              1.0                      7fa1448e2ddb3aa342af6efad35b4f3b01eadf47ab9d484a169cbe7728d4b7ac
  scatterer                                                                        768b9f516b2793a4b305235f2fcc348ea56ef2cf553c37d14194d581428e855f
  KSPSteamCtrlr                                                                  1675fa4fcb61d014eb1babe7eed703e7f76a1008537ee57ca7cec65cd9ff94ac
  KerbalAlarmClock                                                               87bd9654cf33efc3fda473d91a792feabaf072c8bd569effe15330a17434b45c
  TransferWindowPlanner                                                            d04399e7fdbd43d98a51bfc008df304a72540cf6c0af65d853a3c4a76e52ccc3
Non-DLL mods added (:FOR[xxx]):
Mods by directory (sub directories of GameData):
Mods added by assemblies:

That "JNSQ" folder only contains Krel and its needed models and textures. No plugins.

This being posted, I'll continue the playthrough of Lindor's moons and post new episodes. I think subsequent episodes are still doable in light of traction issues.

Edited by Gordon Fecyk
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I took a partial tour of the Joolian system the other day. Gotta say I am still stunned by its majesty.



Swinging around Jool on entry, looking for a parking spot.


A powered gravity brake at Tylo.


Whittling the orbit down with 2 flybys of Laythe and one at Vall.


On the last and closest pass of Jool at just over 700km, we frolicked across the trace gasses in the upper atmosphere. 


Finally settled into a polar orbit over Laythe


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2 hours ago, eberkain said:

I find that I have to really pack on the batteries for a satellite to make it through the shadow time at Kerbin during the early game.  Should a patch to boost battery capacity be considered? 

I've never found it to be a problem, nor has anyone else reported it as an issue.  An 100 km equatorial orbit around Kerbin should place a satellite in darkness for about 18 minutes in JNSQ and a little under 11 minutes in stock.  I certainly don't see that as anything excessive or unmanageable.  Players have also been using up-scaled solar systems for years and I've never heard this described as a problem before.  You can certainly patch batteries yourself if you feel it necessary, but I see no need to do so for JNSQ.

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Looks like the save has a fault

So my Krel mission going south (north?) seems to be narrowed down to the save file.

I receive log file entries whenever the wheels lose traction, and this is not restricted to the north pole, or for that matter, restricted to Krel as I've observed this on Aden as well:

[LOG 11:22:34.494] Part wheelMed exited collision with Krel Yp1222222220, but it wasn't in collision count list!
[LOG 11:22:36.060] Part wheelMed exited collision with Krel Yp1222222220, but it wasn't in collision count list!
[LOG 11:22:37.644] Part wheelMed exited collision with Krel Yp1222222220, but it wasn't in collision count list!

I've yet to determine a cause. But I added every add-on one at a time except for Environmental Visual Enhancements, and I'm unable to reproduce the problem with a new save. I can only do it with this save so far.

It might be that this save is a little long in the tooth and it was imported over two KSP versions. I found at least one stock bug post:

This is similar to what I've experienced on Krel, and on Aden during initial tests. This is happening with new rovers built from scratch and cheated to the exact same location as affected ones. EVAs still explode in transitions between sections of terrain affected by this, though strangely they aren't affected if they walk between transitions. Then they just start skating until they hit a different section of terrain, and I lose control unless I can cheat them a few metres above their position.

So my solution seems to be to start a new game and cheat the science back to my current level, unless I can clear or reset a setting in my current save. Maybe clearing a seed value?

[More updates] After trying and failing to revert this save to an earlier version, and also trying and failing to migrate all of the launched craft into another save using Ship Save Splicer (which would lock up the main menu of all things), I poked around the remaining rovers I have scattered around the system. I ran into similar log entries with the rover I left on Pol, but it didn't lose traction. It was also using the Making History retractable wheels though. The other rovers seemed to work, mind you I didn't leave a rover on Edna. Looks like all I can do is push onwards.

If it helps, it looks like new saves on 1.10.1 will be fine. It's just this save that's migrated across three KSP versions might have a few issues.

Edited by Gordon Fecyk
More testing, other attempts at fixes
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15 hours ago, eberkain said:

Where would I find the numbers for the high/low flying and high/low space cutoffs for each planet?  Is it a flat % of the SOI and atmo height?  I do not see it in the CelestialBodies.pdf or the wonderful DeltaV map. 

The only place to look up the numbers is in the configs.  However, to make it easy I list them below (altitudes are in meters).  The space threshold is simply 1/2 the body radius, except for the three potatoroid moons, where it's 1/2*R+5000.  The flying threshold follows a more complex formula that's based on aerodynamic conditions.

  Flying Altitude Space Altitude
  Threshold Threshold
Sun 500,000 3,000,000,000
Moho n/a 325,000
Eve 27,000 1,025,000
Gilly n/a 20,000
Kerbin 21,000 800,000
Mun n/a 200,000
Minmus n/a 80,000
Duna 10,000 400,000
Ike n/a 105,000
Edna n/a 130,000
Dak n/a 15,000
Dres n/a 180,000
Jool 285,000 7,000,000
Laythe 23,000 550,000
Vall n/a 275,000
Tylo 11,000 450,000
Bop n/a 95,000
Pol n/a 65,000
Lindor 230,000 4,000,000
Krel n/a 75,000
Aden n/a 150,000
Huygen 75,000 335,000
Riga 10,000 375,000
Talos n/a 250,000
Eeloo 10,000 300,000
Celes n/a 100,000
Tam n/a 10,000
Hammek n/a 225,000
Nara 85,000 1,800,000
Amos n/a 160,000
Enon n/a 350,000
Prax n/a 55,000


Edited by OhioBob
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19 minutes ago, OhioBob said:

The only place to look up the numbers is in the configs.  However, to make it easy I list them below (altitudes are in meters).  The space threshold is simply 1/2 the body radius, except for the three potatoroid moons, where it's 1/2*R+5000.  The flying threshold follows a more complex formula that's based on aerodynamic conditions.

  Flying Altitude Space Altitude
  Threshold Threshold
Sun 500,000 3,000,000,000
Moho n/a 325,000
Eve 27,000 1,025,000
Gilly n/a 20,000
Kerbin 21,000 800,000
Mun n/a 200,000
Minmus n/a 80,000
Duna 10,000 400,000
Ike n/a 105,000
Edna n/a 130,000
Dak n/a 15,000
Dres n/a 180,000
Jool 285,000 7,000,000
Laythe 23,000 550,000
Vall n/a 275,000
Tylo 11,000 450,000
Bop n/a 95,000
Pol n/a 65,000
Lindor 230,000 4,000,000
Krel n/a 75,000
Aden n/a 150,000
Huygen 75,000 335,000
Riga 10,000 375,000
Talos n/a 250,000
Eeloo 10,000 300,000
Celes n/a 100,000
Tam n/a 10,000
Hammek n/a 225,000
Nara 85,000 1,800,000
Amos n/a 160,000
Enon n/a 350,000
Prax n/a 55,000


Thank you! 

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Does anybody know of any good contract packs that mesh well with JNSQ in 1.1? I'm mainly looking for experimental plane and satellite packs but any good suggestions are welcome. I'm looking to do a heavily modded game soon that'll  feature Nertea's FFT, tarsier, and tak life support. Thankyou all and thankyou to the people that've brought us JNSQ

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I'm experiencing a bit of an issue, I suspect it is related to Scatterer but I couldn't find any relevant information on the scatterer thread. Basically, when I load the game or even when I reload a save, oceans on Kerbin (and maybe other oceanic planets as well, I haven't really checked) are invisible. They are still physically present but the surface is just invisible and I can see the ocean floor. The problem can be fixed (but only once, see edit below) by opening the scatterer menu and clicking the "rebuild ocean" button.  I'm using the latest build of R-T-B's Kopernicus on version 1.10, I've tried older versions of Scatterer as well but it doesn't seem to do anything. If anyone has an idea of how I could fix this permanently it'd be greatly appreciated.

I understand that JNSQ doesn't officially support 1.10 but since a lot of people seem to be using it without any issues I'm just wondering what I did wrong

Here are some screenshots https://imgur.com/a/wQLMfv6

Edit : after doing some more digging I discovered that using the rebuild ocean button was not something to do when using JNSQ and that it could explain why I was only able to do it once. I'm currently reinstalling both JNSQ and scatterer as I've done in the past, but since it's something I have already tried in the past I have a feeling it won't be enough to fix the issue.


Edited by lBoBl
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On 11/24/2020 at 10:38 AM, Big Katz said:

Does anybody know of any good contract packs that mesh well with JNSQ in 1.1? I'm mainly looking for experimental plane and satellite packs but any good suggestions are welcome. I'm looking to do a heavily modded game soon that'll  feature Nertea's FFT, tarsier, and tak life support. Thankyou all and thankyou to the people that've brought us JNSQ

You should check the Career Evolution contract pack. Its heavily outdated, but it seems to be working fine with KSP 1.10.1, JNSQ, Kerbalism & Probes Before Crew + bunch of other mods. I'm at super early stages of my career, but so far there haven't been any issues with it. Also SpaceTux & Career Exploration has some nice contracts.

I like to have my career heavily focused on unkerballed flights early days of my career & with this contract setup + Kerbal Konstruction Mod I've got exactly what I wanted, finally!


2 hours ago, lBoBl said:

I understand that JNSQ doesn't officially support 1.10 but since a lot of people seem to be using it without any issues I'm just wondering what I did wrong

Here are some screenshots https://imgur.com/a/wQLMfv6


I had similar issue with JNSQ when I played it in 1.9.1. Got fixed by removing Astronomer's Visuals Pack (AVP).  Since I removed AVP I've never had that issue again, not even with 1.10.1 KSP version while playing with JSNQ. Hope this helps you or gives at least some directions to look at your issue.

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JNSQ + FAR  = how do you survive reentry from Mun?  I managed to get it to work at 37km pe and constantly bumping the controls different directions.  The pod would just vaporize the instant the heat meter showed up with me hitting the controls to distribute the heat around.  It also burned through 495 of the 500 ablator on a 1.875heat shield.  I tried 30 km and couldn't survive no matter what i tried.  Anything higher than 37 will take multiple passes to come down.  I am using parts from Restock.  I should unlock the 3 man pod soon and will give that a shot.  Oh, and I can't get the round pods to survive from even LKO return. 

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1 hour ago, R-T-B said:

This is indeed the case.

Obviously at some point we will need to remove MyRocksAreBiggerThanYours from JNSQ and other planet packs that use it.  But in the meantime, will having both MyRocksAreBiggerThanYours and the latest Kopernicus (1.9.1-14 or BE) installed at the same time cause any problems?  If so, we may need to put out a notice instructing players to delete it.


Edited by OhioBob
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3 hours ago, OhioBob said:

Obviously at some point we will need to remove MyRocksAreBiggerThanYours from JNSQ and other planet packs that use it.  But in the meantime, will having both MyRocksAreBiggerThanYours and the latest Kopernicus (1.9.1-14 or BE) installed at the same time cause any problems?  If so, we may need to put out a notice instructing players to delete it.


It didn't when I tested with it, but I only tested some basic scenarios like ensuring they didn't catastrophically fail.  I don't honestly know for sure, especially in regards to ROCs.  It's probably best to delete it.

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16 hours ago, eberkain said:

JNSQ + FAR  = how do you survive reentry from Mun?  I managed to get it to work at 37km pe and constantly bumping the controls different directions.  The pod would just vaporize the instant the heat meter showed up with me hitting the controls to distribute the heat around.  It also burned through 495 of the 500 ablator on a 1.875heat shield.

Really? At least on KSP 1.8.1 and using the Lindor V craft, I survived re-entry handily, using the PE you described. Even brought a Mk1 pod home from Minmus safely.

Check out the JNSQ Space Race part 11 to see if there's something different you're doing. I jumped the playback to the re-entry sequences. I'll also try replaying this mission shortly, just to make sure nothing changed in 1.10.1.

[Update] Just replayed the mission with that craft on normal difficulty. No issues, and only launched the craft with 250 / 500 ablator to save on mass. It still had a little left.

By any chance were you attempting a retrograde re-entry? I almost made that mistake once as you see in the video.

Edited by Gordon Fecyk
Test result
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16 hours ago, OhioBob said:

Obviously at some point we will need to remove MyRocksAreBiggerThanYours from JNSQ and other planet packs that use it.  But in the meantime, will having both MyRocksAreBiggerThanYours and the latest Kopernicus (1.9.1-14 or BE) installed at the same time cause any problems?  If so, we may need to put out a notice instructing players to delete it.

I'm using Kopernicus BE and JNSQ with MyRocksAreBiggerThanYours  on KSP 1.10.1 and have been able to interact normally with surface features on Kerbin and the Mun, without any apparent issues.

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39 minutes ago, eberkain said:

I apparently recieve the full value of a ROC while using the light scanning arm.  Not sure if this is intended or a bug.


Looks like you may have intended this for Kerbalism devs?

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