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KSP Store Broken?


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I'm trying to purchase the Breaking Ground expansion direct download from the KSP store. Once I have logged in and selected the expansion to purchase, I am redirected to the payment page, which appears to be broken. I am met with a whole load of empty fields to enter my address and payment details etc, but not one single prompt to enlighten me as to which data goes in which field. I've tried a few combinations without any success. Is something going on with the store? Has anyone had a similar issue? I am very keen to install the expansion before starting a new game tomorrow...

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I've been having the exact same issue today, even tried using the page source to figure out the correct info for each box(they are labeled there).  Each time I click submit I get kicked back to the same screen with all the fields blank and no new information or warnings.  I thought I was taking crazy pills, but it's the same on 5 browsers across 3 OS.  Something is busted, it's a shame because like, I want to give them my money and they apparently don't want to take it.

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