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Minmus, kind of?


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So, the "in" thing to do is go land on Minmus. No problem right? Well not quite... You see, all my missions go just like this: "Lets see if THIS rocket design works!" "It doesn't spontaneously combust, Lets orbit!" "Time to make 'dat orbit perfect" "You know what? This is an experimental rocket, and I've never been NEAR Minmus, let alone orbit it... Let's Orbit it with this rocket that may or may not work!" and history was made... Kind of! You see I DID make a perfect (within a few hundred meters) orbit around Minmus and "Landed" too. But I didn't. You see after I made the perfect orbit, I knew i wanted to keep it like that. So what I did was take Bill on a mission to land. Because of its 3-man pod, I could still control it without him. So out went bill after I made a 45,000 to 45,000 orbit to a 45,000 to 7,000 orbit. He jumped out, shoved on his jet-pack, and descended into the most unknown territory for me. Minmus. Everything went well and i was very close to landing. just as I landed I spammed the F1 button to make sure i got a picture. Turns out I took so many I could probably make a movie with them. Anyways I landed and explored the terrain. After exploring I decided to test out the gravity with my jet-pack. It was the most fun Bill has ever had! After a few "minmutes" (get it like minmus minutes?) I decided I wanted to send a rescue pod for him. Unfortunately Bill decided to land in the worst possible spot; on top of a mountain extremely far away from any lakes for the pod to land in. So, I had to move. Far. And after a long time I got very greedy with my speed. Then, POOF! Bill was dead. Kind of? Yes! You see, the reason why the thread is called "Minmus, kind of?" is because I never used my regular save to land on Minmus! So actually, I landed on Minmus on a copied save of my regular file. So on my regular file Bill is still there, and the orbit is still perfect... It's like nothing even happened...

So there you go, I hope I entertained you and I finally let out all the excitement of landing through this thread.


(Images open in a new tab)

My orbit, MINE!


My craft:


Bill made it, kind of...


Edited by Schweehog
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oddly enough, getting into minmums orbit, and landing on it, took me less time, and is still today far easier for me, then going to mun.

no idea.


First thing I did when I got the paid version was to land on minmus and come back.

That was 3 weeks ago.

Until this day, I haven't yet been able to safely land on the mun.

I tought minmus was to be harder?

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Grats of the mission!

Bob says to Bill, "Why are you screaming now? We have perfect orbit?"

Bill, "You would not believe the dream I just had!"

@robly18 Minmus is actually the easier one to land on. It takes a little bit more fuel to get out there, but not a whole lot. The greater challenge is knowing how to maneuver your rocket to get a proper capture since Minmus is on the non parallel orbital trajectory. Plus the distance out makes it take a bit more planning to ensure an efficient interception. Moon gravity means you also need to keep a constant control burn to prevent an overspeed landing. Minmus can land with just the pulse thrusts.

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