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Rescale ΔV maps


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I read somewhere that to find the needed ΔV you multiply the charted number by √[rescale factor] If that's true then it's pretty easy for me to redo a chart for my own use. A related question is, how do I find the new atmosphere height to know where minimum orbit is?

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In both cases, I'd test it.

Get into LKO, plot a maneuver to encounter Mun. Check the dV. Does it equal 860 times the square root of your rescale factor? If so, then you can be moderately confident that all values do.

As for atmospheres, that's up to the author of the mod. Is Kerbin's atmosphere 70km, 70*(factor) km, or something in between that the author felt was "right"? I believe, though, in all cases the (i)nfo button in the tracking station (or map mode) when you have a world selected will tell you the correct atmosphere height.

But there's no real way to get a good idea for dV to orbit on an atmospheric body without running tests. 3400m/s for Kerbin isn't a mathematically correct answer, it's what tends to work given ideal conditions and a typical rocket.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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