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[1.12.X] EventHorizon v1.1 - A Blackhole System inspired by the movie Interstellar (with functional wormholes) (and Gravitational Lensing)


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Is there any chance you can provide a link to Kopernicus Expansion? :) The WIP thread doesn't seem to be the correct one and I had to go digging to find this https://github.com/StollD/KopernicusExpansion-Continued/releases and I'm still not 100% certain it's the correct one. 

Ignore me. I'm an idiot and missed it was included. 

Edited by madindehead
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5 hours ago, Trolol29 said:

That's what I meant! ;)

The more fitting thing to say would have been "spiritual successor", rather than a continuation.



41 minutes ago, Mikki said:

I have a modded 1.7.0 installation, will it blend?

Spending the night on a fresh 1.7.3 installlation. :D

Downloading now.

This is perfect. Thank you so much.


Technically 1.0-E (the one for 1.6.1 and lower) would have worked for 1.7.0, as the changes in Kopernikus had happend in 1.7.1.
But Upgrading to KSP 1.7.3 is probably for the better anyway.

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I just DLd, installed, and am flashed with the KSP2 announcement.

Until it drops, i play your mod, it is amazing!


All i need to prepare myself for KSP2, thank you! This Blackhole system is the crown of all the planet mods! OMG!

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i love this mod, and dont think im trying to pick at your work.

but the rings on murph are wrong, the vertical ring is actually just the horizontal ring from the other side of the black hole, i dont know if ksp can render something like that though.

just pointing that out.

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11 hours ago, Trolol29 said:

It would be necessary to reduce the gravity of Miller's anagram, the Ranger of Endurance mod is unable to take off.

Well, in the movie it was mentioned that millers planet has 130% of earths gravity.  Which is simplified down, 1.3g.

I gave Doyle 1.3g surface gravity.


Also the Endurance Mod is a bit underpowered compared to the movie

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I read that for planet packs that replace the home system, the script places a wormhole on a solar orbit. Would this still be the case while running RSS/RO? Is there any way to make the wormhole appear around Saturn to mirror the plot of Interstellar? 

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1 hour ago, perch35 said:

J'ai lu que pour les packs de planète qui remplacent le système domestique, le script place un trou de ver sur une orbite solaire. Serait-ce toujours le cas lors de l'exécution de RSS / RO ? Est-il possible de faire apparaître le vortex autour de Saturne pour refléter l'intrigue d'Interstellar? 

You may be able to change the position in the files or with Hyperedit!:wink:

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3 hours ago, perch35 said:

I read that for planet packs that replace the home system, the script places a wormhole on a solar orbit. Would this still be the case while running RSS/RO? Is there any way to make the wormhole appear around Saturn to mirror the plot of Interstellar? 

Well, it only places the wormhole in solar orbit for homesystem replacers that aren't listed in the OP

This mod wasn't really made for RSS though. 

You'd need to edit a lot more than just just the wormholepatch file in the patches folder

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I have just realized some very scary things.


1. I've just popped out the other side of the Jool worm-hole. I've escaped from the soi of the worm-hole and KRAKEN'S KNEES!!!!!!!!!. My ship is orbiting Murph at 30km/s. Boy am I glad I brought a torch drive ship.


2. A couple of missions ago I was testing Eve ascent vehicles and I have just noticed from the tracking station there are a couple of planets that laugh at Eve's 1.7g gravity. Oh boy!! Logos is 3g, that alone is going to be some ride to try and lift off from. But that's not enough, Pnuema is 3.7g.

These two planets are going to test me like Eve never could. I'm scared of these two.





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  • 2 weeks later...

@GrandProtectorDark - First: AMAZING mod! One of my favorites EVER in fact.

Second: Is there a file I can tweak to make the "rings" around Murph and Klaus spin slower? They spin quite fast for my taste and I was wondering if there is someway I could tweak them.

IF there is a way, I may be able to find it after digging around a bit, but I figured I would ask you first.

Feel free to DM me instructions (if it is possible) if that is easier for you.


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3 hours ago, TheWireLord said:

Second: Is there a file I can tweak to make the "rings" around Murph and Klaus spin slower? They spin quite fast for my taste and I was wondering if there is someway I could tweak them


Change the "rotationPeriod" value within the properties node of the body you want to change (that parameter determines the "daylengh" of a celestial body).

The value is in seconds.


the accretion disk rotates at the same speed as the celestial body.

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