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Twitch/Curse vs CKAN


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What do you guys think about the two mod management software for KSP; the Twitch desktop app and CKAN? I've never tried the Twitch app until today (though I'm kinda burnt out on KSP and is in the "modded minecraft" phase of my "favorite games" cycle).  CKAN has served me quite well until something breaks and I have to fiddle with the files myself which breaks the thing that keeps track of mods installed forcing me to manually delete and reinstall the 50 or so of them I have installed...

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I have never heard of the Twitch app. I thought you were talking about the streaming service when I saw the title.

Never liked CKAN. No reason, it just doesn't work for me.

I have a bookmark folder of links to all the mods I use, and occasionally visit all of them to see if there are new versions. It's the first place I go whenever I start a new career, and the first place I go when I think I've found a bug.

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I used the twitch app for minecraft modpacks and i knew that you can install mods for ksp throught there but i never tried it..

I'm actually taking a look at it right now,it looks good so I maybe try it!

As for CKAN

I like CKAN (especially because i'm extremly lazy,and im not installing the whole RO collection for myself(Plus is something goes wrong i can blame CKAN not myslef :P))

Now for curse:

Direct NOPE for me,I don't know why(Oh I know!.The hundreds of adds! there(Im exagerating a bit BTW)) and as i said before if I wan't to download a mod i go to CKAN if it isn't there i go to he forums were i rarely see a link to curse.(well i saw quite a bit but its often shadowed by github or spacedock witch i prefer quite a bit more)

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