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Help offer to KSP 2 team (electrical)

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I can offer help to developers with electrical parts in the game. KSP battery capacity, fuel to electricity conversion rates, mass of batteries, etc. were IMO not properly matched to the real world. Also, there are a lot of electrical techs, which never got into KSP and could make gameplay more interesting. I'm ready to help free of charge and under NDA if necessary.

I have searched through the internet and found no way of contacting both the publisher and development team of KSP2. Does anyone know how to contact devs? PM me if you do.

In case devs read this forum, here is my mini-resume. I graduated from the Siberian aerospace university (specialty - aircraft control systems), got a Candidate of Science degree - Russian equivalent of PhD. Focus of my thesis was a power converter for solar arrays of communications satellites - you can find the abstract by phrase "автореферат Хорошко pdf" - it is in Russian though. I worked as a lecturer for five years and then as an assistant professor for four years in the university. For the last two years, I am a chief designer of avionics for heavy UAVs. I have 1421 hrs in KSP.

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Thank you for the offer, but there are legal reasons why they'd be reluctant to accept work from a volunteer helper, and there are practical reasons why code from someone outside a team would not mesh well with work from inside the team. The way to participate would be to watch Star Theory's website for job postings. :)

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However, your concern seems to be that electrical things werent designed/balanced with the same thought that other aspects in KSP do, with reagards to scientific realism. Such thinking and designing and balancing work does not require any code (apart from illustrative examples maybe) and can be done in a design document.


Nothing prohibits you of making a design document with all the 1) gameplay considerations, 2) tidbits of interesting info to be inspired from or nod to, 3) advised code-implentation techniques and 4) part balancing tables, that you'd like to pass on to the devs, then posting that on the forums. Heck, maybe the dev's will see it, run at least the mentioned interesting tidbits through one of the teams' designers, and maybe some stuff makes it into the game that way. The devs are known to speak to experts. Especally if it is interesting or elaborate stuff I would not be surprised if they'd consider/read it just because lot's of thinking work is already done, especially when it comes to balancing. From there, any resistance is the same as if you were on the team, where descisions need to be made taking in lots of factors. Just don't forget to explain everything you do extensively, instead of expecting them to reverse-engineer it from the changes you propose, because that strategy will not work very well I can promise you.


The only difference is that you don't know for sure wether they check it, and they might not tell you about the obvious problems only they know from their perspective inside game development. Yet maybe they do read it and maybe they post their problems in a reply.


So that's your two options: apply for a job at star theory, as @Vanamonde suggested, or be a forum volunteer in the way I described above.

Edited by nikokespprfan
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Thank you for your replies, I appreciate it! I didn't think that cooperation would include coding, especially that I am embedded systems developer and have no experience with Unity as well as with C#.

So, forum volunteer option that is :). I would try to formulate what I have in mind, give it some "tests" (mostly by imagining how that would look like at every stage of current KSP gameplay - there is not much more I can do) and post as single message in this thread. I would try to stick to document format @nikokespprfan suggested. I hope it would take me less than one week, but it's hard to predict at current stage.

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