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Will textures of the old planets and some moons will be different?


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This is starting to confuse me. The textures of the old planets and some moons will be different or not. As i see on Vall it will have the old texture like this one.



Vall on the screenshot of Kerbal Space Program 2 have the old texture, but with a green fade with Jool's atmosphere. jool will have a greenish-yellow combination with some dark green fades.



Moho, Eve, Kerbin and Duna i don't know. I'am thinking how it will be.

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4 hours ago, The Aziz said:

The last time I seen it, ksp2 Vall looked like that

Yes, exactly.  Major makeover.  But in broad outline, still looks approximately the same type of place.

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14 minutes ago, Xd the great said:

Can anyone recognize Dres?

*Sad Dres noises.

I went there a few times... Not sure I could to be honest.
It is afterall quite uninteresting after you went there the first time. 
Jool's moons/Duna are far more interesting. Heck even Moho is more interesting.

They say they want to make it better in KSP2, looking forward to it.

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9 hours ago, Xd the great said:

Can anyone recognize Dres?

It gets a lot prettier in KSP 2, just like everywhere else.  They're also aware that Dres tends not to get visited in KSP 1, so they want to give people more reasons to go there.

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13 hours ago, Snark said:

so they want to give people more reasons to go there.

As long as visiting isn't forced for game progression I'm okay with that.

I don't want to go to a celestial merely to mine something there and then never touch it again.

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13 hours ago, Snark said:

It gets a lot prettier in KSP 2, just like everywhere else.  They're also aware that Dres tends not to get visited in KSP 1, so they want to give people more reasons to go there.

Did they say what these reasons might be?

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56 minutes ago, nsgallup said:

Did they say what these reasons might be?

In case they didn't, my guess is that the 'Dresteroid' ring will have high value resources.

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