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How to do advanced control surface(seperate directions independently.)

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Is there a way to make the top flaps only go up. The middle flaps stay centered. And the bottom flaps go down only. I know who to do the middle. Set it to 0 authority or turn off roll/yaw/pitch. But how can you make it so only the top respond to up and the bottom only respond to down?

This is to try to get faster response times for the planes. If you go up only the top layer should move up. Then the bottom layer is rested and neutral authority so it can respond down without having to revert from the up position. I've tried inverted and whatnot but can't figure out a method. Inverted just acted like an air break.


I would also like the ability to not use some of those wings except if I wish to make an air break out of them. But I am not aware of a method to do this.


Why don't we have advanced aircraft controls. We need support for aircraft. I should be able to all of these functions independently and not be stuck to one simple action for all surfaces. I could do so much more with my planes.

Independent flaps would also be good. Why do all functions that have pitch have to act at the same time as flaps. Why not real world like controls. I have the same flaps as an aircraft. I need the controls to go with it.

And I literally need it. I can't do any more with designs to control the craft. I need proper controls to fly this in the most optimal manner.

While we are at it how about more indicators for COM and whatnot based on empty full cargo and fuel?! This stuff should have been in game to start. And it's only something in the vehicle areas atm. It's not like it's a major lag issue until you get into the thousands of parts. And still not really.


Edit: I think part of the problem is that negative authority does not force it to only work in the negative. It literally acts like the positive or a seperate version of inverted. We need independent negative and positive numbers. Then we could set positive to 0 and negative to -150 for instance.

It would need more than that for other functions. But it would help. I would love to stick it in modes as air breaks and set it to other functions mid flight. You could get a lot out of control surfaces that way and actually make worthwhile aircraft. Aircraft are really unsupported in this game.

In fact when setting top to 100 and bottom to -100 it acts like inverted. And inverted doesn't work... Is this a bug?

Edited by Arugela
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You should be able to do this with the KAL controller from Breaking Ground by setting the surface to Deployed, controlling the deploy limit with the tracks, and binding the animation phase on the controller to the Pitch axis.

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Do you also need SAS or the manual trim to use these control surfaces? Do you need them to react to more than one axis (i.e. pitch and roll)?

Partial control with SAS on only one axis (e.g. roll) should be doable:

  • set the elevons to not manually extended, but to respond to roll commands
  • have a KAL-1000 to control the authority limiter on the elevons
    • for the upper elevons have the track be zero for the first half and 100 (or whatever you want) for the second half
    • for the lower elevons have the track be the other way around (100 for the first half and zero for the second half)
    • feel free to add the middle elevons if you want.
    • to allow SAS control make sure that at the center of the track both (all three) have the authority limiter set to 100 (or whatever)
    • (I'm not sure that I got first and second half right, so it may be the other way around!)
  • have the roll axis control group set the "absolute"  "play position" on the KAL-1000

That way, when you give manual inputs, the KAL will prevent the upper elevons from moving when you pitch down, and the lower elevons won't move when you pitch up. When you don't give manual inputs then the KAL will be at the center of the play position, so SAS should work but will move both elevons.

And maybe some time in the future Squad will fix the SAS issue: report on the bug-tracker.

P.S. I think this fits better in the Gameplay Questions subforum, so I'll suggest that to the moderators.

Edited by AHHans
Added P.S.
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