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How to change texture file name of the mu. files


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You guys know the BD Armorys Armor Plates i want to duplicate them and give different texture to them. I using armor plates as structural parts for my star destroyers . I did copy armor plates folder and edit needed things in cfg. Except one thing; texture. Cfg file has not texture file name and directory line. But even so it is always using bd armory texture file directory. I want to change directory and texture file name. How to do this? (Please speak simple, my english not eough to understand complicated sentences)r0a1rP.pngGZgDV3.jpgr0a1lV.jpg

Edited by galvatron315
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In the config file you will see this:


name = BD1x1slopeArmor
module = Part
author = SpannerMonkey
buoyancy = -1
rescaleFactor = 1

            model = BDArmory/Parts/ArmorPlate/BD1x1slopeArmor
            scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0

        name = Node1
        transform = Node1
        size = 0
        method = FIXED_JOINT

<snipped by me>


the bold part is what you are interested in .... add this: texture = EYEGrey, OrX/Parts/HoloKron/textureV


            model = BDArmory/Parts/ArmorPlate/BD1x1slopeArmor
            texture = EYEGrey, OrX/Parts/HoloKron/textureV
            scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0


Then all you need to do is change the OrX/Parts/HoloKron/textureV to the path of the texture you want to use (the root folder is GameData so the format would be 'directory of the mod' / 'subdirectory the texture is in' / 'the textures filename without the extension'

For example,  EYEGrey is the texture that the armor uses as it comes with BDAc ... the OrX/Parts/HoloKron/textureV is the directory 'GameData/OrX/Parts/Holokron/' in my KSP game install folder and the 'textureV' is the textureV.png that the part uses [texture = 'current texture name' , 'path to new texture with name minus extension']

Do this for all the parts contained in the config (all the armor part configs are in the single config file)

Good luck :)

Edited by DoctorDavinci
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  • 4 years later...
@PART[ROAdvCapsule]:FOR[RealismOverhaul] {
	//  [texture = 'current texture name' , 'path to new texture with name minus extension']
	 texture = 2K_Pod,000_Chris/Recolor/2K_Pod_white

Getting partloader errors, the texture is there though

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