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What to do after Minmus


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Set up stations orbiting Kerbin, Mun, Minmus; try to get them as extravagant as possible

Set up bases on Mun and Minmus; try to make it so their space station is visible from the ground

Rendezvous a space shuttle at you space stations

Be patient and wait for the next update which will have many new places to go :)

The game has so much to do, just use your imagination :D

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Make a debris field so thick that you have a 50% chance of colliding with it when you try to enter a 70x70 90 degree orbit.


OMG (sorry for the caps) this is one hell of a picture! How much debris is there! I like how there is a Kerbal in orbit all alone

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There is one guy on Youtube, named Scott Manley (szyzyg is his username), and he has been creating Scenarios for himself. One of which is he's been developing a craft capable of interplanetary travel, complete with probes to test a planet's gravity and atmosphere, a landing vehicle, and an orbital vehicle. It's really quite awesome. I would recommend, that you prepare for the awesome new planets arriving in .17 by developing your own interplanetary vessels. You can even test them in .16 by putting them in an orbit around the Sun and bringing them back to Kerbin. It's actually quite a difficult task, because you need to make a vehicle capable to flying to another planet and back, and you probably want to land some brave Kermen on it's surface too.

Or, you could do what I'm doing: I'm currently running a mission where I have one Kerman stuck in an orbit around the Mun (unfortunately, it's Jeb :( ) and you could try to fly a rocket to the moon (making room for one extra passenger) and rescue them.

...or you could blow a bunch of stuff up.

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Lol Most of my missions are rescue missions . Anyway at the moment i am trying to make a sort of Mun and minimus research base by landing my rokcets near each other, also by sending on these 2 moons rover prototypes. I also try out many randezvous on different orbits to replace the astronauts, so they can go back home ( i have 1-2 ships orbiting kerbin mun and minimus). I hope i've helped you.

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land on minmus and the moon in one mission

perform an orbital rendezvous

launch a vessel into interplanetary space, and then safely return to kerbin.

take a spaceplane to KSC2

take a vessel to the mun/min using only solid rocket boosters (and crash of course :P)

create a shuttle or reverse shuttle (launches like a rocket, lands like a plane, or launches like a plane, and turns into a rocket)

land a kerbonaut on minmus using only the rcs backpack (once in orbit with the main vessel)

perform a kerboldive

take a vessel out of kerbols SOI

perform various missions using unmanned vessels (by carefully designing it so that you launch it, decouple it, and quickly switch to it using [ ] so that your following the "debris")

install a mod or better yet, make one

walk to the north pole on foot :P

rescue the crew of a failed mun/min landing attempt

see how large a vessel you can make before the game crashes

have a kerbal climb up the latter of the water tower at KSC to observe your launches

attempt to land a vessel on various buildings at KSC

try to scare Jebediah (keyword = try)

fly a vessel into the munar arch(es?)

attempt to land on the hilly parts of the min/mun at night.

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My final challenge I did and yet to find something I want to do that can top it was originally a challenge issued on the forums here. What I did set up a space plane, land on both Mun and Minmus. Each time I captured orbit and grabbed a specific landing site. Following this, I returned to kerbin on a polar orbit and snapped some nice pictures of the poles. Finished off with bombing and capturing KSC 2. Was quite the adventure and loads of fun in getting a unique and stylish ship that can do all of that. I recommend trying.

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