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made more difficult

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Hi Guys,

Have you made it more difficult to get SCIENCE in KSP career mode?

Ok let  me explain. I play only this method 90% of the time.

I never play with Planes. Only things with rockets on the bottom.

The only time i go near the plane hanger is to play with rovers.

Since I loaded this new version 1.8. I started a new Career I an Buggered if I can get past the point i need the 3 person Command pod. I have the two body one.

I have done all the tricks of using Kerbals to eva take samples every place i can think of launched sat's to do basic scans ect. But now I just cannot get anymore sci?

So do i have to play with planes? I hope not.

I know there is the cheat options and the other play modes but this is how i like to play.

When I experiment I use all my modes and I have progressed up the tree a lot over the years. But when a new version comes out I like to start from scratch to see if there is anything i have missed.

So my question is WHAT AM I DOING WRONG <Grin>.

Thanks for any help.

I love the new deploy-able Sci Toys.


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I haven’t noticed it to be much harder... I also like to start a new career every update.

Forgive me if you already know some of this, but some non-obvious sources of science:

- flying thermometer scans/crew reports are per biome (temperature scan above Kerbin’s shores is different to temperature scan above Kerbin’s water)

- space EVAs are per biome (EVA report above Kerbin’s badlands is different to EVA report above Kerbin’s deserts)

- all the KSC biomes, as mentioned by @VoidSquid above


If you’re still needing science, you could try:

- landing a probe on the mun or Minmus and transmitting scans back to Kerbin

- landing a slightly more complex probe on the mun and returning some science scans physically back to Kerbin 

That last I have done recently - all that returns is a probe core, battery, small heat shield, parachute and the experiment storage unit.

Edited by Goody1981
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5 hours ago, Lankspace said:

My normal gameplay go to minmus 1st. then to The Mun. But I have always done it with a Command Mk3 Pod cannot seem to get enough sci to earn that. Still will jeb and a scientist to minmus in the two man capsle and see what turns up.

It's not like the capsule size has any effect on how much science you get. Actually, a 2-kerb capsule should work better, since it's lighter.

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I thoroughly recommend the "ForScience!" mod. It automates the completion of science experiments whenever new science can be generated. It doesn't cheat you any more science than you can get if you are thorough, it just keeps you from missing any. 

Also, I often see recommended to collect all the little bits of science around the KSC. I find this tedious and an unnecessary diversion into wonky little rovers. I "launch" a capsule plus science experiments to each of the 3 launch sites from both the VAB and SPH to grab just the science from those 6 locations, repeating when I unlock a new experiment. After that you can generate a great deal more science from low and high Kerbin flybys and the same from Mun, Minmus, Duna, Eve, Ike and Gilly flybys with low tech craft.    

Final tip: Put nearly all your science points into unlocking all the science experiments. Don't be tempted into spending science points on bigger rockets or plane/rover parts. Get gud at making simple craft that can do flybys and land on low gravity moons. If you use only a mk1 capsule (+probe core) with a scientist then you can get to all these places with simple tech. 

Edited by Foxster
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12 hours ago, Lankspace said:

My normal gameplay go to minmus 1st. then to The Mun. But I have always done it with a Command Mk3 Pod cannot seem to get enough sci to earn that. Still will jeb and a scientist to minmus in the two man capsle and see what turns up.


I typically have landed on both Mun and Minmus before I even bother to unlock that pod. The only reason to bring more than one Kerbal is to have a scientist for resetting the goo and materials bay experiments, and to deploy ground-based experiment packages (Breaking Ground content); and the only reason to bring a third Kerbal is to have an engineer who can deploy ground-based solar panels with better yield.

Though frankly you could just bring twice as many panels and have it work anyway, and also replace the pilot with a probe core, and fly with just a scientist Kerbal.

Now, once I get a large cadre of active Kerbals, and I want to level them up? That's when I start busting out the mk3 command pod. A spacecraft with it, a mk1 pod on top, and a hitchhiker below will seat 8 Kerbals and can land and return from either Mun or Minmus with just a Terrier and a small 2.5m fuel tank. The same craft can be repurposed for accelerated dips into solar orbit and back.

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3 hours ago, Foxster said:

I thoroughly recommend the "ForScience!" mod.

+1 on that. It's very simple in essence and rather than being a cheat takes away the grind of manually running each experiment.  The art is knowing when to turn it off.

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Hi Guys thanks for the help

Yes I use the for sci mod and Mechjeb what would i do without it.

I have solved my problems now did a trip to minmus last night and picked up 1500 sci points. I must be loosing the plot. My age you know.

Thanks again. Got some new tips as well. So Interesting.

Regards Stephen.


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