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The first UFO encounter in KSP?


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So my story is not a long one, but it sure is strange. It's the first time something odd like this has happened to me in KSP and I'm sure the first time somebody has encountered something that may not be "of this Kerbin".

Anyway, I had decided on doing a simple Munar flyby for the heck of it and watching *most* of it in real time. I began my voyage and took many pictures on the route. As I approached the far side of the Mun, I fell into sunset, watching the darkened plaster-of-paris surface skim by at several hundred meters per second.

Not long after, my ship zinged around the far side of the Mun at an alarming clip and into sunrise. Climbing away quickly, more and more of the front side of the Mun became visible as the clock ticked away for several minutes. But finally, I moved the camera to a certain position relative to my ship and pitched up in attitude a little bit (having held retrograde throughout the Munar pass) when I noticed something. A shimmering. It was a small light -- seemingly completely white and several hundred kilometers -- maybe thousands -- into space. I carefully watched as it flickered on and off when it donned on me that it was probably just Minmus. NOPE. Minmus was actually on the other side of the Mun. So I began thinking... I had cleared my persistence file before this flight and realized that it could not have been a previous stage because I launched a tiny little command/service spacecraft with cheats just because I could. There was nothing to jettison on the entire flight. So it was clearly not something dropped from a rocket.

The light was now rising on the horizon, crossing from 5 to about 10 degrees above.

I relayed this information to Kosmo-Not, who asked to see my persistence file. I also sent a screen shot of the UFO that I captured so he could use the stars as a reference of where to look in the "sky". But puzzling as the entire event was, Kosmo-Not was completely unable to find the UFO on the file I sent him. Things now began to get even stranger.

Was I looking at a possible "alien" spacecraft? Probably not, considering the game simply does not have that coded. I thought of the UFO encounter on Apollo 11, that turned out to simply be a SLA panel from the Transposition and Docking Sequence, but was still confused, for I HAD NO transposition and docking sequence.

As the events folded out in real time, I opened up Microsoft paint, circled the dot and zoomed in to find that it appeared as a single pixel of a light blue color. I simply could not get anymore information from this program.

Opening the map view, I was only about 20 minutes from Munar escape and Kerbin SOI, and I realized I had a Mid-Course Correction to prepare. When I closed the map view and looked back to the spot where the UFO had been, it was gone. It did not reappear for my voyage back.

The bigger question remains... Why did I write this story like it was a book? Well, anyway...

Has anyone ever had any odd encounters with the unknown in this game that are similar to this?

Here is a picture from those events of the UFO:


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Here is me approaching the Kerbin system after a Kerbol orbit, and Minmus can be seen in the middle of a triangle of 3 stars seen on the middle-left of the screen. Although you say it isn't Minmus, it definitely looks like Minmus. EDIT: Actually, now looking at my picture, it seems that the stars that are in my screenshot are the same ones as yours. Where you see the white dot should be above and to the right of the brightest star of my screenshot.


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I am amused at how many people didn't read the entire first post - it's clearly stated that the object is NOT Minmus.

I read it, but he also stated that there was no persistent debris. It is either debris or Minmus. Or something is in the game that we don't know about and you devs are smiling at us trying to figure out what it is.

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i think its a gamma ray? or a space refection? light lost is space? aliens? theres lots of reasons lets nail it down. FIRST it could not been a alien there are no aliens in ksp. gamma rays might be possible or not. derbis is a no it was a one stage rocket. swamp gas is possible. it was swamp gas is the most reasonable choice that we have.

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Possibly it was a star in the skybox?

I don't think so. There is no star in that location of the skybox.

EDIT: It also seems as if it takes up more than one pixel. If you zoom in, you can see some variation in the object. It has kind of a + shape to it, which makes it look like it's a star. Is this how the devs are telling us that they are working on a new star system/interstellar travel? :D


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