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Out of the Sands


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6 hours ago, Kerballing (Got Dunked On) said:

Good to hear, hope he continues to recover!

The hospital decided to watch him overnight before releasing him - which actually makes my wife & I feel a little better after two previous rounds of "He can go home tomorrow if everything continues healing" followed by complications that could've beenĀ  bad if they'd happened at home.

On a more positive note - I got a few flights in for this career, and almost but not quite killed Jeb

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Update 04:038 Now I'm free..... Free Fallin'


Manned Launches:

KSC Girrok MMV-ER-3 04:020 - Second crew for Minmus Station.Ā  The MMV has been modified to use an experimental "Schnauser" engine in place of the "Cheetah."Ā  All went well, and they arrived at Minmus Station on 04:029.Ā  They will be performing a minimum 3-month stay.






DSC Dawngrazer MRL2-3 04:022 - A final Mun Rescue Lander was repurposed for anomaly surveying, carrying scientist Jim Kerman & tourist Lizely Kerman to the last unsurveyed anomaly on Mun.Ā  Originally scheduled to launch shortly after the MMV-ER-3, they were postponed to allow Mission Control to focus on other missions.Ā  Launch and transfer went smoothly.Ā  Upon arrived in Mun's SoI, they adjusted their inclination to land directly at the anomaly before entering orbit.







WSC SOTV-4-3 04:032 - Load of 4 tourists to LKO, with a safe splashdown SE of DSC.


Unmanned Launches:

DSC Steamglider ADRV-2 04:005 - The first launch of the new year is to clean up the first of our two pieces of orbital debris.Ā  Launched into a matching inclination followed by a 300 m/s maneuver after a single orbit to achieve a rendezvous.Ā  A small course correction followed by a 660 m/s maneuver brought us to a rendezvous, followed quickly by capture & a deorbit burn at Ap.

DSC Steamglider ADRV-3 04:009 - Following the first debris removal mission, a second was launched from DSC a few days later to capture the second piece of debris.Ā  With a lower orbit to capture, everything was completed quicker and the Jool Large Relay #1 debris was safely deorbited.

KSC Girrok-Heavy Minmus Station Fuel Module B 04:010 - Second fuel module for the Minmus Station was launched successfully.Ā  Reached Minmus orbit on 04:019 & successfully docked with Minnmus Station on 04:022


KSC Steamglider AKRV-3 04:032 - Rescue mission to retrieve engineer Maxrick Kerman from LKO.Ā  Despite a mis-alignment on the first capture attempt that resulted in Maxrick's pod smashing one of the solar panels of the AKRV, the mission went on to succeed with a safe splashdown well to the east of KSC.Ā  It was also recognized that the AKRV is slightly heavier than what the Steamglider launch vehicle is built for, resulting in an extremely shallow launch profile after first stage separation - resembling a spaceplane more than a rocket launch.




KSC Steamglider AKRV-4 04:037 - A second rescue mission followed soon after the first - after a hasty redesign of the AKRV.Ā  The second stage received a second Terrier engine while a third pair of Shrimp SRB's to the first stage to offset the extra mass at launch.Ā  The changes result in a smoother launch and the AKRV arrives in orbit faster and with more dV.Ā  Another engineer, Donbald Kerman was successfully rescued without difficulty, splashing down just 63km from KSC.





04:001 - We started off the new year with a flight test.Ā  Taking the proven CR-04/CB-01 Redeye airframe and replacing the bomb bay with a passenger cabin, the new CT-01 Redeye Trainer can be used for high-G and zero-G crew training, and also provides a low-cost option for high-G tourist contracts.

04:026 - Testing of an experimental rocket-assisted spaceplane nearly ended in disaster.Ā  This first test was intended to be a quick hop to gauge the flight characteristics of a miniature spaceplane.Ā  Takeoff and initial climb - powered by a Flea SRB - was shaky but successful.Ā  After staging the Flea & igniting the Pug engine, Jeb found he couldn't keep the nose of the tiny spaceplane above the horizon.Ā  Moments before slamming into the ocean at over 160 m/s, Jeb bailed out & attempted to deploy his chute.Ā  Through some small miracle, he survived - descending to 14 meters below the surface before popping back up, at which point his chute finally deployed.Ā  After retrieving Jeb from his miraculous escape, only three other small pieces of debris from the wrecked spaceplane were recoverable.Ā  Further testing of this design has been suspended.Ā  Also, in honor of his courage and skill, the ban on space travel for Jebediah has been lifted.


Okay, I realize now this was probably doomed from the start, but I felt lucky....


Obviously the Pug was meant for use at much higher altitudes.Ā  It's barely doing more than burning fuel this close to sea level


Any landing you can walk swim away from is a good one


04:036 - A new, larger jet airliner design was tested by Jeb.Ā  Some changes will be needed but overall, it went fairly well.Ā  Handling was fairly good but cruise performance suffered from several components generating anomalously high drag in level flight, with a max cruise speed at 8000m of only 200 m/s.Ā  Further testing is on hold until a solution can be found for the drag anomalies.






Debris: Ā 

Skydiver-Min-01 2nd Stage - 03:060 - 124x4331km, 6.5* inclination - Captured & deorbited on 04:006

Jool Large Relay 1 2nd Stage - 03:272 - 141x1039km, 6.5* inclination - Captured & deorbited on 04:009

Ongoing Missions:

Pioneer-Jool - Expected to arrive in Jool's SoI on 04:249

Chadney Kermin Memorial Station - Uncrewed

Minmus Station - Second crew arrived on 04:029 with a planned 90 day stay.

Buffalo-Minmus Heavy Rover - Uncrewed

Dres Surveyor - Dres intercept expected on 04:281

Eeloo Landercan - Course correction planned for 04:250.

Eeloo Voyager - Course correction planned for 04:246

Jool Large Relay 1 - Course corretion planned for 04:115

Laythe Pancake Lander - Course correction planned for 04:120

Jool Voyager - Course correction planned for 04:123

Jooldiver - Course correction planned for 04:124

Ike Sojourner-Surveyor - Duna intercept expected on 04:170.

Duna Pancake Lander - Duna intercept expected on 04:160.

LRR-Duna - Should arrive at Duna's SoI on 04:150.

Jool Large Relay 2 - Course correction planned for 04:126

Pioneer-Duna - Duna intercept expected on 04:168.

RSS-Duna - Should arrive in Duna's SoI on 04:149.

RSS-Ike - Should arrive in Duna's SoI on 04:149.

Laythe Glide-Rover - Course correction planned for 04:150

LRR-Eve - Course correction scheduled for 04:076.

EDSR-1 - Course correction planned for 04:064.

Eve Lightning Surveyor - Course correction planned for 04:082

Gilly Sojourner-Surveyor - Course correction planned for 04:093

Other:Ā  Level 3 upgrade to the R&D center started on 04:001, expected to be completed on 04:393.


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Now that Kopernicus & JNSQ are updated to 1.8.1, I'm going to play around with them for a bit - if all goes well, I'll start an Out of the Sands 2 career in JNSQ.Ā  If not, I'll be back to continue this.

EDIT: I'm not sure JNSQ will run well enough on my computer to make a viable career.Ā  Also, I'm getting some graphics glitches that I need to figure out & try to fix.Ā  For now, I'm going to continue this career while tinkering with the JNSQ build as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

While I am enjoying JNSQ & seem to have solved the graphics issues, I'm going to keep this going for the time being while waiting for mods to update to 1.9 and see what new bugs appear to see if it's worth updating.Ā  I've been steadily plugging away but a lot of the time gets eaten up by course corrections for the dozens of interplanetary probes currently en route to Duna, Eve, Jool, Eeloo & Dres.Ā Ā  Things should speed up once all the course corrections are done, and even more once they all arrive at their destinations.Ā Ā  For added fun, I may need to get the power plug on my laptop replaced so that may set me back a day or two as well.

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Update 04:164Ā  It's not where you can be, it's what you can see


This seemed like a good point for an update - several of my Duna & Eve craft arrived at their destinations, with several more just a few days away.

Manned Launches:

KSC Dawngrazer-Heavy MTV4-2 04:043 - Load of 3 tourists launched to a Mun orbit & return to Kerbin.Ā  Maxrick Kerman was sent along for training as well.


WSC SOTV4-4 04:058 - Load of 4 tourists to LKO & back with no problems.


DSC Girrok MiL6-4 04:079 - Carrying a mix of 4 new kerbonauts plus a pair of tourists, MiL6-4 departed the DSC bound for a Minmus landing.Ā  Landed on Minmus 04:088.Ā  Returned to Kerbin safely on 04:098 after a fly-by of Mun.Ā  Tested the ability of the lander to retain its landing legs & engines during atmospheric entry & landing.Ā  Touchdown was harder than optimum - breaking the landing legs - but the rest of the lander was intact.Ā  The scientists & engineers from R&D immediately began looking into the possibility of manned Duna landers using a mix of parachutes and engine-assisted landing.




WSC SOTV4-5 04:085 - Another load of 4 tourists to LKO, recovered safely after splashdown.


KSC Girrok MiL-4-4 04:118 - Jeb is finally given permission for a Minmus landing, taking Kelrik & Ambera with him to bring the Lancer-Minmus SBX into full operation. Landed at the base on 04:128



KSC Girrok STV-5-1 04:128 - New crew for Minmus Station, launching on a new 5-seat Station Transfer Vehicle design. Transfer to Minmus was uneventful, and they arrived nearly perfectly timed to perfect a direct intercept.Ā  Docking went smoothly & the fresh crew took over while the outbound crew transferred to their MMV-ER-3 & headed for home.




Unmanned Launches:

DSC Girrok Lancer-Minmus SBX 04:116 - Surface Base Experiment launched to Minmus to satisfy a contract and test out some new "Planetary Base Systems" modules.Ā  Since we are easily a year away from practical ISRU operations, this is merely a test bed for longer term surface facilities.Ā  Without resupply, the SBX can sustain a 3-kerbal crew for just under 400 days.Ā  Launch went smoothly but left the 2nd stage in LKO as debris.Ā  Arrived in Minmus orbit on 04:126 and landed safely on a plateau in the equatorial lowlands.Ā  The surface resource scanner shows an 11.57% ore concentration, making this an excellent location for future ISRU bases.






DSC Steamglider ADRV-4 04:139 - Launched to capture & deorbit Lancer SBX second stage from LKO. The launch was timed poorly, and a full day had to pass before the ADRV was in position to rendezvous with the debris.Ā  Other than the poor timing, the remainder of the mission when smoothly, with the debris & ADRV impacting in the great desert.



04:059 - Magas Kerman took a pair of tourists up for a high-G contract & returned to a safe landing in a CT-01 Redeye Trainer.Ā  She was nice enough to give them a short hop above mach 1 before popping up into an Immelman, causing them to pass out - then as a bonus, she managed to knock them out a second time while maneuvering to get into position for landing.


04:091 - Jeb & Kelrik had a chance to fire up a new prototype multi-role jet, taking off from KSC and making a high speed dash to DSC.Ā  Dubbed the "CF-06 Fury" it features a 2-seat cockpit, a single Panther afterburning turbofan and ample fuel.Ā  Told to "take it easy," Jeb kept the throttle well below 50% and only made the trip at 600 m/s.Ā  Future plans call for replacing the Panther with a not-yet-ready turbo-ramjet and also for fitting it with a probe core to prevent loss of control during high-g maneuvers.



Debris: Ā 

Lancer-Minmus SBX 2nd stage - 04:116 - 125x123km, 7* inclination.Ā  Captured on 04:140 by ADRV-4 & deorbited safely.


Ongoing Missions:

Pioneer-Jool - Expected to arrive in Jool's SoI on 04:249

Chadney Kermin Memorial Station - Uncrewed

Minmus Station - Second crew arrived on 04:029.Ā  Their 3-month stay was pushed back by an additional 15 days to shift resources to other missions and allow time for the relief crew to launch & reach Minmus.Ā  Third crew arrived 04:137, allowing the second crew to return to Kerbin,


Buffalo-Minmus Heavy Rover - Mission control ordered to move autonomously to the Lancer SBX landing site.Ā  Arrived safely after several hours.

Dres Surveyor - Dres intercept expected on 04:281

Eeloo Landercan - Course correction planned for 04:250.

Eeloo Voyager - Course correction planned for 04:246

Jool Large Relay 1 - Course correction performed on 04:115, arrival in Jool's SoI expected on 06:114

Laythe Pancake Lander - Course correction completed on 04:120, expected to arrive in Jool's SoI on 06:137

Jool Voyager - Course correction completed on 04:123, arrival in Jool's SoI expected on 06:145

Jooldiver - Course correction performed on 04:124, expected to arrive in Jool's SoI on 06:148

Ike Sojourner-Surveyor - Duna intercept expected on 04:170.

Duna Pancake Lander - Entered Duna's SoI on 04:160, entered orbit on 04:163 and landed safely in Duna's Midlands.


This was probably my favorite image from this update.Ā  The only reason I put the rover as the title image was it landed first.


With this one a close second:



LRR-Duna - Arrived at Duna's SoI on 04:150, entered orbit on 04:152 and initiated landing half an orbit later.Ā  Landed safely in the Duna Highlands, becoming the first kerbalmade object to land on the surface of Duna.Ā Ā  After performing a series of experiments and searched its immediate landing area, it was placed into standby pending future missions.





Jool Large Relay 2 - Course correction completed on 04:126, arrival in Jool's SoI expected on 06:157

Pioneer-Duna - Duna intercept expected on 04:168.

RSS-Duna - Arrived in Duna's SoI on 04:149, 2 hours behind RSS-Ike.Ā  Entered polar orbit of Duna on 04:152 and performed a resource scan.


RSS-Ike - Entered Duna's SoI on 04:149, coasted to Ike, arriving in a polar orbit on 04:152, then performed resource scans of the large moon.


Laythe Glide-Rover - Course correction performed on 04:150, expected to arrive in Jool's SoI on 06:222.

LRR-Eve - Course correction completed on 04:076, entered Eve's SoI on 04:152 - minutes after RSS-Ike entered Ike orbit - and entered Eve orbit on 04:155.Ā  Eve landing was postponed for 2 days, finally occuring on 04:157.Ā  Landing occured in Eve's shallows but still on land.Ā  After completing local exploration, the rover was placed into standby mode.






EDSR-1 - Course correction completed on 04:064.Ā  It should reenter Kerbin's SoI on 04:214.

Eve Lightning Surveyor - Course correction completed on 04:082.Ā  Entered Eve's SoI on 04:157, and made it's initial orbit on 04:159.Ā  Course correction on 04:162 put in within tolerances for the contracted orbit.


Gilly Sojourner-Surveyor - Course correction completed on 04:093, Eve intercept planned for 04:170

Other:Ā  Level 3 upgrade to the R&D center started on 04:001, expected to be completed on 04:393.



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Update 04:250Ā  Home where my thought's escaping, Home where my music's playing,


We actually had no launches or aircraft tests in this update - just the remainder of my Duna & Eve arrivals, a few course corrections and the arrival of the first Jool probe at the edge of Jool's SoI.Ā  We've also accumulated a whopping 1754 science points, all waiting for the R&D upgrade which still has nearly 6 months before completion.

Manned Launches: None

Unmanned Launches: None

Aircraft: None

Debris:Ā  None

Ongoing Missions:

Chadney Kermin Memorial Station - Uncrewed

Minmus Station - Third crew arrived in STV-5-1 04:137

Buffalo-Minmus Heavy Rover - On standby at Lancer-Minmus SBX

Lancer-Minmus SBX - First crew arrived 04:128

Ike Sojourner-Surveyor - Duna intercept occurred on 04:170, and Ike intercept two & a half days later on 04:173.Ā  After establishing an inclined orbit of Ike, the Sojourner was released, then the orbit lowered to land the Ike Surveyor.Ā  Surveyor landed safely in the Central Mountains, with Duna high overhead.



Ike-Sojourner in orbit


Ike-Surveyor landing



Pioneer-Duna - Entered Duna's SoI on 04:168 and established a highly elliptical near-polar orbit on 04:171 to provide a long range comm relay after completing its scientific mission.




Gilly Sojourner-Surveyor - Arrived in Eve's SoI on 04:170, setting up a very high orbit (3300km) orbit on 04:173, then matching planes with Gilly before setting up an intercept. Entered Gilly's SoI on 04:176, entered a polar orbit and detached Sojourner-Gilly in an elliptical orbit, then proceeded with Surveyor-Gilly to a landing on 04:177.




View of Eve from near the north pole of Gilly


EDSR-1 - Returned to Kerbin's SoI on 04:214, entered Kerbin orbit on 04:219 and finally landed on 04:222 - becoming the first object to travel to orbit around another planet & return safely to Kerbin.Ā  The NERV engine that made the trip possible unfortunately did not survive the landing - the 16 m/s descent rate was too much and at the last minute, the engine & fuel tank were staged away, breaking apart on impact with the ocean and creating a fairly major scandal.Ā  Despite that, a monument to the successful mission was built & placed next to Mission Control.



Since there was no way to recover the engine or place it in a safe parking orbit, the decision was made to keep it through reentry & hope the drogue and main parachute would be enough to splashdown together after jettisoning fuel.


At over 15 m/s,. that hope was dashed and seconds before impact, the engine & fuel tank were staged away


Despite the radioactive contamination, the actual return pod survived to be recovered & decontaminated


After thorough decontamination, the gutted return probe was rebuilt as a monument & placed outside mission control:


Eeloo Voyager - Course correction performed on 04:246, arrival in Eeloo's SoI expected on 07:023.

Pioneer-Jool - Entered Jool's SoI on 04:249 and performed a minor course correction to line up a close fly-by of Tylo on 04:308 - which will put us in orbit of Jool even without further manuevers.

Eeloo Landercan - Course correction completed on 04:250, Eeloo intercept planned on 07:042.

Dres Surveyor - Dres intercept expected on 04:281

Jool Large Relay 1 - Arrival in Jool's SoI expected on 06:114

Laythe Pancake Lander - Expected to arrive in Jool's SoI on 06:137

Jool Voyager - Arrival in Jool's SoI expected on 06:145

Jooldiver - Expected to arrive in Jool's SoI on 06:148

Jool Large Relay 2 - Arrival in Jool's SoI expected on 06:157

Laythe Glide-Rover - Expected to arrive in Jool's SoI on 06:222.

Other:Ā  Level 3 upgrade to the R&D center started on 04:001, expected to be completed on 04:393.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Update 05:005Ā  Time Marches On


Manned Launches:

KSC Gi MiL6-5 04:408 - The newest kerbonaut Samantha and a group of 5 tourists to Minmus & back, with a "quick" orbit of Mun (for 5 days) thrown in for good measure.Ā  Landed on Minmus on 04:422 and returned safely to Kerbin on 05:005.





Unmanned Launches:

DSC GiH Bop Lander & Relay Mk 1v 04:266 - A new design inspired by the smaller Sojourner-Surveyor design.Ā  Built with Jool in mind, it boasts a 50G relay antenna and NERV engine with mixed solar & RTG power.Ā  The main bus - upon arrival at the destination - deploys the lander, then remains in orbit to provide a relay back to Kerbin and a full science suite rather than trying to build two smaller craft carried by a disposable bus like the previous Sojourner-Surveyor.Ā  Jool transfer was performed on 04:315 and the probe exited Kerbin's SoI on 04:417.Ā  Course correction planned for 05:135

KSC GiH Pol Lander & Relay Mk 1v 04:268 - Second launch of the new design, this one destined for Pol orbit.Ā  Jool transfer completed on 04:318, departed Kerbin's SoI on 04:319.Ā  Course correction planned for 05:185.Ā  Due to a glitch in the probe core, the transfer maneuver was delayed in mid-burn after a staging failure (aka I was distracted & forgot to stage for over 2 minutes).Ā  The tracking station indicates that while the craft will still reach Jool, it will arrive significantly later than the other craft from this transfer window.

DSC GiH Val L&R Mk1v 04:283 - Third launch of the new combination design, intended for use on Val.Ā  Jool transfer performed on 04:317, departed Kerbin's SoI on 04:318. Course correction planned for 05:120.

This image could be from either of the 3 Lander & Relay craft as they are all identical:


KSC GiH Laythe Ocean Explorer 04:298 - Underwater exploration craft for Laythe's oceans.Ā  Transfer completed on 04:316, departed Kerbin's SoI on 04:318 . Course correction planned for 05:127.


DSC SG Grav-Racer 04:421 - With the new Graviolli Detector available, a special probe was built to carry one around Kerbin orbit, then out to Mun and Minmus then return.Ā  Rather than carry the extra batteries to support transmitting data back, all data was saved in the Experiment Return Unit.Ā  After scanning low & high Kerbin orbit, Grav-Racer transfered to the Mun, arriving in high Mun orbit on 04:422.Ā  Transfered to Minmus on 05:001.Ā  Expected to arrive in Minmus orbit on 05:010


Dusk launch from DSC:



A pair of KANDL's propel this probe, giving over 3000 m/s dV


KSC GiH Minmus Station Greenhouse Wing 05:004 - Launch of a Greenhouse addition to Minmus Station to experiment with snack production away from Kerbin. Expected to arrived at Minmus on 05:013.





Apparently my greenhouse barely missed a Mun encounter on the way to Minmus


Aircraft: The Falcon spaceplane CS-01A-02264 was converted to a "B" model with a new Whiplash turbo-ramjet in place of the Panther.Ā  The conversion only took 2 days and CS-01B-02264 was taken up for a test flight to orbit & back by Jeb on 04:395.Ā  He overshot KSC, but high-altitude (started at 26km) Split-S brought him back to a safe landing.





Starting to pick up some heat:


Overshooting KSC:



Debris:Ā  None

Ongoing Missions:

Chadney Kermin Memorial Station - Uncrewed

Minmus Station - Third crew arrived in STV-5-1 04:137.

Buffalo-Minmus Heavy Rover - On standby at Lancer-Minmus SBX

Lancer-Minmus SBX - First crew arrived 04:128.Ā  Departed on 04:328, after 200 days on the surface of Minmus.Ā  The made a short detour in Minmus orbit to pick up pilot Samantha Kerbin from her disabled pod.Ā  After the rescue, they burned for home after one more orbit.Ā  The crew splashed down safely on 04:337.

Rendezvous with Samantha's pod after launching from the SBX


Dres Surveyor - Entered Dres' SoI on 04:281, and safely landed in the lowlands on 04:282.Ā  Images returned by the onboard camera show a gray landscape, similar to the Mun.






Pioneer-Jool - Fly-by of Tylo performed 04:308, resulting in Jool capture leading straight to a Laythe flyby.Ā  That was unfortunately on the night side of the moon, but a short course correction led from Laythe to a Vall fly-by on 04:310.Ā  Some more substantial maneuvers a few days later led to a Bop fly-by on 04:330.Ā  After Bop, a plane change followed by a course correction set up a Pol fly-by on 04:356.Ā  A course correction during the Pol fly-by sent the probe on a final Tylo intercept, where it established a highly elliptical, 75* inclined orbit to provide relay functions for the next wave of Jool probes.





Jool Large Relay 1 - Arrival in Jool's SoI expected on 06:114

Laythe Pancake Lander - Expected to arrive in Jool's SoI on 06:137

Jool Voyager - Arrival in Jool's SoI expected on 06:145

Jooldiver - Expected to arrive in Jool's SoI on 06:148

Jool Large Relay 2 - Arrival in Jool's SoI expected on 06:157

Laythe Glide-Rover - Expected to arrive in Jool's SoI on 06:222.

Eeloo Voyager - Arrival in Eeloo's SoI expected on 07:023.

Eeloo Landercan - Eeloo intercept expected on 07:042.


Other:Ā  Level 3 upgrade to the R&D center completed on 04:393.Ā  With over 2800 accumulated science, there was a rush of advancements made possible by the upgraded R&D Center including the new science experiments, ISRU, 3.75m engines & fuel tanks and hypersonic flight.

This concludes the fourth year of Out of the Sands.Ā  This year had only 10 manned and 12 unmanned rocket launches, plus a single flight of the improved Falcon B spaceplane.Ā  All launches were successful. Four of the launches were probes on interplanetary journeys.Ā  The biggest event of the year was the arrival of Pioneer-Jool with fly-by's of all the Joolian moons.Ā  Plans for the upcoming year include a manned mission to Duna, with a transfer window near the end of the year - and/or a manned mission to Eve orbit, which would launch much sooner.Ā Ā 



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  • 1 month later...

Well I should have a replacement some time early next week.Ā  I also ordered a gadget to plug in my old HD to make an external HD, which should be here Saturday.Ā  Of course, it won't be till Sunday (at work) that I'll have anything to plug it in to to see if the drive is intact or not

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Some good news finally - the Sabrent external drive enclosure showed up today instead of tomorrow. Ā  I pulled the HD out of my fried laptop & stuck it in, and as soon as I got to work plugged it into my work computer just to see and at a glance it looks like the entire HD survived!!! Ā  So once I get my new laptop, I should be able to just copy everything over & pick up where I left off.

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Yay, new laptop arrived this morning.Ā  Of course, it took the whole rest of the morning to get stuff set up.Ā  Next I have to finish setting up stuff (like Steam) and then copy over everything off the old HD.Ā  With the time I have available, I expect some time next week I should be able to start playing KSP again :o

Update:Ā  Moved this build & my JNSQ build from the old HD to my new computer and....... stuck at "Loading asset bundle definitions."Ā Ā  Of course this couldn't be simple

Update 2: Took entirely too much effort, but I finally found my problem - the copies of KSP outside of the Steam install need to be set to run as admin.Ā  The Steam copy can run normally, but the default settings on this new laptop won't let the other versions access anything without being set to admin.Ā  Still didn't accomplish anything, but at least I got to the point of being able to run the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update 05:148Ā  I'm baaaack, back in the saddle again!!


After a too-long break, I made some more progress & figured I would get in an update tonight.

Manned Launches:

KSC Dawngrazer MiL3D-1 05:075 - Hastily modified a MiL3 lander with an Advanced Grabbing Unit Jr and full RCS to rendezvous & capture the Lancer-Minmus outpost.Ā  To allow automated control of the outpost, a structural panel with OKTO2 probe core and small 3-axis reaction wheel was externally attached to the lander.Ā  The modifications removed the LES, so there was a huge sigh of relief when the lander was clear of the atmosphere.Ā  Transit to Minmus was routine.Ā  Docking with the Lancer outpost was slightly awkward, mostly trying to find a safe anchor point that wouldn't damage any of the solar panels or antennas.Ā  Once docked, Kelrik moved the OKTO2 rig to the outpost without difficulty.Ā  Once undocked, the Lancer moved to a lower orbit, followed by crew in MiL3D-1.Ā  They safely landed at the outpost on 05:085

Unmanned Launches:

DSC Girrok-Heavy Moho Remote Rover 05:037 - Small unmanned rover for exploraing Moho, launched successfully from DSC.Ā  Departed for Moho on 05:085, leaving Kerbin space on 05:086 with an immediate course correction.Ā  Moho arrival estimated for 05:176

KSC Gronyx ASV-1 05:047 - First launch of a new Automated Supply Vehicle to restock Minmus Station with snacks & fuel.Ā  Launch was smooth, followed soon after by the Minmus transfer.Ā  Upon arrival, it docked with Minmus station and transferred fuel & snacks.Ā  Engineer Johnny Kerman was tasked with moving the four snacks containers from the ASV to the open mounts on the station, but the final container slipped & went spinning off into space.Ā  Initially, Johnny attempted to catch it but after starting to run low on fuel, returned to the station.Ā  The nearly empty ASV then undocked, maneuvered to the container and gently performed a deorbit burn, sending both itself & the wayward container on a suborbital trajectory.


KSC Gronyx-RTV-1 05:062 - During the launch of the ASV-1, it was realized the first stage was nearly capable of making orbit on its own.Ā  This sparked the idea of making a resuable launcher.Ā  The upgraded Gronyx-RTV (Reusuable Test Vehicle) was launched about two weeks later, carrying a 41-ton dummy payload into space.Ā  The payload had to be jettisoned to reach LKO - the RTV was short by about 50 m/s with the payload.Ā  After making orbit, it then made not quite one orbit and attempted to land at KSC.Ā  The space center was overshot slightly, resulting in a water landing about 8km from KSC.Ā  Happily, no parts were broken despite the water landing and the complete Gronyx-RTV was recovered.Ā  It did require assistance from a quartet of Thumper SRB's which were not recovered, but this was more of a test vehicle than an actual reusable launch vehicle design.


DSC Grx Lancer-Minmus Outpost 05:069 - First launch of the new Lancer-Minmus outpost.Ā  Over a month in production, the mobile Lancer provides the first practical off-Kerbin ore extraction and processing with longterm living quarters for a crew of 3.Ā  Launch & Minmus transfer went smoothly but last minute checks upon arrival in Minmus orbit revealed no probe core had been installed on the base itself, making a controlled landing impossible.Ā  This accelerated plans for the first Lancer-Minmus crew with the added complication of needing to rendezvous in orbit to hastilly attach a probe core and reaction wheel to the base.Ā  Once the probe core was fitted, a landing site was chosen based on survey data.Ā  Only ~35km from the old base experiment, this site proved to have nearly an 8% ore concentration.Ā  While not as high as hoped, it was sufficient to begin mining operations once the crew arrived.

KSC SG MiSP-2 05:087 - One overlooked item on the new Minmus surface missions was the new Ionographer surface experiment.Ā  To correct that, a Minmus Supply Probe was built & launched with the necessary components on board.Ā  Landed smoothly near the Minmus-Lancer outpost and the crew deployed the surface experiments successfully.

KSC Grx Eve EFS-TV1 05:110 - Test launch and reentry test of an Emergency Fuel Station for possible use on Eve.Ā  Intended to provide minimal quarters, snacks & fuel refining for a potential mission to Eve's surface.Ā  After entering orbit, the Ap was boosted to the edge of Kerbin's SoI.Ā  After the 16 day trip, a small maneuver at Ap placed the Pe at 30km, maximizing the reentry forces & heating to attempt to mimic an entry at Eve.Ā  EFS-TV1 arrived back in Kerbin's atmosphere on 05:143.Ā  Reentry was fairly smooth, although the landing pads weren't protected by the heat shield & started to overheat - not enough to fail on this attempt, but Eve will be a different story.Ā  Also, upon landing, deploying the drill pushed the entire outpost to the side.Ā  The basic idea is sound, but some improvements are required before sending this to Eve.


Second stage separation, third stage ignition


Boosting to the edge of Kerbin's SoI


The 2.5 to 3.75m adapter behind the heatshield is half full of lead to ensure the outpost reenters correctly - it works, but really drains your dV hauling that much mass around.


While the heatshield is wide enough to protect most of the outpost, the folding landing pads are still exposed.Ā  While not a problem reentering at Kerbin, I suspect they will overheat during an Eve entry.


Drogue deployment & staging the heatshield & ballast.Ā  About half a second after this shot, the whole craft tumbled but returned to its correct orientation


On landing, I found the second flaw in the design - the drill pushes the entire outpost over when it deploys.Ā  I think I'm going to try with 2 small drills rather than the single large one.Ā  I may stick a stock small ISRU on top of the lander can in place of the Wild Blue Micro-ISRU on the folding landing pad, which will let the pads fold further in for protection during entry.Ā  Finally, I may fill the ballast adapter with LFO instead of lead, then transfer it to the empty tanks on the outpost before jettisoning it.Ā  There will still be some waste, but at least the fuel will be useful compared to the lead ballast.


DSC Gi ACV-03 05: - Launch of another Asteroid Capture Vehicle to attempt capture of a smaller asteroid that will be entering Kerbin's SoI in a few months.



CSX-04-05116 05: - Thanks to a contract to test an experimental Rapier engine, a new spaceplane design was launched.Ā  With Jeb away, Val & Phoebe got to take the experimental Lightning II spaceplane for its first orbital hop.Ā  All went well, and they touched down at KSC after a single orbit.Ā  Production models are expected to include a drone core for autonomous operations.Ā  With room for 6 kerbals the Lightning II will be great for crew transfers to long range orbital craft and possibly as an interface craft for use around Laythe - although that will require refueling in orbit and possibly expendable fuel tanks to extend the range.


Dawn takeoff



With the oxidizer gone, just the single NERV pushes them the rest of the way to orbit


After the initial reentry, Val re-lit the Rapiers once there was enough oxygen and built up a little speed to reach KSC


Slowing down over the mountains


Post-mission photo op


Debris:Ā  None


Ongoing Missions:

Chadney Kermin Memorial Station - Uncrewed

Minmus Station - Third crew arrived in STV-5-1 04:137.Ā  Due to arrival of the greenhouse module, their stay has been extended to gather information on snack production in zero-g.

Buffalo-Minmus Heavy Rover - Repositioned autonomously from Lancer-Minmus SBX to the new Lancer-Minmus Outpost

Lancer-Minmus SBX - Uncrewed

Grav-Racer - Minmus arrival on 05:010, gathered data over several orbits then departed on 05:013.Ā  Reentered & safely landed on Kerbin just 120km north of DSC on 05:021, bringing home almost 400 units of science.

Minmus Station Greenhouse Wing - Arrived at Minmus on 05:013 and docked on 05:014, beginning the first zero-g snack production.

Laythe Ocean Explorer - Course correction performed on 05:127, expected to enter Jool's SoI on 07:020

Bop Lander & Relay Mk 1v - Course correction completed on 05:135, Jool encounter planned for 07:058

Vall Lander & Relay Mk 1v - Course correction performed on 05:137, expected to reach Jool's SoI on 06:418


Pol Lnader & Relay Mk 1v - Course correction scheduled for 05:185

Jool Large Relay 1 - Arrival in Jool's SoI expected on 06:114

Laythe Pancake Lander - Expected to arrive in Jool's SoI on 06:137

Jool Voyager - Arrival in Jool's SoI expected on 06:145

Jooldiver - Expected to arrive in Jool's SoI on 06:148

Jool Large Relay 2 - Arrival in Jool's SoI expected on 06:157

Laythe Glide-Rover - Expected to arrive in Jool's SoI on 06:222.

Eeloo Voyager - Arrival in Eeloo's SoI expected on 07:023.

Eeloo Landercan - Eeloo intercept expected on 07:042.


Other:Ā  Tested a new Lancer Outpost at KSC (prior to sending one to Minmus) for use as a small base on the surface of moons or even other planets.Ā  All systems functioned perfectly.Ā  The Lancer is capable of ore extraction & refining, small scale snack production and science gathering with living space for 3 kerbals.Ā  It will be available in static & mobile versions.Ā  The aft docking port will allow expansions to be added as needed. Ā 



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Breaking News ---- Werner Kerman announces "Operation Morning Star" after successful launch test of Sarnus rocket


Woomerang Space Center, 05:163 - In a surprise statement minutes after the launch of the new Sarnus heavy lift launcher, Werner Kerman announced "Operation Morning Star" - a manned mission to Eve orbit.Ā Ā  The plan calls for 3 new interplanetary craft - the Small Crew Vehicle, Small Crew Station, & Small Supply Transport.Ā  The Small Crew Vehicle (SCV) will transport a 3-kerbal crew to Eve and back.Ā  The Small Crew Station will provide living space and a research lab for their stay in Eve orbit while the Small Supply Transport will carry addition food & fuel to Eve.Ā  As an even bigger surprise, the first class of kerbonauts were skipped for this mission.Ā  Instead, Werner announced that the "Eve Three" will be pilot Lodzon Kerman, engineer Barnie Kerman and scientist Adburry Kerman.Ā  There is some speculation that the original kerbonauts were left out due to lingering anger by senior space center officials over Jeb's unauthorized mission into interplanetary space after the first flight to Minmus orbit several years ago.Ā  Other sources state that the veterans are being saved for a possible mission to land on Duna later this year.Ā Ā  In the view of this reporter, with the successful launch of the massive Sarnus, it is well within the space program's capability to perform a manned Duna landing as long as the funding is available.Ā 

Stay tuned for more information

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  • 2 weeks later...

Breaking News ---- Operation "Red Dawn" officially announced


Dessert Space Center, 05:305 - After weeks of suspicious launches that many observers believed were intended to support a manned mission to Duna, an official announcement finally came.Ā  Operation Red Dawn will place a crew of kerbonauts on the surface of both Duna and Ike.Ā  As expected, the first class of kerbonauts will be performing the mission.Ā Ā  The mission outline calls for Jeb, Kelrik & Ambera to perform an Ike landing shortly after arrival.Ā  After gathering surface samples and refueling the lander, they will return to orbit & then dock with the crew station in Duna orbit.Ā  From there, Val will pilot the prime mission to land on Duna, leaving Jeb at the station. A small fleet (already in orbit) will be heading to Duna in the next few weeks- crew station for Duna, supply vehicle, crew transfer vehicle, disposable Duna lander, reusable Ike lander, Lancer-Duna outpost, Buffalo-Duna Rover, and the Buffalo-Ike Mobile Mining platform.Ā  Also unveiled were new surface EVA suits, with photos of the crew training near DSC.Ā 



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Update 05:370


Manned Launches: Only two manned launches were conducted, both by Lightning spaceplanes.


CS-04X-05116 05:212Ā  - Launched on its second flight, bringing the "Eve 3" to the SCV-01 for the flight to Eve.Ā  Although disappointed not to be going, Val & Phoebe were proud to be taking part in the historic mission in any capacity - which was also the first operational use of a spaceplane.Ā  After transferring the crew, they brought their spaceplane back to a safe landing

CS-04-05217 05:365 - Carried the crew for Operation Red Dawn to transfer to the MCV for the trip.Ā  As a longevity test of the spaceplane, it then descended to a 135km parking orbit to wait for the crew's return rather than landing back at KSC and having to launch again to recover them. Ā 


Unmanned Launches: Most of the unmanned launches were conducted in support of the two manned interplanetary missions.Ā  Only 3 other launches were conducted.


WSC Sarnus STP 05:163 - First test launch of the Sarnus launch vehicle, capable of lifting larger payloads than ever before.Ā  The STP (Sarnus Test Project) is merely a flight test of the Sarnus launcher, lifting a recoverable control core along with a large lead ballast weight in the nose.Ā  Launch, orbit & recovery all went flawlessly, paving the way for true heavy lift capabilities.


KSC Gronyx JLRR-3-2 05:322 - Long-range dual RA-100 relay launched for Jool transfer.Ā  Departured for Jool on 05:330, course correction planned for 06:241.


DSC Gronyx LLRR-1 05:325 - Large Remote Rover intended for Laythe.Ā  Transfer performed on 05:333, course correction scheduled for 06:069



Ā Ā  Ā Operation Morning Star:

The manned mission to Eve orbit, announced on 05:163 consisted of four craft plus the use of a spaceplane to bring the crew to orbit.Ā  All launches were successful and the craft are currently enroute to Eve, expected to arrive in about 20 days.


KSC Sarnus SCS-Eve 05:172 - First launch of the "Small Crew Station" for use on manned missions to Eve.Ā  Also the first operational launch of the Sarnus launch vehicle.Ā  Launch went perfectly, placing SCS-Eve into a 145x142km orbit to wait for the Eve transfer, which was performed on 05:212.Ā  Kerbin departure occured on 05:216 and a course correction was completed on 05:317.Ā  Should arrive near Eve on 05:389


DSC Sarnus EFS-Eve 05:183 - Launch of the modified Emergency Fuel Station for Eve.Ā  Although there are no current plans for a manned Eve landing, it was decided to launch the EFS-Eve to test the operation use of the facility and have it on hand for the future.Ā  Launched during a solar eclipse from DSC, it attained a 147x143km orbit.Ā  Eve transfer was completed on 05:208, departed Kerbin's SoI on 05:213 and a course correction was performed on 05:271.Ā  Eve intercept expected on 05:390

KSC Gronyx SCV-01 05:187 - With the successful launch of the Small Crew Vehicle, Operation Morning Star was truly a "go."Ā  Placed in a 142x140km orbit to await the launch of the crew via spaceplane.Ā  After the crew boarded, Eve transfer was completed a few minutes later on 05:212 and the crew departed Kerbin's SoI on 05:217 with a course correction completed on 05:318.Ā  Eve arrival planned for 05:390.


DSC Gronyx SST-E-01 05:193 - Small Supply Transport launched to support the manned Eve mission with additional fuel & snacks.Ā  Eve transfer performed on 05:217, departed Kerbin on 05:221 and course correction completed 05:313.Ā  Eve intercept expected on 05:393.


Ā Ā Ā  Operation Red Dawn:

The manned mission to land on Duna & Ike, announced 05:305.Ā  A total of seven craft were launched to support the mission, not counting the second Lightning spaceplane that brought the crew to orbit.Ā  All launches were successful although the Duna Disposable Lander suffered an engine overtemp on one of its four Boar first stage engines a few seconds before first stage burnout & separation.Ā  No adjustments were necessary and the flight continued normally.


DSC Gronyx SST-D-01 05:214 - Another Small Supply Transport, placed into a 145km orbit pending Duna transfer.Ā  Transfer performed on 05:359, course correction scheduled for 06:069

KSC Sarnus Lancer-Duna Outpost 05:235 - The launch of a new Lancer outpost with an advanced nuclear-powered upper stage for interplanetary range.Ā  Transfer completed on 05:366, course correction was completed immediately after leaving Kerbin's SoI.Ā  Duna intercept expected on 06:197.


DSC Gronyx DDL-01 05:239 - Launch of the Duna Disposable Lander.Ā  One of the Boar engines started overheating shortly before first stage burnout, but it had no effect on the launch.Ā  Departed for Duna on 05:359, course correctino planned for 06:070


DSC Gronyx BDR-01 05:261 - Launch of the Buffalo-Duna Rover. Transfer completed on 05:362, course correction scheduled for 06:052


KSC Sarnus DCS-SL-01 05:281 - Larger crew station for Duna orbit.Ā  Transfer performed on 05:366, with a course correction planned for 06:056.


DSC Gronyx DIL-01 05:281 - Duna-Ike Lander - resusable vacuum lander for Ike.Ā  Transfer completed on 05:362, course correction will be on 06:058.

DSC Dawngrazer DR-1 05:289 - Built for a commercial contract, the Duna Racer has to perform fly-by's of both Mun & Minmus before heading to Duna.Ā  Launched into LKO then transferred to Minmus.Ā  Arrived at Minmus and entered orbit on 05:298Ā  then departed for Mun on 05:304.Ā  Performed a Mun fly-by on 05:317 then went on to HKO at 5800x5900 km, with the final Duna transfer performed on 05:359.Ā  After departing Kerbin, a course correction is planned for 06:070


KSC Gronyx BIMM-01 05:304 - Buffalo-Ike Mobile Miner.Ā  Transfer performed on 05:365, with a course correction scheduled for 06:064

KSC Sarnus MCV-D-01 05:356 - Launch of the new Medium Crew Vehicle for bringing kerbonauts to/from Duna.Ā  Once the crew transfered over from the Lightning spaceplane, they departed for Duna, with a course correction planned for 06:071







Construction of a second Lightning II spaceplane was completed on 05:217 and the original CS-04X-05116 was put in the hangar for refit (adding the Mk 2 probe core), which lasted for 2 days, leaving the space program with 2 fully mission capable Lightning II spaceplanes.

Jeb took up an experimental Mk 2 shuttle design - the CX-06 Meteor - for an atmospheric flight test on 05:298.Ā  It handled well - if somewhat sluggishly - but had a substantial amount of drag which makes it questionable for its intended use.Ā  It is also already obsolete thanks to the fully operational Lightning II spaceplanes.


Debris:Ā  One new piece of debris was left in orbit, by the Jool Large Relay during its transfer maneuver.

JLRR-3-2 2nd Stage - 05:330 - 794X137km, 5* inclined orbit

Ongoing Missions:

The few ongoing manned missions at Minmus wrapped up & the crews returned home.Ā 


Chadney Kermin Memorial Station - Uncrewed

Minmus Station - Third crew arrived in STV-5-1 04:137.Ā  Due to arrival of the greenhouse module, their stay was been extended to gather information on snack production in zero-g.Ā  Departed for home on 05:163 and splashed down safely.

Buffalo-Minmus Heavy Rover - On standby at Lancer-Minmus Outpost

Lancer-Minmus SBX - Uncrewed

Lancer-Minmus Outpost - First crew departed on 05:214 after 127 days at the base. Ā 

MiL3D-1 - Brought the Lancer-Minmus crew home safely, departed on 05:214 and splashed down on 05:223

There are a large number of craft of various types en route to various destinations.Ā  Only two completed their missions - the Moho Remote Rover, landing on 05:176 & the ACV-3, capturing asteroid YRK-979 & establishing it in orbit around Kerbin before running out of fuel.

Moho Remote Rover - Reached Moho on 05:176 and landed safely in the highlands.Ā  After performing a series of local scans, the rover returned to its landing site pending further instructions.




ACV-3 - Target asteroid (YRK-979) entered Kerbin's SoI on 05:208, and ACV-3 captured it on 05:213 and established an inital 28* 1490x31000km orbit.Ā  Over the next few days, inclination was dropped to zero and the orbit dropped down to a 1282 x 3435 km before running out of fuel. Will remain attached in standby mode pending further missions involving YRK-979.

Remaining craft & status:


Pol Lander & Relay Mk 1v - Course correction completed on 05:185, Jool arrival planned for 07:270

Jool Large Relay 1 - Arrival in Jool's SoI expected on 06:114

Laythe Pancake Lander - Expected to arrive in Jool's SoI on 06:137

Jool Voyager - Arrival in Jool's SoI expected on 06:145

Jooldiver - Expected to arrive in Jool's SoI on 06:148

Jool Large Relay 2 - Arrival in Jool's SoI expected on 06:157

Laythe Glide-Rover - Expected to arrive in Jool's SoI on 06:222.

Vall Lander & Relay Mk 1v - Expected to reach Jool's SoI on 06:418

Laythe Ocean Explorer - Expected to enter Jool's SoI on 07:020

Eeloo Voyager - Arrival in Eeloo's SoI expected on 07:023.

Eeloo Landercan - Eeloo intercept expected on 07:042.

Bop Lander & Relay Mk 1v - Jool encounter planned for 07:058


Other:Ā Ā 

No construction is currently in progress, as all facilities were needed to support the two manned interplanetary missions.Ā  Upgrades to the KSC runway & the VAB are being considered for the start of the next fiscal year.


The prime crew for Operation Red Dawn performed ground training near the DSC for several days, familiarizing themselves with both the Lancer outpost, Buffalo rover and the new surface EVA suits





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  • 3 weeks later...

Update 06:170 Ā  Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire at your desire


Manned Launches:Ā Ā  Just 4 manned launches for this update:


KSC CS-04-05116 05:370 - Phoebe & Merwise piloted the remaining Lightning to orbit with a load of 3 tourists & landed safely back at KSC.Ā  Phoebe overshot KSC a little, but treated the tourists to a high speed Split-S to return to a safe landing.Ā  She also forgot to retract the antenna prior to reentry.

KSC Girrok ASV-ER-01 05:399 - A modified Girrok MMV equipped with a grabbing unit to attach to YRK-979 in order to complete a scientific survey contract.Ā  Carried Phoebe, Johnny & Kathberry Kerman up to YRK-979 to take samples before returning home safely later the same day.



KSC Girrok MMV-LT-2 06:001 - With the veterans on their way to Duna, there was no one left at KSC with advanced skills so a mission was organzied to send Phoebe, Johnny & Kathberry on a flight out of Kerbin's SoI & back to get them more experience in long range flights.Ā  Launching on the first day of the new year, they departed Kerbin's SoI on 06:012 and returned to Kerbin on 06:024 - although they came down on the edge of the mountains, landing on a slope and nearly toppling over.


KSC Dawngrazer MiL3-7 06:059 - First crew sent to HMB-M-1.Ā  Landed safely on 06:068


Unmanned Launches:Ā  Multiple unmanned launches orbited a wide range of payloads - including an asteroid miner, Minmus base and a pair of craft for Moho.Ā  A single failure occurred due to a first stage engine explosion just 38 seconds after launch.


KSC Gronyx SAMI-1 05:384 - First launch of a new asteroid mining craft, the SAMI (Small Asteroid Mining & ISRU).Ā  After reaching orbit, it plotted an intercept with YRK-979, arriving a few hours later.Ā  The initial capture was poorly positioned and the first attempt at circularizing the orbit was arborted due to control problems.Ā  Mission control decided to let the drills & ISRU run for 2 days before attempting another maneuver.Ā  Finally finished getting YRK-979 into a circular orbit on 05:388.



DSC Dawngrazer AKRV-ER-1 05:376 - Almost lost among all the interplanetary launches, a rescue mission to recover a kerbal around Minmus was finally lanched.Ā  Rescued pilot Ankin Kermin on 05:385 & returned safely to Kerbin on 05:394


DSC Sarnus HMB-M-1 06:036 - A new, much larger base was launched to Minmus to allow for more extensive refueling operations.Ā  Landed safely on Minmus 06:051


DSC Girrok MFS-1 06:060 - First launch of a Minmus Fuel Shuttle to carry fuel from the heavy mining base to orbit.Ā  Just 38 seconds after launch, suffered a catastrophic failure of the Twin Boar engine.

Last image of MFS-1 after a failed attempt to save the shuttle after the explosion of the first stage


DSC Girrok MFS-1b 06:067 - Second attempt to launch a Minmus Fuel Shuttle.Ā  Much more successful than the first attempt, landing on 06:076 near HMB-M-1.Ā  It was immediately fueled and launched up to dock with Minmus Station, docking on 06:077.

MFS-1b at T+39 seconds, surpassing MFS-1


After landing at HMB-M-1 and filling up, MFS-1b took off & carried it's load of fuel up to Minmus Station


KSC Sarnus EFS-Mo-01 xx - Modified Emergency Fuel Station for use on Moho and other vacuum bodies.Ā  With no need to worry about atmospheric entry, the folding landing panels were replaced with simpler and sturdier fixed models.Ā  The Moho transfer window plotted in mission control turned out to be early by almost 5 months, so it will remain in orbit until the actual transfer window.


DSC Sarnus MoCS-01 xx - Modified single-launch Crew Station for Moho.Ā  A high-efficiency nuclear "lightbulb" engine provides sufficient dV and modifications to the basic station protect the crew quarters from the intense sunlight that will be encountered in Moho orbit.Ā  Again, the actual transfer window is roughly 5 months in the future, so the station will remain in LKO until the correct transfer window.


KSC Girrok MSS-01 xx - Minmus Supply Shuttle launched to Minmus, carrying extra snacks and a new advanced scanning arm for the rover, then brought 500 units of fresh Minmus ore back to Kerbin.

Johnny Kerman busy swapping out the medium scanning arm with the new larger scanning arm while refueling and snack transfer is proceeding


With the snacks & storage sections empty and no longer needed, the lower portion is staged away while the rest of the supply shuttle burns to orbit, then returns the load of ore to Kerbin.



Production of a third Lightning II spaceplane was completed, and CS-04-05400 was rolled out and parked with the original Lightning II & the Falcon-B.Ā  In preparation for upgrading the runway, both Lightning's and the Falcon-B were repositioned to DSC on 05:412.

Debris: Ā 

JLRR-3-2 2nd Stage - 05:330 - 794X137km, 5* inclined orbit

Ongoing Missions:


Chadney Kermin Memorial Station - Uncrewed

Minmus Station - Uncrewed

Buffalo-Minmus Heavy Rover - Pending arrival of the new HMB-Mi-1, travelled NE of the Lancer-Minmus outpost to scout a possible higher ore concentration.Ā  Find only a 7.5% concentration, it moved on to another location well to the west.Ā  The second location wasn't much better - only 7.7%, so a third spot was investigated.Ā  Eventually, KSC staff realized there were technical problems with the resource scanner and it appeared to be showing areas of low ore rather than high ore, so finally the rover was sent to a relatively flat area that the orbital scanner was showing a very low ore concentration and it turned out to be 11.7%, the highest yet.Ā  After searching the area for several minutes, a suitable landing site was found for the Heavy Mining Base and the rover was returned to standby mode.

Lancer-Minmus SBX - Uncrewed

Lancer-Minmus Outpost - Uncrewed

CS-04-05217 - Parked in a 135km equatorial orbit.

ACV-3 - Attached to YRK-979 in standby mode. Ā 

***Operation Morning Star***


SCS-Eve - Entered Eve's SoI on 05:389 and established orbit 05:393.




EFS-Eve - Arrived in Eve Space on 05:390 and established orbit 05:394.Ā  Landed in the Eve lowlands on 05:395.Ā  The ore concentration at the landing site is <6%, but still enough for the purpose of the EFS.Ā  Completed a contract to extract 400 units of ore from Eve on 05:406.Ā  Much to everyone's surprise, the jettisoned transfer stage survived entry & landed just 6.5km from the EFS, although the NERV engines & radiators were all destroyed.


Clouds light up as lightning flashes across the dark sky



The "miracle tank" on Eve.Ā  There is already a public push to recover the tank and bring it back to Kerbin but KSC has so far not even acknowledged that request


SCV-01 - Entered Eve's SoI 05:390 and sent back the first crew & EVA reports from another celestial body.Ā  Established initial orbit on 05:394 and rendezvoused with the Small Crew Station later that day.Ā  After checking out all systems, theyĀ  started research in the MOLE.



SST-E-01 - Arrived at Eve on 05:393 and entered a 262x288 km parking orbit on 05:396.


***Operation Red Dawn***


SST-D-01 - Course correction completed on 06:069, arrival expected 06:245.

Lancer-Duna Outpost - Duna intercept expected on 06:197.

DDL-01 - Course correctino performed on 06:070, Duna arrival on 06:247

BDR-01 - Course correction completed on 06:052, Duna arrival expected 06:237

DCS-SL-01 - Course correction performed on 06:056, with Duna arrival on 06:240

DIL-01 - Course correction completed on 06:058. Expected to arrive at Duna 06:253

DR-1 - Course correction performed on 06:070, arrival 06:246.

BIMM-01 - Course correction completed on 06:064, Duna arrival planned for 06:264.

MCV-D-01 - Course correction performed 06:071, Duna arrival 06:241

Laythe Large Remote Rover - Course correction completed on 06:069, Jool intercept expected 07:160

Jool Large Relay 1 - Arrived in Jool's SoI on 06:114, heading to a south polar orbit.

Laythe Pancake Lander - Arrived in Jool's SoI on 06:137, heading to a Tylo fly-by

Jool Voyager - Arrived in Jool's SoI on 06:145, heading to a Tylo fly-by

Jooldiver - Arrive in Jool's SoI on 06:148, will fly-by Tylo on 06:212.

Jool Large Relay 2 - Arrived in Jool's SoI on 06:157 and performed a course correction to set up a north polar orbit.Ā  Orbital insertion planned for 06:240.

Laythe Glide-Rover - Expected to arrive in Jool's SoI on 06:222.

Jool Long-Range Relay - course correction planned for 06:241.

Vall Lander & Relay Mk 1v - Expected to reach Jool's SoI on 06:418

Laythe Ocean Explorer - Expected to enter Jool's SoI on 07:020

Eeloo Voyager - Arrival in Eeloo's SoI expected on 07:023.

Eeloo Landercan - Eeloo intercept expected on 07:042.

Bop Lander & Relay Mk 1v - Jool encounter planned for 07:058

Pol Lander & Relay Mk 1v - Jool arrival planned for 07:270

Other:Ā Ā  Began upgrading the KSC runway on 05:412, and completed on 06:053.Ā 

Tested an early version of a heat-protected Moho rover named MoRo.Ā  Since the XL3 rover wheels are not yet available, TR2L wheels mounted to trusses were used for the tests.Ā  Initial tests are promising.


Primary power is from an array of 6 large fixed solar panels on the upper platform, with a folding 1x6 panel to capture sunlight when it is low on the horizon plus an RTG in the tail to keep everything operating during the long Moho nights.Ā  A folding 15g antenna provides the primary communication link, backed up with a fixed 16S antenna mounted in a well protected location under the upper platform.Ā  Several large radiators under the lower platform work to keep the command module at a comfortable temperature while a folding thermal control system provides additional heat control if needed.Ā  A pair of Tundra modules mounted on either side of the command module provide snacks for the 2-kerbal crew for over 200 days - considering the early mission outline calls for 2 small surface bases, this should allow the rover crew plenty of time to reach either base for additional supplies in the event of a


There is ample room on the aft platform to possible add additional quarters or resource storage.Ā  Currently, no scientific instruments have been fitted, but would most likely consist of a basic science array (temp, press, seismic & grav) plus a large scanning arm.Ā  Surface experiment storage is also likely.



High speed turns are to be avoided, at least in the test model - although the high-strength construction prevented injuries or damage to anything except solar panels


Regardless of the final form taken by the MoRo, there is still the question of how to safely land it on Moho.Ā  Most of our larger designs have used some form of skycrane, but with the unique design of MoRo, where almost the entire overhead is covered with solar panels and the wide protective panels would require the landing engines to be mounted even further out, a different approach may be required - a cradle similar to the Moho remote rover is being considered, but hasn't gotten past the idea stage yet.

Year 5 wrapped up with a total of 30 launches, 6 manned (including 4 spaceplanes) and 24 unmanned.Ā  A lucky 13 were interplanetary missions.Ā  Only a single partial failure (engine overtemp) occurred through the whole year which didn't effect the mission - which is already better than year 6 is doing.

Note:Ā  Three launches, including one complete mission (MSS-01) plus some SoI changes & course corrections lost all notes & dates due to a sudden power failure.Ā  Notes were rewritten from memory, anything with x's in place of a date is one of the lost notes.


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Update 06:267 Under wandering stars I've grown
By myself but not alone


Manned Launches: No manned launches this update.

Unmanned Launches: Only 2 new unmanned launches, one a test of a Moho mission and the other an actual Moho mission.


KSC Sar MuRo-TX 06:xx - Test mission for launch, transfer & Mun landing of the Moho Rover (MoRo), dubbed MuRo.Ā  Utilizing a Sarnus LV with a pair of Gronyx launchers as boosters.Ā  At over 444k funds, this is an extremely expensive test flight.Ā  Solid design work and carefully piloting resulted in a completely successful mission from launch through Mun landing, then - thanks to sufficient fuel remaining in the cradle - a short hop of a few dozen km and second landing which resulted in finding an excellent location for a Mun mining base







KSC Sar MoLO-01 06:258 - Moho Lancer Outpost launched from KSC.Ā  A Lancer outpost modified to withstand the temperature extremes on Moho, intended as a longer term base than the EFS for a future manned mission to Moho.

Aircraft:Ā  No new aircraft operations this update.

Debris: Ā 


JLRR-3-2 2nd Stage - 05:330 - 794X137km, 5* inclined orbit

EFS-Eve Transfer Stage - 05:395 - Eve surface

Ongoing Missions:


Chadney Kermin Memorial Station - Uncrewed

Minmus Station - Uncrewed with MFS-1b docked

Buffalo-Minmus Heavy Rover - On standby at HMB-M-1

Lancer-Minmus SBX - Uncrewed

Lancer-Minmus Outpost - Uncrewed

HMB-M-1 - First crew on arrived 06:068.

MiL3-7 - On standby for crew return from HMB-M-1

CS-04-05217 - Parked in a 135km equatorial orbit.

ACV-3 - Attached to YRK-979 in standby mode.

SAMI-01 - Attached to YRK-979

***Operation Morning Star***Ā  No new updates on this expeditions


SCS-Eve - In Eve orbit with crew performing research.

EFS-Eve - On standby on Eve's surface.

SCV-01 - Docked with SCS-Eve

SST-E-01 - On standby in 262x288 km parking orbit.


***Operation Red Dawn*** With the arrival of the complete expedition and first successful manned landing, Operation Red Dawn fulfilled the dreams of countless young kerbals.


Lancer-Duna Outpost - Entered Duna's SoI on 06:197 and entered orbit on 06:202. Landed on 06:265 ~2km from Buffalo-Duna Rover and found ore concentration to actually be 11.2% instead of the reported 7.4%.Ā  Set up and began autonomous ore extraction while waiting for the lander with crew to arrive. Ā 



DCS-SL-01 - Duna arrival on 06:240 and entered LDO on 06:243


BDR-01 - Entered Duna space on 06:237, with orbital insertion 06:240.Ā  Landed near the southern end of the western canyon on 06:254 to beging searching for suitable base location.Ā  Found acceptable ore concentration on 06:263 and a suitable landing area for the Lancer-Duna outpost.


DDL-01 - Duna arrival on 06:247, docked with Duna station on 06:250.Ā  Val, Kelrik & Ambera transfered to the DDL and landed on 06:265, 05:44 KSC time.




Ā  DDL undocked, preparing for the historic landing




Ambera was chosen as the first kerbal to set foot on another world, followed by Kelrik & Val.


Flag planting at dusk



DIL-01 - Entered Duna's SoI on 06:253, and reached Ike orbit 06:258.Ā 

DR-1 - Arrived in Duna's SoI on 06:246, completing the "Duna 3 Course" contract.Ā  With no other contract requirements, it was placed in a south polar orbit to allow improved communications over the the southern hemisphere.Ā  Entered a 130 x 4000km orbit on 06:249


BIMM-01 - Entered Ike orbit on 06:267 and landed shortly thereafter at a likely ore concentration, which turned out to be 11.26%.Ā  The night landing was difficult but successful, but when the sky crane was staged away, it remained jammed on the upper docking port.Ā  Without further info, mission control is leaving it for the crew to figure out once they arrive.Ā  It does not prevent mining operations, which are started immediately.



MCV-D-01 - Arrived in Duna's SoI on 06:241, 03:37 KSC time, marking the first arrival of Kerbals around another planet. Kelrik performed a brief EVA while Jeb & Val sent back a crew report.Ā  Entered orbit and docked with the Duna Crew Station on 06:244, 0435 KSC time. Ā 




SST-D-01 - Arrived on 06:245 and entered a 160km holding orbit 06:248


Duna surface operations:Ā  Update 06:267: Since they arrived just minutes before nightfall, the crew waited out the night in the outpost before heading out after dawn to set up surface experiments.Ā  They will wait another day to ensure the experiments are working, then head north in the rover to investigate an anomaly near the northern end of a large canyon.<END>



JLR-3-1 - Inserted into a south polar orbit around Jool on 06:202.Ā  An orbital correction is planned for 06:287.

Laythe Pancake Lander - Performed fly-by of Tylo on 06:202 that led directly to a Laythe fly-by on 06:205, which in turn led straight into atmospheric entry.Ā  A command glitch caused both HG-55 antennas to open during entry, resulting in structural failure but the backup antennas survived and have sufficent signal (barely) to transmit data back to KSC via relays.




Jool Voyager - Arrived in Jool's SoI on 06:145, performed a Tylo fly-by on 06:212.Ā  The fly-by alone got a Jool Pe near Vall's orbit, but nearly 180 degrees away.Ā  Further course corrections at Jool Pe & near Ap achieved a Vall intercept on 06:265.


Jooldiver - Performed fly-by of Tylo on 06:212, just 2 minutes ahead of the Jool Voyager.Ā  A course correction at Tylo Pe put it on track to a Laythe fly-by, where a further course correction set up an aerobraking pass through the edge of Jool's atmosphere, which occured on 06:224.Ā  Upper atmoshperic data was captured and transmitted back to KSC and the second braking pass is on 06:229.Ā  Final dive on 06:232 carried it down as low as ~1800m above the reference altitude before signal was lost due to structural failure.



Deep in the Joolian atmosphere, seconds before destruction in the extreme pressure


And there goes Jooldiver.....


Laythe Glide-Rover - Arrived in Jool's SoI on 06:222 and set up for a fly-by of Tylo for 06:282.

JLR-3-2 - Orbital insertion performed on 06:240.Ā  Correction planned for 06:282

JLR-3-3 - course correction planned for 06:241.Ā  Jool intercept expected on 08:210

MoCS-01 - In LKO, waiting for Moho transfer.

EFS-Mo-01 - In LKO, waiting for Moho transfer.

Vall Lander & Relay Mk 1v - Expected to reach Jool's SoI on 06:418

Laythe Ocean Explorer - Expected to enter Jool's SoI on 07:020

Eeloo Voyager - Arrival in Eeloo's SoI expected on 07:023.

Eeloo Landercan - Eeloo intercept expected on 07:042.

Bop Lander & Relay Mk 1v - Jool encounter planned for 07:058

Laythe Large Remote Rover - Jool intercept expected 07:160

Pol Lander & Relay Mk 1v - Jool arrival planned for 07:270

Other:Ā Ā  I moved my save onto a KSP 1.9.1 install with (so far) no problems.



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On 6/10/2020 at 2:49 PM, Venturer2Space said:

@Cavscout74Ā I love your design for Operation Red Dawn. Amazing work dude!

Thanks!Ā  I'm hoping to have another update today or tomorrowĀ  Ok, so I will be lucky to have an update later tonight or more likely tomorrow night.

Edited by Cavscout74
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Update 07:001: Venus and Mars Are alright tonight


Manned Launches: No new manned launches on this update.

Unmanned Launches:Ā  Unmanned launches took up the slack with 10 during this update


WSC Steamglider Argo-4-01 06:277 - After sitting unused since the Sarnus launch test, Woomerang is used for another test launch - this time of a new "Argo" satellite core.Ā  Placed into a 200x300km polar orbit, it collected several orbital images before running out of film.Ā  Argo-4-01 remains in orbit to provide supplemental communication relay functions.



DSC Sarnus MoRo-01 06:286 - Launch of the Moho Rover to support an as-yet unannounced manned mission to Moho.Ā  Launch was successful, and it departed Kerbin on 06:289.Ā  Course correction performed on 06:387.Ā  Moho intercept 07:007.

DSC Girrok Barca-Eeloo 06:310 - While Eeloo isn't as interesting as the Jool system, it still holds valuable data. Using a new probe core, the Barca-Eeloo will carry a large set of scientific instruments along with dual RA-100 relay antennas to provide an improved signal from the depths of space.Ā  The theoretical transfer once again turned out to be significantly different than reality, with a transfer plotted for 06:424 instead of the expected 06:358.Ā  Transfer completed and performed a course correction immediately after leaving Kerbin's SoI.Ā  Eeloo arrival is expected 11:368


KSC Sarnus ESS-1 06:324 - New, larger supply craft, the "Estonian Supply Ship."Ā  In its current configuration, it can bring a substantial amount of snacks to a mining base and return an even larger quantity of ore.Ā  Launched from KSC with ease and transfered to Minmus.Ā  Arrived at Minmus 06:333 and all was going well until it bounced on landing and tipped over, nearly destroying the MiL3-7 lander and the Buffalo-Minmus rover.Ā  Due to its massive size, any thoughts of attempting to recover it have been abandoned.Ā  The snacks were off-loaded and then the remnants of the craft were destroyed with demolition charges after an attempt to move it failed catastrophically.









DSC Girrok Heavy TL-1 06:335 - A new, specialized design to attempt a soft landing on Tylo.Ā  Has a descent stage with 4 cubs, quad jettisonable external tanks to shed mass and a final landing stage with just a Spark.Ā  Uses the new Argo probe core, and packed with almost every scientific instrument known to Kerbalkind.Ā  Transfer to Jool completed on 06:399, departed Kerbin's SoI on 06:400 and course correction planned for 07:198



DSC Girrok Heavy Laythe Glide Rover 2 06:352 - Replacement for the crashed glide rover, transfer to Jool performed on 06:400, departed Kerbin space on 06:401 and course correction planned for 07:230


DSC Gronyx ORV-1 06:366 - New design for an Ore Return Vehicle to retrieve large quantities of ore from Minmus.Ā  Rather than trying to combine resupply missions with ore return, this new design is dedicated to just hauling ore.Ā  Launch & Minmus transfer went smoothly and it landed at HMB-Mi-1 on 06:375.Ā  After mining the necessary ore, it returned to Kerbin, but a delay in parachute deployment caused it to splash down hard and break up.


KSC Sarnus LSD-01 06:367 - An aerial science drone for use on Laythe - a direct development of the CD-04 drone.Ā  Launched into LKO, with Jool transfer performed on 06:383, departed Kerbin on 06:384 and course correction planned for 07:134.


KSC Gronyx "Eva-1" 06:397 - As the initial test flights were satisfactory, it was decided to launch an unmanned CX-07 spaceplane to Eve to test how it handles Eve entry.Ā  Transfer planned for 07:005


DSC Gronyx MMB-ISRU-E-1 06:398 - As an initial test of the Mobile Modular Base concept, an ISRU module was launched to LKO for Eve transfer on 07:012.



06:336 - Conducted flight tests of the new CD-04 drone science plane, based on a large cruise missile design.Ā  Tests culminated in a flight from DSC to KSC, with a low-level flight through the barrier mountains.Ā  A few changes are needed - including an increase in battery capacity, as it is unable to transmit its atmospheric sample data - but the basic design is sound - it is even capable of water take-offs and landings if needed.







06:376 - Conducted initial test flights on a small spaceplane (not SSTO)- the CX-07 Eva - for possible use as an Eve crew lander.Ā  With only about 1300m/s dV, it would be a one-way trip, but since it is powered by a linear aerospike it will minimize the effects of the thick atmosphere while searching for a suitable landing zone.Ā  It handled very well through take-off, steep turns, landing then another takeoff and a water landing.





Debris: Ā 

JLRR-3-2 2nd Stage - 05:330 - 794X137km, 5* inclined orbit.Ā  Captured & crashed in the Mun on 06:383 (See ACV-3)

EFS-Eve Transfer Stage - 05:395 - Eve surface

Ongoing Missions:

Chadney Kermin Memorial Station - Uncrewed

Minmus Station - Uncrewed with MFS-1b docked

Buffalo-Minmus Heavy Rover - On standby at HMB-M-1

Lancer-Minmus SBX - Uncrewed

Lancer-Minmus Outpost - Uncrewed

HMB-M-1 - First crew on arrived 06:068.

MiL3-7 - On standby for crew return from HMB-M-1

CS-04-05217 - Parked in a 135km equatorial orbit.

ACV-3 - On 06:382, ACV-3 was reactivated and detached from the YRK-979 asteroid.Ā  With 2311 m/s of dV, it was sent to capture the JLRR-3-2 2nd stage debris in orbit.Ā  It successfully captured the debris with just 0.46 units of monoprop remaining.Ā  Even with the extra debris mass, it had sufficient dV to be launched to the Mun for disposal of both craft.Ā  Mun impact occurred on 06:383-0503








SAMI-01 - Attached to YRK-979

***Operation Morning Star***


SCS-Eve - In Eve orbit with crew performing research except for their short fly-by of Gilly.

EFS-Eve - On standby on Eve's surface.

SCV-01 - Docked with SCS-Eve.Ā  Update 06:384 - With a few months remaining before the return window, it was decided to have the crew fly to Gilly and back to Eve orbit.Ā  Due to limited timing, less than ideal transfers were used, resulting in significant fuel usage and limiting them to a fly-by rather than entering Gilly orbit.Ā  After the fly-by, they re-docked and continued their research and waited for the transfer home.




SST-E-01 - On standby in 262x288 km parking orbit. Update 06:385:Ā  While the crew was off performing their Gilly fly-by, docked with SCS-Eve and transfered all its fuel & snacks to the station, then undocked, moved away to a safe distance and self-destructed as designed.



***Operation Red Dawn***


SST-D-01 - Arrival on 06:245 and entered a 160km holding orbit 06:248

Lancer-Duna Outpost - Landed on Duna

DDL-01 - Landed near Lancer-Duna outpost 06:267 & returned to orbit 06:400.

BDR-01 - Parked at Lancer-Duna Outpost

Duna Station - After wrapping up both Duna & Ike ground ops, the entire crew is on board waiting for the transfer home.Ā  Ambera is diligently processing samples from the two landings while the rest of the crew keeps the station running smoothly.

DIL-01 - Entered Duna's SoI on 06:253, and reached Ike orbit 06:258. Update 06:411: Jeb, Kelrik & Ambera transferred from the MCV after waiting for the landing zone to come around to daylight, then descended to make the first manned on Ike on 06:412-0141. Jeb made the initial EVA 2 minutes later, becoming the first kerbal to set foot on the moon of another planet.


BIMM-01 - Landed on Ike but the sky crane remained jammed on the upper docking port.Ā  Jammed skycrane was removed & demolished by Kelrik, except the two Cub engines which were repurposed to give the DIL some extra thrust.


MCV-D-01 - Docked with Duna Station. Update 06:410: Undocked and transferred to Ike, then docked with DIL-01.<END> Update 06:416: After the crew returned from Ike, the MCV returned to Duna orbit & re-docked with Duna Station to wait for the transfer window home. <END>



Duna surface operations:Ā  Update 06:267: Since they arrived just minutes before nightfall, the crew waited out the night in the outpost before heading out after dawn to set up surface experiments.Ā  They will wait another day to ensure the experiments are working, then head north in the rover to investigate an anomaly near the northern end of a large canyon.<END> Update 06:270: Travel to the Cydunia Anomaly was routine, but a late start resulted in sunset occurring before reaching the anomaly.Ā  The crew spent the night in the rover just 14.5km from their destination before continuing after sunrise.Ā  They got their first glimpse of the anomaly after cresting a hill at 04:06 hours, then a closer view 04:10.Ā  Upon arrival, Kelrik launched up to investigate the top and planted a flag for posterity.Ā  The crew will remain through a Duna day examining the anomaly and return to the outpost after sunrise.Ā  While the anomaly is stunning, no obvious clues to its creation are found.Ā  Meanwhile, KSC confirms receipt of the first data packets from the surface experiments on Duna.<END> Update 06:280: After wrapping up at the Cydunia Anomaly, the crew drove to the northern end of the great western canyon to look for evidence of whether Duna once had surface water.Ā  Arrived 06:274, 0452. Gathered initial samples then proceeded to drive the length of the canyon, reaching the southern mouth on 06:276 at 0433.Ā  After spending another night in the canyon, the crew headed west and back to the relative safety of the Lancer, arriving on 06:280, 0022.Ā  They've been given a few days of light duty to stretch out before they will have to investigate another anomaly. <END> Update 06:300:Ā Ā  To reduce the strain on the crew, Kelrik & Ambera were assigned to travel to the next anomaly while Val stayed at the outpost.Ā  Roughly 325km away, it is a much longer trip than the first even without detours.Ā  Departed 06:292-0437 and reached the anomaly on 06:295-0447.Ā  The findings were even more astonishing than Cydunia, but all information was immediately classified at the highest levels.Ā  Night fell just 6.5km from the outpost and approval was given to continue the drive despite the added risk.Ā  Closed out at the outpost 06:299-0327.<END> Update 06:400:Ā  Mission control gave the order to return to orbit, ending Duna surface operations for the mission.Ā  Val brought the crew up to a 70km orbit on 06:400-0101.Ā  Docking with Duna Station occured at 0345, brining the Duna surface expedition to its end.Ā  <END>






Is that a.... face?!?!?!







Wrapping up the first long drive


On to the second





Pre-dawn departure





Ike surface operations: Update 06:412:Ā  After a brief flag planting ceremony, Kelrik & Ambera set up the surface experiment package for Ike.Ā  Then Jeb & Kelrik went to work on the BIMM.Ā  Jeb suggested that since the DIL thrust to weight ratio was somewhat low for a lander, the two Cub engines from the jammed skycrane would double their TWR, so Kelrik salvaged them before removing the skycrane and setting a demolition charge.Ā  Once that was cleared up, Kelrik EVA'd to another piece of debris from the BIMM landing which turned out to be the 3.75m Corgi engine, which was demolished with a second charge.Ā  At that point, Kelrik headed back to the BIMM to oversee mining & fueling operations.Ā  After several days to fill up the BIMM & lander, then a short wait for daylight, the crew launched to orbit on 06:415, ending Ike surface operations. <END>










JLR-3-1 - Inserted into a south polar orbit around Jool on 06:202.Ā  Final orbit correction performed on 06:287.

Laythe Glide-Rover - Fly-by of Tylo on 06:282, followed by a course correction on 06:285 to get a Laythe intercept.Ā  Entered Laythe orbit on 06:290 followed by a deorbit burn.Ā  Unfortunately, shortly after passing through the entry phase we lost signal to the probe core.Ā  It maintained a sharp descent until impacting the ocean a several kilometers north of an island.







JLR-3-2 - Orbital insertion performed on 06:240.Ā  Final orbit correction performed on 06:282.

JLR-3-3 - course correction planned for 06:241.Ā  Jool intercept expected on 08:210

EFS-Mo-01 - Moho transfer performed on 06:277, departed Kerbin's SoI on 06:278 and course correction on 06:382.Ā  Moho encounter expected on 07:006

MoLO-01 - Moho transfer completed on 06:289, course correction completed on 06:385 and Moho encounter planned for 07:005.

MoCS-01 - Moho transfer scheduled for 06:289, and course correction performed on 06:340.Ā  Moho arrival on 06:421 and entered a 100km polar orbit to wait for a crew.


Vall Lander & Relay Mk 1v - Expected to reach Jool's SoI on 06:418

Laythe Ocean Explorer - Expected to enter Jool's SoI on 07:020

Eeloo Voyager - Arrival in Eeloo's SoI expected on 07:023.

Eeloo Landercan - Eeloo intercept expected on 07:042.

Bop Lander & Relay Mk 1v - Jool encounter planned for 07:058

Laythe Large Remote Rover - Jool intercept expected 07:160

Pol Lander & Relay Mk 1v - Jool arrival planned for 07:270

Other:Ā Ā  Began testing of a completely new mobile base design - a blend of the K&K base modules and Buffalo rover chassis, built in small modular segments - quarters, ISRU, power generation, etc.Ā  Initial tests are promising, and it is hoped these will be easier to land and drive to a good location versus a single large bases - especially on Eve



This wraps up year 6.Ā  We had just 2 manned and 19 unmanned launches - 2 of which failed (one on launch and one during Minmus landing).Ā  10 launches were for interplanetary missions while one launched a crew into a brief solar orbit before returning home.




Edited by Cavscout74
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