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Is there any mod similar to RasterPropMonitor?


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Then, no, there is no other mod that does what RPM does, except its replacement: MOARdV's Avionics Systems, which i linked above. :(

As to the upside down display issue (I assume youre talking about the MFDs?), I'm pretty sure that was fixed, a few versions back, of RPM...
Double check that youre using the latest version, and mebbe scan a few pages back thru the most recent RPM posts?

Mebbe check the open/closed Issues on the Github repo? vOv

Edited by Stone Blue
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6 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

Double check that youre using the latest version, and mebbe scan a few pages back thru the most recent RPM posts?

I'm using it via CKAN so the lastest version was installed but idk how to fix it and also the RasterPropMonitor thread is missing (or I couldn't find it) so I can't ask on it.

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On 12/20/2019 at 10:44 PM, Stone Blue said:

*on top* of your current RPM installation.

So in the GameData folder or the RPM folder?

Because if i copy it in GameData it just merges and deletes and makes a disaster. If i run my KSP Stock copy with RPM modified the issue continue, i guess it is inside the JSI folder?

Edited by Commodoregamer118
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Last official RPM v0.30.6 has GameData/JSI/ folder.... However you do it, make sure that the /JSI/ folder ends up in your KSP install as this location: <KSPinstallfolder>/GameData/JSI/

Then to install Tegmil's patch *on top* of that, (it has only a /JSI/ folder), copy and merge *that* /JSI/ folder,  to the same location in your KSP install:
so it ends up as <KSPinstallfolder>/GameData/JSI/... You should end up with ONLY one /GameData/JSI/ folder... (not a /GameData/JSI/JSI folder...that would be incorrect)

On Windows, it will have a popup asking if you want to merge it with the existing folder, and *replace/overwrite* all the existing files... Thats it, and you should be good to go.
If you *do not* get a Windows popup asking/warning about merging/overwriting existing folders/files, then you're trying to copy/paste Tegmil's patch into a different (inorrect) location than the existing install of RPM v0.30.6, and that's bad... ;)

I dont know how to explain it any better than that... vOv

Edited by Stone Blue
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Somehow I figured out how to install the patch without your post so I didn't follow your instructions, and got it right.

First I tried to load it with the JSI/JSI incorrect form and it didn't work.

Then in the patch folder I copied the content and I pasted it in the main JSI folder, it merged and I deleted the patch folder.

I'm surprised that I got something fixed by myself and not reading the instructions.

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