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How can I set the fps limit to exactly 24?

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I'm doing a KSP cinematic that requires a framerate of 24 frames per second. Can I get this framerate by editing the config file? Also, using capture software doesn't apply because I have a motion blur mod installed, and the blur will look wrong if the framerate is too high.

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If your monitor can be set to 24hz refresh rate, you would just need to enable vsync. It will lock the FPS to the refresh rate of the monitor. 

I don’t think you can set it via cfg or within the settings.

Edited by Galileo
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One possible issue would be that while 24 FPS works decently for some types of media, video games and some other 3D-rendered scenes work poorly at 24 FPS. With physical cameras, objects in motion naturally have a bit of blur to them because the shutter speed is finite. With video games, the effective shutter speed is instant: you have no blur baked into it, so the illusion of movement can be broken by running at low framerates.

While I don't have experience in video rendering, I suspect the ideal thing to do would be to run at a higher framerate and then post-process, interpolating multiple frames captured from KSP into a single video frame.

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