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[20.x]BobCat Ind. Release


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See post #431
Thank you, man!

[sarcasm]That was helpful.[/sarcasm]

I assume they are on Space Port now, though some links in the first post would be helpful for future reference. I don't know why they'd not be there. Now I have to go search through Space Port until I find the addons while weaving through unrelated postings.

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I miss this seat from DEMV mk4 bike, it was perfect for open-cockpit airplanes, and worked as first part too! Please dont forget to bring back! :) (or maybe there`s a hackaround already?)

You mean the Mk 3EX Bike? Read Page 42 and 43. :)

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You mean the Mk 3EX Bike? Read Page 42 and 43. :)






to part.cfg didn`t do anything. Should I install the whole folder in gamedata or as usual, throw contents in KSP root?

edit: placing mod subfolders in KSP folder like in older versions is not doing it as well.

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:0.0: Lol Sorry its PART in caps. Like so . . .




You can dump it in GameData after that change. Any part mod with "Part wrappers" goes into GameData. For ease of access create a folder in GameData named " BobCatind ", if you do not already have a folder named like that, and dump the part in there.

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Sorry, new to KSP. I was looking for the DEMV MK5 "Ant" I saw on a video. Is that not a part of this pack?

**edit** The reason why I ask is that the download section on SpacePort is broken. In fact, part of the website's page code seems broken.

Edited by Nuin
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