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[BETA] KSRSS 0.7 - Kerbin (or x2.5) sized RSS


KSC location for the next release  

691 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the KSC be located?

    • Cape Canaveral, Florida (28 degrees North)
    • Kourou, French Guiana (5 degrees North)

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Hey, I've got a graphical bug that's driving me insane. I don't know what's causing it, so I'll send my modlist over eventually. There are a few manually installed mods not through CKAN, but excluding this mod they aren't graphical mods that change anything about that. Unfortunately for some reason imgur's links aren't valid any way I try, so I'll need some help to send one. Modlist is super lengthy, so if anyone needs to see it then just tell me.

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30 minutes ago, goober_one said:

Modlist is super lengthy, so if anyone needs to see it then just tell me.

Don't worry about a mod list - just upload your entire ksp.log file to a file sharing service. All your mod info is in there, plus other stuff a mod list wouldn't show.  

Also, you sorta didn't say what the issue you're having is ... a picture on Imgur plus your log file on google drive, would be the best.

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4 hours ago, goober_one said:

Hey, I've got a graphical bug that's driving me insane. I don't know what's causing it, so I'll send my modlist over eventually. There are a few manually installed mods not through CKAN, but excluding this mod they aren't graphical mods that change anything about that. Unfortunately for some reason imgur's links aren't valid any way I try, so I'll need some help to send one. Modlist is super lengthy, so if anyone needs to see it then just tell me.

Did you try putting .png at the end

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On 5/22/2023 at 3:29 PM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

Don't worry about a mod list - just upload your entire ksp.log file to a file sharing service. All your mod info is in there, plus other stuff a mod list wouldn't show.  

Also, you sorta didn't say what the issue you're having is ... a picture on Imgur plus your log file on google drive, would be the best.

Gotcha. I'll need to boot it up again and see if I can find any records of this happening. It's spontaneous and happens some of the time. Imgur isn't working, as I said. The forum's "insert image from URL" feature isn't working for me, as it just shows up blank. Do I need an Imgur account to publish it here?

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Just a quick question for anybody who can answer. 


The only other mod I have used that has rescaled the solar system is JNSQ, and I know in that one it is suggested that you change some of the antenna related difficulty options when starting a career. Is anything of that sort suggested when starting a career with KSRSS?  Also, if this is already mentioned somewhere, and I am just absolutely blind, then I apologize! 


Thanks in advance. :) 

Edited by Hudsonkm
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45 minutes ago, Hudsonkm said:

Also, if this is already mentioned somewhere,

I've been using KSRSS for a few years and don't remember anything specifically about this, so I went and had a look. My cfg reading skills are minimal, but here's what it seems like to me, based on ksrss/patches/Stock_Antennae.cfg and KSRSS_DSNRange.cfg ...

Looks to me like any part with a data transmitter automatically gets its strength multiplied by 12 when KSRSS is at Default scale (meaning 2.7x).

Then if you have CBK (which I realize is a dependency) its DSN range gets set to a specific numbers, and I have no idea what they mean. But, it seems like this is taken care of for you?

But if you're in blatant violation of the recommended install procedure (like me), and you don't have CBK, then what I do is the same (I think?) as the JNSQ advice that I last remember ... which is setting the DSN to 4x, but not touching the antenna setting. (Sorry this is off the top of my pointed head and I may not have some names right...) 

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4 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

I've been using KSRSS for a few years and don't remember anything specifically about this, so I went and had a look. My cfg reading skills are minimal, but here's what it seems like to me, based on ksrss/patches/Stock_Antennae.cfg and KSRSS_DSNRange.cfg ...

Looks to me like any part with a data transmitter automatically gets its strength multiplied by 12 when KSRSS is at Default scale (meaning 2.7x).

Then if you have CBK (which I realize is a dependency) its DSN range gets set to a specific numbers, and I have no idea what they mean. But, it seems like this is taken care of for you?

But if you're in blatant violation of the recommended install procedure (like me), and you don't have CBK, then what I do is the same (I think?) as the JNSQ advice that I last remember ... which is setting the DSN to 4x, but not touching the antenna setting. (Sorry this is off the top of my pointed head and I may not have some names right...) 

I can't speak for KSRSS, but since you mention JNSQ, I can explain what is happening there.

The total increase in antenna range is proportional to the square route of the product of the antenna modifier and the DSN modifier.  That is, Range multiplier = SQRT(Antenna modifier * DSN modifier).  JNSQ requires a range increase of 4x to reach the farthest planet (not counting Nara which is really far away).  So to reach 4x the distance, we want to make both modifiers equal to 4.  That is, Range multiplier = SQRT(4*4) = 4.

It would have been our choice to leave the changing of both the antenna and DSN modifiers up to the individual player.  This would give the player the flexibility to use something other than the 4x recommendation if he/she so desired.  However, changing the antenna modifier in the game settings is buggy, sometimes making it impossible to transmit science data.  (Perhaps this has been fixed, but the last time I checked it was still broken).  To work around the bug  we were forced to make the antenna change in JNSQ using a config.  JNSQ multiplies all antenna powers by 4.  We left the DSN change up to the player so the player still has some control over how he/she wants to setup the game.

Sorry if this is off topic.  I know this isn't a JNSQ thread, but perhaps some of this is relevant to the curent issue.

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16 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

I've been using KSRSS for a few years and don't remember anything specifically about this, so I went and had a look. My cfg reading skills are minimal, but here's what it seems like to me, based on ksrss/patches/Stock_Antennae.cfg and KSRSS_DSNRange.cfg ...

Looks to me like any part with a data transmitter automatically gets its strength multiplied by 12 when KSRSS is at Default scale (meaning 2.7x).

Then if you have CBK (which I realize is a dependency) its DSN range gets set to a specific numbers, and I have no idea what they mean. But, it seems like this is taken care of for you?

But if you're in blatant violation of the recommended install procedure (like me), and you don't have CBK, then what I do is the same (I think?) as the JNSQ advice that I last remember ... which is setting the DSN to 4x, but not touching the antenna setting. (Sorry this is off the top of my pointed head and I may not have some names right...) 


12 hours ago, OhioBob said:

I can't speak for KSRSS, but since you mention JNSQ, I can explain what is happening there.

The total increase in antenna range is proportional to the square route of the product of the antenna modifier and the DSN modifier.  That is, Range multiplier = SQRT(Antenna modifier * DSN modifier).  JNSQ requires a range increase of 4x to reach the farthest planet (not counting Nara which is really far away).  So to reach 4x the distance, we want to make both modifiers equal to 4.  That is, Range multiplier = SQRT(4*4) = 4.

It would have been our choice to leave the changing of both the antenna and DSN modifiers up to the individual player.  This would give the player the flexibility to use something other than the 4x recommendation if he/she so desired.  However, changing the antenna modifier in the game settings is buggy, sometimes making it impossible to transmit science data.  (Perhaps this has been fixed, but the last time I checked it was still broken).  To work around the bug  we were forced to make the antenna change in JNSQ using a config.  JNSQ multiplies all antenna powers by 4.  We left the DSN change up to the player so the player still has some control over how he/she wants to setup the game.

Sorry if this is off topic.  I know this isn't a JNSQ thread, but perhaps some of this is relevant to the curent issue.

 Hey thanks guys for taking the time to reply!


Also @OhioBob : Some good info there  that I was unaware of! 

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On 3/1/2023 at 10:48 PM, septemberWaves said:

I replaced my install with the Gitlab release. The game still gets stuck on an infinite loading screen.


Use Scatterer 0.0.772 instead of the latest version.

Same problem, but I'm using the volumetric cloud mod, which requires the scatter mod included in it, how can I fix this dim problem and keep the columetric cloud working normally?

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Is it normal for GPU usage to ramp up all the way to 92-95% when looking at Earth from low orbit (about 300km)? Not a fan of running my GPU at 72*C even though those are still safe temps, but maybe it's just my cooling that is inadequate. Running KSP 1.12.5, modlist and computer specs are as follows:




Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400F CPU @ 2.90GHz
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060

EDIT: found the culprit, after disabling EVE (and therefore the clouds) the gpu usage drops considerably, down to 40-50% from almost 100%

Edited by space_powder
culprit found
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On 6/1/2023 at 7:26 AM, Joel Rebollar said:

Hi everyone, where is the download link to the 1x scale KSRSS mod? And how would I install it? Thanks. 


KSRSS is found at https://gitlab.com/ksrss/KSRSS 

Kopernicus and its dependencies



place all of those itemis in the gamedata folder and it should work 

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Hi everyone, sorry for the questions, but I have two. Is there a way to get a mod that adds or moves the cape Canaveral launch center to the equator? Also, I've been having an issue where the Martian surface becomes invisible below 500 meters in altitude, though it's still solid. It reappears when I zoom out far enough. Is there a way to fix this? 

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44 minutes ago, Dragon, ten od spejsiksa said:

Bro when 0.7 is going to be released? It have been 3 years

Yes, I know that projects like this take really long time to complete, just, please tell us if it's going to release this summer or even year

You can use the Reborn branch from Gitlab right this very second ... everyone here is.

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4 hours ago, Dragon, ten od spejsiksa said:

Bro when 0.7 is going to be released? It have been 3 years

Yes, I know that projects like this take really long time to complete, just, please tell us if it's going to release this summer or even year

KSRSS is still very much in active development, it's hard to come to a stopping point and make a release when every other week or so someone finds a bug or something to improve

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I've gotten the most recent KSRSS release off of Gitlab (updating for Eros specifically), yet the game refuses to load it. I've used KSRSS for years and have never encountered this issue. Logs are below, and any help would be appreciated!


Edited by BadModder54
Goofed -_-
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34 minutes ago, BadModder54 said:

any help would be appreciated!

Just an observation .. you have about 90MB of Kopernicus nullrefs, so I would think your best bet is to simplify a few steps and see if KSRSS behaves better. For example, I'd ditch both Parallax and Kcalbeloh and try just KSRSS in the planet mod category. People def use Parallax (with some required changes found elsewhere in this thread), but idk if the other will work or not. The Reborn branch should work with most of your other mods, but I admit I don't know if CustomAsteroids or KopExp will work. Oh and you won't need Singularity if that backwards planet pack isn't compatible.


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On 6/14/2023 at 2:35 PM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

Just an observation .. you have about 90MB of Kopernicus nullrefs, so I would think your best bet is to simplify a few steps and see if KSRSS behaves better. For example, I'd ditch both Parallax and Kcalbeloh and try just KSRSS in the planet mod category. People def use Parallax (with some required changes found elsewhere in this thread), but idk if the other will work or not. The Reborn branch should work with most of your other mods, but I admit I don't know if CustomAsteroids or KopExp will work. Oh and you won't need Singularity if that backwards planet pack isn't compatible.


I can confirm that KSRSS by itself still broke. I'm stumped. I'll keep looking into it. Thank you though!

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On 6/14/2023 at 3:55 PM, BadModder54 said:

I've gotten the most recent KSRSS release off of Gitlab (updating for Eros specifically), yet the game refuses to load it. I've used KSRSS for years and have never encountered this issue. Logs are below, and any help would be appreciated!


Issue is related to Kcalbeloh, the wormholes can't find jool to place themselves around

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2 minutes ago, ballisticfox0 said:

Issue is related to Kcalbeloh, the wormholes can't find jool to place themselves around

Funny. KSRSS isn't working/loading by itself with just the bare minimum dependencies, while the other planet pack does. Both break if installed together... which is funny because I've been playing with those two together for almost a year prior to attempting to update mods. But, oh well. I'll continue tinkering with it.

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