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[BETA] KSRSS 0.7 - Kerbin (or x2.5) sized RSS


KSC location for the next release  

687 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the KSC be located?

    • Cape Canaveral, Florida (28 degrees North)
    • Kourou, French Guiana (5 degrees North)

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9 hours ago, si2504 said:

I can only presume its possibly an EVE issue or something else not configured quite right as the config is there for it, and it does seem to be pulling the texture from the 8k folder. The config for it is inside the "KSRSSKopernicus" folder under VertexColorMapBlend. Have you disabled EVE to see if that corrects it? 

You mean just uninstalling EVE or disabling the EVE config?  Because I've used it without EVE when I was first testing and missing textures were still there.  To start out I had no mods except KSRSS and its requirements.

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I just put KSRSS onto my laptop, but now the game won't launch. It goes through the whole loading screen, then gets stuck on the black screen (with the little planets in the bottom-right corner), and even plays the theme music, but never progresses to the title screen. I deleted settings.cfg before launching, but as soon as I launch the game, the file just reappears. Is that supposed to happen? Is that even related to my eternal-black-loading-screen problem?

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2 hours ago, DatolyaPalma said:

I need help. The moon is like very far or too small. Does anyone knows why is the moon so far and barely visible?sCsanxuh.png

would be better if we could see an image from map view/tracking center to see the altitude of the moon. Are you using 2.5x config?

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I've heard reports that since we expanded our stable branch of Kopernicus to support 1.8.1, that it does not load this planet pack properly.  Can anyone confirm/deny this claim, and if it's true, provide a KSP.log so I can fix it?  Would hate to force everyone back to ancient 1.8.1-1.

This is the latest stable:


Logs of why/how this breaks in 1.9.1/1.10.1/1.11.1 are also accepted, though only for my experimentation, amusement, and furthering my understanding of why it doesn't load.  Our goal at Kopernicus is to have any mod (excluding ones that use external dlls) that loaded in 1.8.1 load and work on 1.9.1/1.10.1/1.11.1 too, so it'd be used in that context.  Don't bug the author about anything greater than what he officially supports.

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1 hour ago, R-T-B said:

I've heard reports that since we expanded our stable branch of Kopernicus to support 1.8.1, that it does not load this planet pack properly.  Can anyone confirm/deny this claim, and if it's true, provide a KSP.log so I can fix it?  Would hate to force everyone back to ancient 1.8.1-1.

This is the latest stable:


Logs of why/how this breaks in 1.9.1/1.10.1/1.11.1 are also accepted, though only for my experimentation, amusement, and furthering my understanding of why it doesn't load.  Our goal at Kopernicus is to have any mod (excluding ones that use external dlls) that loaded in 1.8.1 load and work on 1.9.1/1.10.1/1.11.1 too, so it'd be used in that context.  Don't bug the author about anything greater than what he officially supports.

Yep, can confirm that 0.6.1 does not load on latest Kopernicus in 1.8.1. I'm not on my gaming PC right now, so I'll send logs later (where to, BTW - here, Kopernicus thread, Github issue?)

KSRSS is one of the few planet mods that does use its own DLL.

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Bug confirmed, we are implementing support for this pack now.  It's the diffuse wrapped shader that was confusing it, support for that was apparently broken (was being treated as generic diffuse) and just very few packs use it so no one reported it.

Just now, biohazard15 said:

Yep, can confirm that 0.6.1 does not load on latest Kopernicus in 1.8.1. I'm not on my gaming PC right now, so I'll send logs later (where to, BTW - here, Kopernicus thread, Github issue?)

KSRSS is one of the few planet mods that does use its own DLL.

I already have a fix, it's all good.  Testing now if it loads in 1.11 for fun.  That's obviously not supported, but just want to see.

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Posting here too since relevant.  This pack works on later versions now too (or at least loads) as it should, but I have not tested functionality extensively.  Report bugs on that "unsupported" front to me first, as the author has obviously not declared official support there.

@R-T-B R-T-B released this

New in this latest version (release-30)

1.) A bug in the diffuse material handler that was preventing some packs using Diffused-Wrapped shaders from loading has been fixed.

Known Bugs:

1.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely, sometimes related to map zoom (be careful zooming out). It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away.

2.) When zooming out all the way out in map view at interstellar ranges, the navbal furthermore sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and all the interstellar bugs actively.


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Update on my post from yesterday:

I realized that I had the mod folders inside the Steam version of KSP, so I moved the KerbalSpaceProgram folder onto my desktop and moved the mods into there. Now my file directory looks like Desktop --> KerbalSpaceProgram --> GameData , and inside GameData are my mod folders:

- Kopernikus - 1.8.1-28

- KSRSS - 0.6.1

- KSRSS Textures 8K - 0.6.1

- MechJeb2 -

- Modular Flight Integrator

To the best of my knowledge, these mods are all up to date (that is, the proper version for KSRSS to work. My game is also 1.8.1). The problem now is that, while I'm now able to play the game, KSRSS appears not to have taken effect—I'm still looking at all the stock planets.

Here are my logs from the last time I tried to run the game:

- https://file.io/nzgbZEbofDxO

- https://file.io/PoA2YsUQjsxq

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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They're the names of the .zip folders I originally downloaded (I just used them since they show the version number); I extracted the contents of their respective GameData folders and put them in the KerbalSpaceProgram\GameData folder.

Try these:

KSP Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gdior9nwq3pozux/KSP Log.pdf?dl=0

Output Log ("Player"): https://www.dropbox.com/s/2x4q3st9bb0jgfk/Output Log 2-10.pdf?dl=0

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59 minutes ago, bwest31415 said:

- Kopernikus - 1.8.1-28

See the post above. You should download Kopernicus v30 or later. Can confirm that it works on 1.10.1 (haven't tried it on 1.8.1, but it should work too). The only problem I've ran into is massive lag due to Kopernicus' terrain scatter scrubber.

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1 minute ago, bwest31415 said:

I tried to get it off of GitHub, and I get a banner saying, "Kopernicus-1.8.1-30.zip is not commonly downloaded and may be dangerous." Can you vouch for the safety of the v30 Kopernicus from GitHub?

I got it from here: https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases

Um, yeah? First time I've ever heard of such message...

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I tried getting 1.8.1-1, per the instructions on the original KSRSS forum post, but then I got stuck on the black loading screen (while the title music plays), like before. My logs are above; according to another forum user, it's stuck in some sort of loop and so it will never advance past the loading screen.

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1 hour ago, biohazard15 said:

You should download Kopernicus v30 or later. Can confirm that it works on 1.10.1 (haven't tried it on 1.8.1, but it should work too).

I tried doing this, but any version I download that's past v28 gives me that "may be dangerous" message, and the downloaded file itself is a weird CRDOWNLOADED file...so I tried 1.10.1 v28, but now the game loads with only the stock planets (which to me implies that Kopernicus isn't working).

I've basically seen two alternative ways the launch can go after all the fixes I've tried: 1) Kopernicus doesn't work, in which case the game loads successfully but only has the stock planets, or 2) Kopernicus apparently works (judging by the fact that all the KSRSS bodies pop up in my log), but according to the log the game has some issue loading the bodies and totally goes off the rails. Always the same phrase: 

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object


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58 minutes ago, bwest31415 said:

"may be dangerous" message, and the downloaded file itself is a weird CRDOWNLOADED file

You're seeing two things ... one is your browser tripping up on the fact that the file hasn't been downloaded very much, so it flags it as "dangerous" - but the reason is right there in the text - it hasn't been downloaded much. That doesn't make it dangerous. The "crdownloaded" file is Chrome's temp file until you complete the download - it gets renamed when the download is done. You definitely want the latest Kopernicus because it has fixes you need for 1.8.1.

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3 hours ago, biohazard15 said:

The only problem I've ran into is massive lag due to Kopernicus' terrain scatter scrubber.

Massive?  Honestly there should not be any.  The scrubber's supposed to improve performance over 1.8.1-1, not hurt it.  Can you kindly confirm how much a penalty we are talking about?  We may need to look at that code again.  And if it's not too much to ask, just as a data point, your PCs cpu model may be relevant to understanding why it's happening.

2 hours ago, bwest31415 said:

I tried to get it off of GitHub, and I get a banner saying, "Kopernicus-1.8.1-30.zip is not commonly downloaded and may be dangerous." Can you vouch for the safety of the v30 Kopernicus from GitHub?

I got it from here: https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases

I've heard this before, I can say it should work if you try another browser.  It seems to be a chrome thing...  firefox or internet explorer even download it fine.  It's certainly not a virus, see here:


PS:  I'm aware of the reported "black Moon" issue on the latest release and working on it now.  Keep the bug reports coming and we'll get this flawless...  heck maybe that's even the last one!

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Just now, R-T-B said:

Massive?  The scrubber's supposed to improve performance over 1.8.1-1, not hurt it.  Can you kindly confirm how much a penalty we are talking about?  We may need to look at that code again.

Well "lag" is pobably an over-reaction :) What actually happens is quite heavy stuttering - it starts as soon as you go to launch pad. You can even notice scatters (palm trees in case of Cape Canaveral, for example) vanishing if you turn camera towards them as soon as scene loads. It also spams the log with "removing scatter" line.

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16 minutes ago, biohazard15 said:

Well "lag" is pobably an over-reaction :) What actually happens is quite heavy stuttering - it starts as soon as you go to launch pad. You can even notice scatters (palm trees in case of Cape Canaveral, for example) vanishing if you turn camera towards them as soon as scene loads. It also spams the log with "removing scatter" line.

Oh dear.  I left a debug line in (I was debugging scatters that dissapeared when you got too close in a previous release).  It's the log file spam that's CAUSING the stuttering lol.  Thank you for pointing this out, fix incoming.

Also, since I am making a release, I should state that the black Moon issue is not replicatable on my end?


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5 minutes ago, R-T-B said:

Also, since I am making a release, I should state that the black Mun issue is not replicatable on my end?

Hmm. What pack do you use? My config is 8K textures + VE High + high-res clouds (although the latter two shouldn't influence Moon in any way, I think)

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Relevant release fixing logspam stutter:


9 minutes ago, biohazard15 said:

Hmm. What pack do you use? My config is 8K textures + VE High + high-res clouds (although the latter two shouldn't influence Moon in any way, I think)

I was just using 16K textures + no VE.  I'll try VE.

And yes, I'm aware it's the Moon not the Mun.  Been playing in the Kerbalverse too long lol.

EDIT: Not VE Either.  Try deleting settings.cfg, as the install instructions say.  I have a feeling the huge version jump confuses it.  Also make sure you are using the latest scatterer and EVE with VE, as it requires those.


This is tested in both 1.8.1 and 1.11.1 btw.

And don't ask how Jeb got a simple pod to the surface of the moon.  I'm more confused about how Jeb is on the moon at all.

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I was able to replicate the dark moon issue.

The issue seems to be when you apply a certain graphics setting in the main menu, trying to isolate which it is right now.  Right now likely suspects are terrain self-shadows, and KSRSS's built in graphics presets, which may need some kind of update.

It's the graphics preset "KSRSS."  It's bugged or something with the newer builds.

If you just use standard "High" preset it seems to work fine.  Correct me if it causes any problems.  4K Moon:


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1 hour ago, R-T-B said:

It's the graphics preset "KSRSS."  It's bugged or something with the newer builds.

If you just use standard "High" preset it seems to work fine.  Correct me if it causes any problems.  4K Moon:

"High" preset causes terrain bugs at CCAFS (floating square of land above it) with 2.5x rescale. Not a Kopernicus bug - it's a known KSRSS problem. OP mentions something called "KSRSS Med", but there is no such setting (guess it's a leftover from past versions). Trying on "Default":

-1.8.1: Default terrain, scatters on, full res textures, terrain shader high, 1440p fullscreen, everything else is default. Seems to work okay even after several loads and restarts, no black Moon.

-1.10.1: Same settings, EVE and scatterer are updated for latest versions just in case - black Moon.

-Back to 1.8.1 to see if I forgot something, no I didn't, back to main menu without making any changes, launching save to check... aaaaand black moon. On a build that worked flawlessly literally 15 minutes ago.

I don't even.

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