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Shuttle Challenge v6 - The STS thread [Stock and Mod Friendly] - ANNOUNCEMENT: v7 IS LIVE!

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Unfortunately, I'm having a really nasty bug with the Mars system:


So I probably won't do the Mars missions soon.  I reported the bug, but I don't think the developers are still working on it, but I may be wrong.  Once this gets fixed, I probably will pick this up again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, since we have a round two of corona incoming where I live, it's probably a good time to get back to KSP again, and while I'm at it, I could try and get the badges for the missions I designed and never have flown properly :)

So, I'm learning to fly shuttles again, and I'm designing a shuttle to take me through the missions as fat as it can. So far I've completed the preliminary design of the orbiter:


We'll see how it goes in a few days, and hopefully, I'll come around to claim a badge or two from time to time ;) 

Nice to be back again,


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Yeah, work and stuff are the worst... :D And I also played some other games that I've owned for quite some time, like Factorio - that's another addicting one.... :) 

and, in advance, I have to ask - are there possibly any new missions coming soon? :D 


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I have some half-formed Minmus missions written up, I need to finish those. As for Factorio, I like it but I've also been somewhat avoiding it because I don't need too many timesinks lol. There's a mod that links Factorio with KSP - you use resources in Factorio to build rockets in KSP, then do missions in KSP and send the science data back to Factorio. I haven't played it, dunno if it's been updated or anything.

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Good to hear that, hopefully there will be one or two out when I finish the existing missions :) 

And I heard about the Factorio/KSP combining mod as well, but I don't thgink that's neccessary, both of the games are pretty time-consuming on their own, so... :) 

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Ok, one mission down, plenty of them to go :) 

This time I'm aiming for the stock badges for a change, my last go was with modded parts, especially heavy SRBs, since we didn't have them in stock game yet.

Modlist and a few pictures of the shuttle in the spoiler:

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Video report here - I opted for this format of reports this time, I hope it would be more comfortable to judge than a bunch of screenshots :)


And a proof that the fuel pod is full:


And now comes the question... Will I be able to land them both at the same time? :D Honestly, I have no idea.


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Alright, I have the answer: yes. But it takes several attempts and it's really difficult, so I won't be landing anything even close to 80 tons ever again :) 

STS-2a and STS-2b completed.

Report here:


And now it's time to learn robotics for the telescope.


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The master returns, with a great looking shuttle and a great set of missions! Sorry for the delay, I had a combination of internet issues and real life stuff. And also, you know, sendin' da orc boyz against the stunty dwarf gitz.


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Space station finished, the video is about 7 minutes, I had to cut out probably an hour of dancing around with the shuttle/station/MMUs/payloads. A plus of a twin cargo bay shuttle is bigger capacity, a minus is a lot more docking :)



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  On 10/25/2020 at 11:42 PM, AmARocketMan said:

Could I use mechjeb Smart ASS for the Shuttle  I'm planning to use also Atmospheric autopilot for descent and landing phase?


Welcome to the challenge! Pilot assistance mods are ok for use in atmospheric flight (those should both be fine). Full automation is only allowed for orbital maneuvers, or for aspects of the mission that are not part of the requirements (e.g. controlling a flyback booster).

@michal.don Cool station assembly, I see you're going for a large one, nice - wait, it spins?! Whoa! Good work!


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@AmARocketMan, that's a very nice Energia-Buran shuttle! I tried an Energia-type launch vehicle for some of my early entries in v5, but I found that rebalancing it for each new payload was a huge hassle. Maybe you'll have better luck.

Since your landing was well short of the KSP, I can only award you the Pilot badge. If you would like to try for a Commander badge, you can reload from around your deorbit maneuver and go from there if you want. Regardless, congrats on a successful first mission!


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So finally, time to claim a badge I did not have yet - a commander badge for asteroid hunting!

Last time I tried, there was a bug that made all of the asteroids 150 tons heavy. Not a good thing. This time around, I chose a small A-class, which was much, much easier to land.

This one is robotics-free, I will probably amend that in my Mun missions soon :)


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  On 10/27/2020 at 10:21 AM, michal.don said:

So finally, time to claim a badge I did not have yet - a commander badge for asteroid hunting!

Last time I tried, there was a bug that made all of the asteroids 150 tons heavy. Not a good thing. This time around, I chose a small A-class, which was much, much easier to land.


When I harvested my space potato, I found that the mass per se wasn't the problem, it was the immense asymmetrical drag the thing produced. My first attempt ended up flying upside-down and couldn't right itself.

Anyway, I like your mining setup, even if you didn't end up needing it. Nice work!



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  On 10/27/2020 at 7:54 PM, KingDominoIII said:

I finally finished Mun STS-2-4. Precision landing wasn't that hard, it just took me a while to figure out I needed a robotic arm.

Album: https://imgur.com/gallery/Q6eWsUd


You always need a robotic arm. Ok, maybe not "need", but I don't know of any situations that aren't improved by one. Good work, Commander!


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