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[1.3.1] Ferram Aerospace Research: v0.15.9.1 "Liepmann" 4/2/18


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Looking at that, either there's a broken reference to a part in the Vessel you're loading up, one of the parts has a mass of NaN or something equally broken. Problem is, FAR doesn't go deep enough into the game's code to do that. Odds are that another mod corrupted a saved ship and that's the problem; delete the corrupted ship and the problem should go away.

The first culprit I would look at is RemoteTech, since it's not working for KSP 0.23.5, so if it's in your game it's probably going to break something. Then for some reason Near Future includes copies of Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll and UnityEngine.dll (which are files from the stock game), which means that there could be some sort of conflict stemming from that. Final Frontier shouldn't actually break anything in-game, but ti does throw a ton of exceptions during loading, which does make me worry about that as well.

But besides that, there are too many mods in there to diagnose what's specifically causing the issue.

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well seems to work fine now with new game good thing wasnt far in carrer mode. and on remote tech it works just if u use the .23 version with first comunity fix u have no rt2 in radar station. ill ask in near future thread about those extra files not sure if can remove them.

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So, I have two questions regarding FAR:

When I fly my rockets, I usually start my gravity turn at around 1 km. However, once I've started turning, I oftenly don't get to turn a lot due to my rocket accelerating to aa velocity where, if I try to turn it more, it'll flip over itself. This means that I have to get to about 20-25 km before I can get to more than 30 degrees off vertical. My rockets have a takeoff TWR of about 2, but I frequently throttle down in-flight so as to not go too fast - that is, too fast to do a gravity turn. So my question is this: is this problem best solved by reducing my takeoff TWR, or should I do something else, like putting ballast on top to make it top-heavy? I do use procedural fairings, by the way, so there's no problem with the payload being un-aerodynamic.

EDIT: Completely forgot to post my other question: How do I make a part FAR compatible? I've tried looking at some existing part cfgs, but I haven't been able to work the different variables out.

Edited by wasmic
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Start TWR of 1.3 works pretty good (if you are going for equatorial orbit). You don't want to be too fast, so the dynamic pressure does not get too high. Generally you don't want your orbital prograde to go too high up anyway. In addition it's obviously easier to turn if you are slower. To prevent flipping you can add finns, but if you are too fast you might have difficulty turning. In any case in the lower atmosphere don't go too far from your surface prograde. Even if you don't flip, you'll lose energy to drag.

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@Read have Read: Hmm... I can believe that a Mach number of 0 would break things; it's not like that's actually possible in reality. I'll look through the code and try to find a fix.

@wasmic: Doing your gravity turn based on altitude markers doesn't make too much sense, since it's your velocity that matters. You should start your turn somewhere between 50 m/s and 100 m/s for TWRs around 1.4 - 1.7, but if you want to keep a TWR of 2 and not throttle down you can try giving it a slight kick right off the pad. If you're still having stability problems, the fairing might actually be the issue; fairings are very low-density, but do add a lot of surface area, so that can help make the rocket unstable; you can try putting whatever service module you have for the payload at the top of the fairing (upside-down, so the heavy engine is at the top) or you can try counteracting it with fins on the first stage.

And most non-wing parts are already FAR compatible, it's only the ones that are very, very different from stock that tend to be a problem. In that case, those need their own FARBasicDragModel Module defined, and the info for that can be found in the README. For wing parts, those need a FARWingAerodynamicModel or FARControllableSurface module, and the documentation for that can also be found in the README.

As a development note:

I figured out why landing gear (at least the B9 gear) made so much more drag! It wasn't the gear, it was the struts attached to them; when a strut's first point is attached to a part, it adds another attach node to that part, which could mess up FAR's orientation detection algorithm. So there's a way around that in the current build on GitHub.

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Things to look forward to: Aerodynamically-induced structural failures!



30 degrees off prograde at Mach 1.2:




Rockets won't go off course and just flip, they'll flip and then break apart!

Love this! Will KJR prevent this from happening? If yes, I might turn it off just to see my crafts flying apart in awesome ways.

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Rockets won't go off course and just flip, they'll flip and then break apart!

I'll never get anything into orbit!

honestly I like it though, I'd rather it brake than just go into uncontrolled spin and leave me not knowing that to do. at least with a break i know what to click then.

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Things to look forward to: Aerodynamically-induced structural failures!



30 degrees off prograde at Mach 1.2:




Rockets won't go off course and just flip, they'll flip and then break apart!

Looking forward to this. Aerobraking should be fun - or should I say aerobreaking...

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Things to look forward to: Aerodynamically-induced structural failures!


Rockets won't go off course and just flip, they'll flip and then break apart!

What mod is used for those parts? Procedural parts mod for FAR I hope?!?!1112

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