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Space Station Name Ideas


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I usually name stuff based on the first Kerbal that reached that location. For planting a flag on Minmus's equator, the kerbal who planted the flag was named Malvin Kerman. So I named it "The Malvin Equatorial Line". I have a series of rockets originating from 2018 that I named the Saurus series. And I add the next number to the successor of the previous, like a rocket with more delta V. Just be creative, happy naming!

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Someone else on this forum linked to this wiki list of various naming schemes for all sorts of genres.

I've found it helped to spark ideas for creative names.

Or, try to mash up names in amusing ways.

  • "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Mun"
  • "20,000 Leagues Under Laythe"
  • "Eeloo Pioneers!"
  • "Children of Duna"
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On 4/21/2020 at 4:44 PM, RealKerbal3x said:

Name it in memory of one of your fallen Kerbals.

I don't have any fallen to memorialize...no cheating, just very careful. :P

Haven't named stations yet but  I do have a naming method...sort of...

Heavy lifters such as ore and fuel are named after Greek olympic weightlifters, some cool names such as the KLC Dimas and the KLC Leonidis

Lightweight lander / orbiters are named after antelope such as the KSL Serow, the KSL Eland and the KSL Gazelle

Spaceplanes are named after birds of prey so we have the KSP Merlin, KSP Peregrine and KSP Goshawk

Large passenger carriers are named after Roman army ranks so I have the KSS Legatus, the KSS Tribunis and the KSS Praefectus  (don't have a KSS Biggus Dickus yet though!!)



Edited by archiebald
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You could try naming them after moons in the Solar system- there are over 200 to choose from, from the more famous like Ganymede and Titan to the more interesting and/or obscure like Kallichore, Jarnsaxa and Bebhionn. Best moon in the Solar system for KSP purposes has to be Kerberos :) (although that also sounds like the name for adult-themed KSP fan fictions :blush:)

You could also try planets from Star Trek, Star Wars etc., mythological animals, or just try and name them using words starting with the first two letters of the planet/moon they're orbiting or pick any letter and run with it. There's also the option of raiding a thesaurus for inspiring words, that's how I named my interplanetary ships Endeavour, Intrepid, Tenacity and the as-yet unbuilt Audacity which will have heat shields to aerobrake into Jool. If it's good enough for NASA...

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On 4/27/2020 at 9:43 AM, Rocket Witch said:

Something super dry like 'Station, Mun, Low Orbit' will do. When you've got some 70 vessels 'in flight' you may appreciate a standardised naming scheme to sort the tracking station list.

 I do something similar but add some sparkle with a set of three initials as a prefix for each class of ship such as;

Kerbal Space Ship - KSS somethingorother

Kerbal Station - KST Munar 1

Kerbal Space Plane - KSP Eagle

Similar concept to HMS, USS, RMS etc for seagoing vessels.

(Well, I suppose I only use two initials since the first is always "K")

Also, of course use Craft Manager and Maneuver Queue mods to help sort and search for them.

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