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[any] PAWRangeBuff - Increase your EVA right click menu distance!

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This mod automatically increases the Part Action Window maximum EVA click distance based on the part size.



Sometimes you are in a situation when you have a big part (like that new shiny 3.75m Habitation Module from SSPX you've just researched) and you wish you were able to interact with it. But you are not because of the part size: Bill just can't reach the part although literally touching it.

It seems that when you right click on the part, KSP calculates the distance to it's center making kerbanauts unable to interact with large enough parts. This even happens with 3.75m parts (and there are even larger ones!). It also seems that KSP defaults the distance required to 2 meters. Unfortunately, most mods do not modify the maximum distance to PAW.

Source code
Both links lead to the same repo though...


Download the archive & extract it into your root KSP directory.

In case you need more, the coefficient can be modified in the Settings.cfg file located in the mod's directory.


This mod takes every action available through the PAW and increases its EVA availability distance according to the part's biggest attach node. The exact formula is quite simple:

  1. Take the current part's biggest attach node.
  2. Add a value to the current (or KSP default) maximum action range based on the following:
    -- 0.625m => 0.
    -- 1.250m => 1.
    -- 2.500m => 2.
    -- 3.750m => 3.
    -- 5.000m => 4.
  3. Multiply the sum by the coefficient specified in Settings.cfg (default: 1.0).


Thanks to
-- @IgorZ for KSPDev Utils & Release Tools which are used by this mod.
-- the fellowship of the KSP community that is the greatest I've ever seen. For all the mods, non-dying enthusiasm, support and inspiration. And gameplay features! Dude...
-- and obviously... @SQUAD and the dev team for making the greatest game of all time!


The mod code is licensed under the MIT license.


A bit of history here.

I thought of or tried a few approaches. Like patching events (KSPEvents) with MM configs, but no - it seems it is unable to. That's fine, but right now I'm at that stage of my career when I'm literally unable to perform maintenance or repair (Kerbalism) my new 3.75m habitation modules. I could even create pull-requests that fix the problem with a few lines of code but... there are many other mods that introduce more EVA interaction with parts.

The code is very, very simple.

As this is my first mod and my first experience with C#, I would greatly appreciate any advices, feedback and criticism. No, seriously. This mod could even be a great mistake if I've missed another similar one - just tell me!

This may be further buffed with CKAN metadata and AVC compatibility when (if) it passes fellow kerbanauts review.

Edited by atomontage
thanks section edited <3
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