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Your randoms screenshots


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Hi everyone ,

Sometimes , I just want to push F2 , but i push F1 , which makes me take random screenshots . Did it also happen to you ? Just check inside the "screenshots" file , you will be surprised . Well , I found some interesting (and strange) screenshots inside my screenshot file , I will share them with you . I didn' spent hundreds of hours on KPS , so I don't have a lot of pictures , I am sure you have better . I invite you to do the same with yours randoms pictures .

My first station1588658137-screenshot1.jpg

My station being refueled (do you see how it is twisted ?) , the station is possessed by the Kraken1588658147-screenshot9.jpg

My cargo rocket for my 2.5 cargo bay mun station challenge 1588658151-screenshot11.png

Well ... I don' remember what was that .1588658141-screenshot8.png

Let's see what you've got .


Edited by Hdeedose
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I use Shift+Command+3 on a Mac, so I almost never use the built-in screenshot function.  Lemme real quick check my KSP folder for forgotten fat-fingered photos.  It'll be the first time I actually look in that folder.  I bet there's some good ones.

...actually there is only one unintentional photo.  Kind of boring.  Just a random shot of the VAB.


But I also found some shots evoking nostalgia of old forgotten crafts of the past...

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  • 2 weeks later...

jZ0xYZr.pngA slightly boring picture of a prototype spaceplane using Nertea's Mk4 parts, after a rather 'interesting' landing at the Island Airfield (I'm using the JNSQ planet pack which puts the Island Airfield much further away than the stock version) which unfortunately didn't get remotely close to space, and was scrapped immediately after this was taken. I would like to point out that the tower was in that state BEFORE I bumped into it!


NTndYOo.pngSome numpty left this fuel tank in low Kerbin orbit and asked me to go and get it back for them; what they didn't say was IT WAS FULL OF FUEL! And those things can hold a lot of fuel too, but surprisingly two drogue chutes, two main chutes and the heat shield were enough to bring it down gently, or at least gently enough that it didn't explode on impact.

I checked through my other KSP versions but didn't find anything worth posting about- a few pause screens and an accidental interstellar probe that missed its capture burn round Jool and got hurled out of the solar system entirely.

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