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Construction Outside

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In the stock game it is not possible to use the editor outside the VAB/SPH.    However there are mods that will make the hangars bigger so you can build bigger craft (Hangar Extender?  I forget the exact name, somebody will link it).

Now, if you use docking ports, you can manually assemble craft wherever in the Universe you'd like. 


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1 hour ago, Christo said:

Is it possible to build outside of the hangar ?

To extend (apologies for the pun; I couldn't resist) what @Gargamel and @steuben said, if you were not asking about building beyond the limits of the editor but instead asking about building in locations other than the KSC, then yes, it is possible.  The Making History expansion offers access to alternate build locations on Kerbin, and the mod Extraplanetary Launchpads allows you to build anywhere that you set up the infrastructure.  I'd recommend against using ELP as a beginner; it is not a beginner mod.

9 minutes ago, Christo said:

I'm a beginner.
Can u tell me what are Docking Ports ?

I'm not the one you addressed, but I can answer that, too.  Docking ports are connectors that allow you to join two vessels together.  This is useful for assembling large space stations or other vessels in orbit (from smaller, easier-to-launch parts), or for Apollo-style missions where the lander is a separate vehicle from the main engine.  It is usually done in space (or, for the Apollo-style missions, you can pre-assemble the vessel in the editor) and it requires that:

  • Both vessels be equipped with a docking port,
  • Both docking ports be the same size,
  • Both docking ports be installed correctly (you can accidentally put them on backwards),
  • You have some decent piloting skill, patience, and a hand for fine manoeuvring.

As a beginner, it's not something that you'll need to do for some time yet.

Edited by Zhetaan
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35 minutes ago, Christo said:

What about carrer mode ?

What about it?

My path took me through sandbox first till I learned the fundamentals.  But that was before the tutorials were part of the game.  Play those, or just mess around till you learn how to launch to orbit: Go Up, Go Right, Go Fast.   While those steps can be taken individually, it's best done in some combination :D.    Check the tutorials sub forum for a lot more detail than you will get here in a single thread. 

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