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In my years of playing KSP, I dont thing I have ever played a full game of post-0.90 Career mode. SO I DECIDED TO FIX THAT! HAHA! I also have a self imposed rule that all flights that are not immediately reverted are simulations- as in, I cannot quickload or revert during "real" flights. THAT MEANS IM GOOD RIGHT??? Otherwise, it's just Normal mode.

I did not have plans to make this until I realised this was my first time. So there are no screenshots of the obligatory Jumping Flea replica and my test flights, in the Void series. The unsuccessful tests of Void "Baby" 1-3 do not have screenshots. But Void "Baby" Four DOES!!!

Test simulation of Void Four



Jebediah aims to escape the atmosphere, as detailed in the Kerbin World-Firsts Record Keeping Society's contract. It consists of two solid fuel stages because liquid fuel is overpowoered at this point and I didn't get a heatshield in Wernher's research. Goshdarnit, R&D. This was the first (and succesful!) simulation. We have Globe Is, eight of em, a Flea, on girders and fins. The 2nd stage is just a Flea.wh2PjJB.png

and those were the only pics i bothered taking of the test flight. Real :/ there me.

anyway, I didn't take pics of the launch which was a shame because it was a really cool ball of flame. Luckily it's a simple design. Anyway...


The real "Baby" in (basically) space.



Restock does wonders for the Mk16.



We have broken so many firsts! Look at the money roll in, Jeb!


Jeb! Look at that science!


Tier 3 - under the belt. Heat shields! Radial decouplers! Drouge chutes! Moar engines!


this concludes the first and second flights. I am very very excited to do moar.



Edited by HansonKerman
mini update
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By the way, I didn't notice but Void Four, a.k.a. Baby actually reached the VAB limit of 30. (and weighed 17.599 tons! I need to upgrade fast if that's goin on...) Dodged an engineering bullet there. I also came to give you the spectacle that is Baby farting its way into space. I'm counting this as a "simulation".


Simulation begin. Rocket: Void "Baby" Four

User: jeb


Baby has indigestion!

98IOl27.pngCurrent sim speed: very fast


This should be my flag. I think this is the new flag of the Void series. Nice.


special thanks to linuxgurugamer, who made (ish) and maintains KW Rocketry Rebalanced, which contains the Globe I.

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Simulation begin. Rocket: Void "Circles" Five

User: vall


Saved as: Orbital test


Fun fact: it weighs and has less part count than Void Four. Did I overcomplicate that?



16 minutes ago, Dirkidirk said:

spacebaby, Version 2001

The Cosmic Fetus of '2001: A Space Odyssey' Hasn't Aged a Day ...

wai t i didnt get the reference until u made the edit lol. out of place but welcome

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development of Void Five is bad.

During a failed sim, I realized that ksp had pulled smthin funny and disallowed reverting. So I had to open the debug menu, take away more funds, science, and rep than I needed because it isnt precise enough to revert the world firsts, then terminated the vessel, made a quicksave called RESET THE WORLD and manually opened the sfs and got Val back. The Pug sucks. Can't wait for Terriers.

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AIGHT, it's time for...Void Five




Do I really need to describe a launch? Beautiful timing of dropping the Wildcat stage. I swapped the Pug for the Vesta.


please... so close! My periapsis is rising by the second!!


We did it! I was legitimately scared I would not make it. Val's impeccable fuel-saving skills saved the day. That's a lopsided orbit.


Lopsided indeed. I have to go, and so Val is staying up there for a good many hours. I don't care tho... I'm so so so relieved.


Edited by HansonKerman
Snuck in a spoiler tag
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6 hours ago, The Dressian Exploder said:

This look VERY interesting. Can't wait to see more!

Outa likes, but moar is coming soon. Next up: Circles coming home.

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Chapter 3: Circles goes home

I don't feel like talking about deorbiting. You all have gone home from orbit. anyway.



Going home! That KazzelBlad is getting warm.


Even when it's toasty, you can still SCIENCE!

iQH7Zvi.png Our landing zone, apparently. I always call this Orea. (I've never called it that in my life, but I can believe that Kerbals would name a country after Oreos.)


In technicolor!

iI6P3Tl.png the drougue chutes unfold!


Ooo eye candy!


the landing zone.


Val "stands" proud. Ahh... TextureReplacer. Can't wait for EVE to be updated. I won't use Scatterer because I don't think this 2011 thing can handle it. Too bad. Scatterer makes everything very lovely.

CavjlE4.png Oh, oh nelly! Look at that science! 10 science just for returning from orbit! HA! sweet!


<insert Pokemon victory music>

Valentina gained 2 EXP! Valentina reached level 1!

Jeb didn't even earn that much! AND don't forget the contract reward!


Stayputnik, Science Junior, storage units, radiators, SCANners, cameras, and batteries? Yes please!


Edited by HansonKerman
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There's a rock in the sky and we want to get a closer look. The Kerbin-World Firsts Record-Keeping Society wants us to do just that before the launch of Void Six.


How hard can it be? Void Seven and Jebediah are ready.

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Update 4: "Stone" part one

Mission description: Enter Kerbin Orbit

after radio silence for 10 days, the Kerbal Space Program is BACC!!!!!!


Launching from an upgraded launchpad, armed with a science jr, feels nice


stage sep iwth a few sparks


its in spaaace

ewMJq5Y.png pug stage can carry me to victory


just barely in orbit! kinda lopsided but whatev

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and its all my fault...

Update 5

it happened

i frickin messed up and its all my frickin fault this is frickin stupid.




Void "Stone" Seven.

I was doing the traditional Mun approach.



Tkj8oSU.pngfrick jeb you overshot


hurry hurry zoom zoom


idk how i got on that inclination



<I Did a smol burn but apparently didnt get a screenie>


A nice shot for Slistagram. HullCamVDS is great


whoah there tiger. bit fast for that


nother shot from the onboard camera


restock science jr...!~





deorbit burn 


now... this is why my life is a big sadd.

i wasnt paying attention

i timewarped into the atmosphere in map view




slowly... mercilessly... it stayed that high for a while... then, without mercy... it slashed...





goshdarnit. rip. 


im not resetting tho.

im following my rules.


rip jeb.



exploded. it was the way he wanted to go. it was in the contract. Written here!


"6b) You, Jebediah Kerman, hereby swear that you will not die excepting for your conditions below (please enter at least one).


In a space accident.


Snack implosion.

Kraken attack



this is a sad day. welp...

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2 hours ago, Kerballing (Got Dunked On) said:

Oh no... RIP Jebediah.

im very sad

so is everyone.

I need to get my rep back and to finish the contract. The KWFRKS don't care, but i haven't checked the reputation yet :(

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12 hours ago, SuperMiiBrother said:


ironically it’s an easy one: Kerbin Science data

so next up: construction of a rocket that I will use for future tourist missions, and

Baby coming back for one last run.

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