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Grand Piano

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The first in my musical instrument series. If someone wants to build a launch vehicle for this puppy, I'd love to see it!


Makin’ my way downtown, flyin’ fast, planets pass and I’m homebound


                                                                                                                                                  - Vanessa Kerman, 2002


Poor Jeb's little arms and legs cannot reach the keys and pedals.



Craft file (MIDI file??): https://kerbalx.com/Jamie_Logan/Grand-Piano


Anyhoo, Here is my last creation:


Edited by Jamie Logan
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From the Book of Kerbol, Chapter 5, Verse 12:

And thus did Lord Kerbol rest after setting the homes of the other gods, his children, in the heavens. But his unwanted child, the Kraken, was jealous of his brothers and sisters, for he did not receive a home. And thus did the Kraken scheme to sow discord amongst the coming Children of Kerbin. He planted strange musical instruments, or claimed to, in the void spaces between the so-called "planets". And then the Kraken spake unto the Children of Kerbin, telling tales of these instruments, that they might argue and debate amongst themselves. Some say that he who knows the secret melody, and discovers the hiding place of the Cold Piano, and plays the song upon its keys, will usher in a new age of darkness and despair.

Edited by sturmhauke
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