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The OIO Archives (Volume 7: The Daybreaker)


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Well here it is, this is the official sequel to The K Files.

No actual stories yet, this is just an brief introduction to the Occult Investigation Organization





Edited by MarsBy2024OrBust
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On 6/14/2020 at 6:29 AM, MarsBy2024OrBust said:


Welcome recruits! Astronauts, Detectives, Researchers or whatever job possession you have, welcome to the Occult Investigation Organization (OIO)!


You have been selected for the role of ---------------


Our Mission

Our mission is to inform Kerbalkind of the dangers of the unknown. We explore the darkest corners of the universe to keep our species in the light.


How We Operate

We operate beyond borders and have the funding and trust of the dozens of governments around the world.


Clearance Levels

We use security clearance levels as way to protect sensitive information, only a certain level of personnel are capable of accessing said information.

Level 0: None

Level 1: Alpha

Level 2: Beta

Level 3: Gamma

Level 4: Delta

Level 5: Epsilon




This document may not be shared with personnel the designated clearance level.


This document is property of the Occult Investigation Organization and may not be shared with non-organization personnel.

Read this in a Cave Johnson voice

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For whatever reason when i take the text into PowerPoint, it screws it up and now it looks like this. There's no going back from this. 

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>A:  Agent Morrell, leader of the expedition team to AN-1, you and your team had been silent for months now. Why was that?

>B: I'm sorry about that, Administrator. Turns out this library is massive. I mean really massive. We had been traveling for months inside AN-1 until we found a exit.

>A: Expedition Report.

>B: We found books, lots of them. But most if not all of them- uh, seem to not belong in our universe.

>A: Please elaborate.

>B: After reading some of them, they appear to come from universes with different histories. Parallel worlds. The multiverse.

>A: Fascinating. Other findings?

>B: The library seems to be, infinite. This library seems to contain the entire multiverse. The folks around here are nice enough to give us food and supplies. That is all.



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14 hours ago, HansonKerman said:

Finally, friendly people.

I forgot to mention that if you try to attack them (Which nobody has done because no) they will obliterate you from existence.

So don't do that.

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16 hours ago, MarsBy2024OrBust said:

I forgot to mention that if you try to attack them (Which nobody has done because no) they will obliterate you from existence.

So don't do that.

<your best nightmare plays>

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A: Administrator, we found it. We found the Cube. It's located inside a very large underground chamber we didn't know even existed. Well it's because the entrance happened to be blocked. It took a while until we fully unblocked it.

B: Good work, Agent. Other findings?

A: Uh, we found several new hieroglyphs. But these ones are different than the other ones we found. It shows several ancients worshipping some sort of, mechanical god or something. It's VERY different than the gods in popular mythology. It's entirely made out of gears and machinery and has a gear for a head. It also has wings of some sort and a scissor replacing one of it's hands. We don't if this was the cube before something bad happened, or it's just a personification of the Cube, or it's related to the Cube in one way or another. We just don't know at all. That is all, Administrator. 




Edited by MarsBy2024OrBust
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