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[1.8.1 - 1.9.1] Kopernicus Continued


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9 minutes ago, Shawn Kerman said:

For 1.10.1? pure stock, kittopia won't accept the gas gaint shader. my compile might not have have been the best as I updated all of kittopia's 'packages' to 1.10.1. and the release IS dated...

If it doesn't like the gas giant shaders, my work around might work to make it run if you combine it with a recompile.  Not about to take that on as I have enough on my plate, but if anyone wants to try, I think it'd have a fair shot at working as my releases completely remove the new shaders from all bodies but Jool.

Might not too though, because Jool still has the new shader.  No idea.  I'd expect best case, it'd crash when working with Jool.

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Recompile with just the Koperncius package updated (with release 1) didn't work, it looks like the same error as my other recompiles


[EXC 20:42:35.028] KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
	System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) (at <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.PlanetSelector+<>c__DisplayClass8_0.<BuildDialog>b__5 () (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.Declare (System.Action builder) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.GUIVerticalLayout (System.Boolean sw, System.Boolean sh, System.Single sp, UnityEngine.RectOffset pad, UnityEngine.TextAnchor achr, System.Action optionBuilder, KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI+Modifier`1[T] modifier) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.PlanetSelector+<>c__DisplayClass8_0.<BuildDialog>b__4 () (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.Declare (System.Action builder) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.GUIToggleButton (System.Func`1[TResult] set, System.String lbel, Callback`1[T] selected, System.Action optionBuilder, KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI+Modifier`1[T] modifier) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.PlanetSelector.<BuildDialog>b__8_1 () (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.Declare (System.Action builder) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.GUIGridLayout (UnityEngine.RectOffset padding, UnityEngine.Vector2 cellSize, UnityEngine.Vector2 spacing, UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup+Corner startCorner, UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup+Axis startAxis, UnityEngine.TextAnchor childAligment, UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup+Constraint constraint, System.Int32 constraintCount, System.Action optionBuilder, KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI+Modifier`1[T] modifier) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.PlanetSelector.<BuildDialog>b__8_0 () (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.Declare (System.Action builder) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.GUIScrollList (UnityEngine.Vector2 size, System.Boolean hScroll, System.Boolean vScroll, System.Action optionsBuilder, KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI+Modifier`1[T] modifier) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.PlanetSelector.BuildDialog () (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.Declare (System.Action builder) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.GUIHorizontalLayout (System.Action optionBuilder, KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI+Modifier`1[T] modifier) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Window.<BuildDialogWrapped>b__16_0 () (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.Declare (System.Action builder) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.GUIVerticalLayout (System.Action optionBuilder, KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI+Modifier`1[T] modifier) (at <c7d7e23e879a472



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On 8/4/2020 at 8:48 PM, Shawn Kerman said:

Recompile with just the Koperncius package updated (with release 1) didn't work, it looks like the same error as my other recompiles

  Hide contents

[EXC 20:42:35.028] KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
	System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) (at <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.PlanetSelector+<>c__DisplayClass8_0.<BuildDialog>b__5 () (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.Declare (System.Action builder) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.GUIVerticalLayout (System.Boolean sw, System.Boolean sh, System.Single sp, UnityEngine.RectOffset pad, UnityEngine.TextAnchor achr, System.Action optionBuilder, KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI+Modifier`1[T] modifier) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.PlanetSelector+<>c__DisplayClass8_0.<BuildDialog>b__4 () (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.Declare (System.Action builder) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.GUIToggleButton (System.Func`1[TResult] set, System.String lbel, Callback`1[T] selected, System.Action optionBuilder, KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI+Modifier`1[T] modifier) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.PlanetSelector.<BuildDialog>b__8_1 () (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.Declare (System.Action builder) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.GUIGridLayout (UnityEngine.RectOffset padding, UnityEngine.Vector2 cellSize, UnityEngine.Vector2 spacing, UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup+Corner startCorner, UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup+Axis startAxis, UnityEngine.TextAnchor childAligment, UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup+Constraint constraint, System.Int32 constraintCount, System.Action optionBuilder, KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI+Modifier`1[T] modifier) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.PlanetSelector.<BuildDialog>b__8_0 () (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.Declare (System.Action builder) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.GUIScrollList (UnityEngine.Vector2 size, System.Boolean hScroll, System.Boolean vScroll, System.Action optionsBuilder, KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI+Modifier`1[T] modifier) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.PlanetSelector.BuildDialog () (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.Declare (System.Action builder) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.GUIHorizontalLayout (System.Action optionBuilder, KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI+Modifier`1[T] modifier) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Window.<BuildDialogWrapped>b__16_0 () (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.Declare (System.Action builder) (at <c7d7e23e879a47269e7bde409f458e4b>:0)
	KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI.GUIVerticalLayout (System.Action optionBuilder, KittopiaTech.UI.Framework.Declaration.DialogGUI+Modifier`1[T] modifier) (at <c7d7e23e879a472



Darn.  Thanks for trying, anyways.

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So, just for clarification, since I've been absent from the Kopernicus community for ages:

  • Has the time warp altitude limit feature been removed now that there are no longer altitude limits for the stock bodies (except for the minimum time warp altitude)?
  • Is KittopiaTech permanently not working? Will there ever be a feature to generate and update textures/height maps like it?
  • Have PQSMods remained the same since 2018/19?

I'm under the assumption that the latest patch(es) work for KSP 1.10.1, but since I'm hoping to develop a new planet pack in the coming weeks (I'm almost finished calculating the physical, orbital, and atmospheric parameters of all objects I currently plan to add), I'm mainly concerned about whether or not Kittopia can ever be used. I suck with custom terrestrial planet textures, and I can't even fall back on Space Engine textures for two reasons: I'd need to spend $60 on SE Pro for the texture export feature, and the latest update broke the game for me and now 99% of all objects won't load due to an issue with shaders.

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24 minutes ago, ProtoJeb21 said:

So, just for clarification, since I've been absent from the Kopernicus community for ages:

  • Has the time warp altitude limit feature been removed now that there are no longer altitude limits for the stock bodies (except for the minimum time warp altitude)?
  • Is KittopiaTech permanently not working? Will there ever be a feature to generate and update textures/height maps like it?
  • Have PQSMods remained the same since 2018/19?

I'm under the assumption that the latest patch(es) work for KSP 1.10.1, but since I'm hoping to develop a new planet pack in the coming weeks (I'm almost finished calculating the physical, orbital, and atmospheric parameters of all objects I currently plan to add), I'm mainly concerned about whether or not Kittopia can ever be used. I suck with custom terrestrial planet textures, and I can't even fall back on Space Engine textures for two reasons: I'd need to spend $60 on SE Pro for the texture export feature, and the latest update broke the game for me and now 99% of all objects won't load due to an issue with shaders.

While Kittopia's only officially up to 1.8.1, it works on 1.9.1, not too sure about 1.10.1 (I know there's a few errors with kop and that version). PQSMods have had a few changes, but I'm not sure of the extent your knowledge of them goes. If you were just using VertexHeightMap, VertexColorMap, VoronoiCraters, HeightColorMap, VertexHeightNoise and VertexSimplexHeight/Absolute, then you should be fine. Also, the time warp altitude thing hasn't been removed, just it defaults to 0 for all values. I'm a fan of your older mods, and I'm excited to see where you go if you decide to make more.


Oh, and using SE textures is regarded as being very low effort and lazy, plus they tend to not look very good considering the artstyle and scaling differences. I'd recommend just keeping at it for making textures, the only way to get better is to try. Or, you can circumvent it entirely by only using PQSMods to make planets, without height or color maps. Another option is that you can use the Tangram height mapper to splice and stick together sections of Earth's height map to make your own.

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19 minutes ago, Mythical Donuts said:

While Kittopia's only officially up to 1.8.1, it works on 1.9.1, not too sure about 1.10.1 (I know there's a few errors with kop and that version). PQSMods have had a few changes, but I'm not sure of the extent your knowledge of them goes. If you were just using VertexHeightMap, VertexColorMap, VoronoiCraters, HeightColorMap, VertexHeightNoise and VertexSimplexHeight/Absolute, then you should be fine. Also, the time warp altitude thing hasn't been removed, just it defaults to 0 for all values. I'm a fan of your older mods, and I'm excited to see where you go if you decide to make more.


Oh, and using SE textures is regarded as being very low effort and lazy, plus they tend to not look very good considering the artstyle and scaling differences. I'd recommend just keeping at it for making textures, the only way to get better is to try. Or, you can circumvent it entirely by only using PQSMods to make planets, without height or color maps. Another option is that you can use the Tangram height mapper to splice and stick together sections of Earth's height map to make your own.

My main method of creating planet textures — well, the main method from when I was actually making Kopernicus planet packs — was to customize a planet in SE, export its height map, and use that as a base to create a better height map using a variety of PQS mods (vertexsimplexheight, vertexsimplexheightabsolute, vertexheightnoise, vonoroicraters) and a color map via vertexheightcolor. The reason for an SE height map as a base is because it can include some smaller details and ideal continent/ocean shapes that are difficult to replicate with PQSMods. For example, often I want only a few areas of some mountains, but PQSMods will generate mountains and hills all over the surface and not in specific areas. Custom SE height maps give me the specific terrain details, and PQSMods help refine it. 

I only mentioned using pure SE textures as a last resort option. They might look cool from a distance, but most surface details scale terribly from SE to KSP (hence why I try to refine the height maps I get and make sure they’re the maximum resolution possible). And trust me, I know plenty well how poorly SE textures are received in the Kopernicus community. 

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As I should've anticipated from the name of the patch, Kopernicus 1.9.1-9 does not work in KSP 1.10.1 (although the Nyan Cat loading screen does). And I had just spent the last hour or so prepping the configs for a system of nine planets I'm working on.

Edited by ProtoJeb21
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Just now, ProtoJeb21 said:

As I should've anticipated from the name of the patch, Kopernicus 1.9.1-1 does not work in KSP 1.10.1 (although the Nyan Cat loading screen does).

If you get 1.9.1 release 3, it'll work. Unless it was overwritten. :V



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28 minutes ago, etmoonshade said:

If you get 1.9.1 release 3, it'll work. Unless it was overwritten. :V



For what it's worth, you should use the BE version for 1.10.1. It's been pretty stable for me, other than an issue with anomalies on modded planets that is apparently in older versions too. It was a weird stroke of luck for me that 1.9.1-3 happened to have its version check removed for some reason. :V

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5 hours ago, etmoonshade said:

For what it's worth, you should use the BE version for 1.10.1. It's been pretty stable for me, other than an issue with anomalies on modded planets that is apparently in older versions too. It was a weird stroke of luck for me that 1.9.1-3 happened to have its version check removed for some reason. :V

Yeah.  We version lock for a reason, it was kind of bad we ever did not.  Really bad things can happen longterm if built against the wrong files.

Mind you, for Kittopiatech and not a real save game, you may not care.  But just sayin'.  If there's enough demand, I can look into the Kittopiatech bugs as soon as we hit the major blockers for 1.9.1 stable release (CKAN).  It shouldn't be super hard to make it work (hope this isn't famous last words).

5 hours ago, etmoonshade said:

other than an issue with anomalies on modded planets that is apparently in older versions too.

Yeah, I'm amazed no one reported this in 1.8/1.9 era of builds honestly.  It's getting better, not all templated PQS's "stick" now, and it should be fixed entirely soon.

Edited by R-T-B
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On 8/9/2020 at 10:06 AM, ProtoJeb21 said:

My main method of creating planet textures — well, the main method from when I was actually making Kopernicus planet packs — was to customize a planet in SE, export its height map, and use that as a base to create a better height map using a variety of PQS mods (vertexsimplexheight, vertexsimplexheightabsolute, vertexheightnoise, vonoroicraters) and a color map via vertexheightcolor. The reason for an SE height map as a base is because it can include some smaller details and ideal continent/ocean shapes that are difficult to replicate with PQSMods. For example, often I want only a few areas of some mountains, but PQSMods will generate mountains and hills all over the surface and not in specific areas. Custom SE height maps give me the specific terrain details, and PQSMods help refine it. 

I only mentioned using pure SE textures as a last resort option. They might look cool from a distance, but most surface details scale terribly from SE to KSP (hence why I try to refine the height maps I get and make sure they’re the maximum resolution possible). And trust me, I know plenty well how poorly SE textures are received in the Kopernicus community. 

Ah, alright, I tend to misunderstand things so I took it as you suggesting just using pure SE on it's own, without modification, rather than adjusting them


Edited by Mythical Donuts
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I believe the last stable release on this branch may have fixed the issue with PQScities (monoliths, random discoverable things) "sticking" to the body from which they were templated.  If anyone would care to confirm in a game test, that'd be great, though.  That would move us basically to CKAN status, pending one more bugfix I think I can get done today.

You are probably going to ask how to test.  The easiest way I think would be to look for the "Mohole" on a body templated from Moho.  It shouldn't be there.

I'd do this myself, but ironically, despite being a bigtime Kopernicus dev now, I don't want to teleport to Moho or a body templated off of it as i haven't actually MADE it to Moho in my game yet.  Yeah yeah, I know. :P

Edited by R-T-B
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1 hour ago, R-T-B said:

You are probably going to ask how to test.  The easiest way I think would be to look for the "Mohole" on a body templated from Moho.  It shouldn't be there.

In addition to the Mohole, here are the locations of the other anomalies for anyone who wants to test for them.

Anomaly Latitude Longitude
Monolith on Kerbin -0.64017 -80.76677
Monolith on Kerbin 35.57053 -74.97730
Monolith on Kerbin -28.80832 -13.44011
KSC2 on Kerbin 20.58289 -146.51159
Pyramids on Kerbin -6.50569 -141.68559
UFO on Kerbin 81.95514 -128.51795
Monolith on Mun 57.66023 9.14232
Monolith on Mun -9.83137 25.91772
Monolith on Mun -82.20628 102.92873
Rock Arch on Mun 12.44311 39.17801
Rock Arch on Mun 2.46946 81.51323
Rock Arch on Mun -12.46405 -140.94425
Armstrong Memorial on Mun 0.70274 22.74695
UFO on Mun -70.95563 -68.13715
Monolith on Minmus 23.77626 60.04639
Pyramid on Duna -66.04832 -160.88162
Face on Duna 17.05854 -85.45930
MSL on Duna -30.34200 -28.81035
Cave on Tylo 40.20374 173.99762
Icehenge on Vall -60.08904 83.77959
Dead Kraken on Bop 68.42928 116.99020


Edited by OhioBob
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I just tested for anomalies using JNSQ and v1.9.1-9.  None of the anomalies removed by JNSQ were present, so that seems to be working.

I also tested for the removal of PQSCity2 stuff and that's working too.


For those who don't know, there are two different types of objects:  PQSCity and PQSCity2.  PQSCity stuff can be removed using the usual removePQSMods.  For example,

     removePQSMods = PQSCity[Monolith01]

That doesn't work for PQSCity2 stuff, like the launch sites added by Making History.  PQSCity2 stuff is removed using removeLaunchSites.  For example,

     removeLaunchSites = Desert_Launch_Site

removeLaunchSites goes directly inside @Kopernicus{}.

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There are also other anomalys who are not in the list, but have a random location in any game, see spoiler:


The green monoliths are generated at random locations for any game and Ike used to have the magic boulder. It's replicated in some rare asteroids with similiar properties see wiki:


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Sounds pretty promising thus far.  I'm encouraged that that bug is fixed for now at least. 

The only issue with the fix is forward facing, in 1.10.1 it seems they made the main menu's "hitboxes" a PQS of the menu planet (why?  Why?).  Yes, this means the main menu doesn't work without arrow keys in 1.10.1 going forward.  We'll deal with that in the bleeding edge though.  I'm sure we can whitelist the main menu somehow.

Edited by R-T-B
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I've downloaded Kopernicus 1.9.1-9 for use with JNSQ, the game loads and the main menu comes up but none of the menu items can be accessed.  I started a fresh install with only a few mods using Kopernicus 1.9.1-9 and JNSQ with the same results.  The KSP log file can be retrieved below:



Edit: Forgot to add that when I roll back to Kopernicus 1.9.1-6, I don't have an issue with the main menu working.

Edited by HawkEngineer
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I noticed the only version that comes up on CKAN is the old 1.8.1, is there a different thing I need to be looking for, or should I go with a direct download?  I'd guess stick with manual updates if this version 1.9.1-9 isn't going to stick for long or is undergoing significant functional/API changes.  I dont use any of the extra stars stuff.  Or should I move to 1.10 and use the new branch? I've been waiting since 1.7.3, so I can be patient, although I'd rather not be.

I guess what I really am looking for is: what version is safe for me to do a longer term career restart with using Kopernikus+OPM as my baseline and some of my favorite mods like Roverdude's and Nertea's stuff, and of course a pile of Linuxgurugamer's varied maintained mods. 

Edited by Murdabenne
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30 minutes ago, Murdabenne said:

I guess what I really am looking for is: what version is safe for me to do a longer term career restart with using Kopernikus+OPM as my baseline and some of my favorite mods like Roverdude's and Nertea's stuff, and of course a pile of Linuxgurugamer's varied maintained mods. 

Stick with the 1.8.1 release on CKAN. 1.9 and 1.10 support is still very much in flux, but as soon as those two versions are finalized they will be made available through CKAN so updating will be easy.

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1 hour ago, prestja said:

Stick with the 1.8.1 release on CKAN. 1.9 and 1.10 support is still very much in flux, but as soon as those two versions are finalized they will be made available through CKAN so updating will be easy.

Yep.  That's the plan.  There is still at least one bug I consider a blocker to CKAN on stable, but it'll be dead soon.  We are probably closer than we've ever been, but I'm not going to give estimates this time because they come back and bite me. ;)

Just stick with stable releases on CKAN and you'll always be ok.  We will ensure the updating is painless, too.

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