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SpaceX falcon 9

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We have all heard of it. the falcon 9.

Your goal: Re-create this mission.

How to complete:

Build an ISS with the docking plugin. (post a pic and i will verify if thats a space station. (eg: solar panels bigness ect) )

then build a recreation of the falcon 9. rendevous and dock to the station, and return.


Must have pic of all the stages recovered

Use the dragon capsule mod.

You MUST build the station AND dock to it

Your kerbs must be alive

Have fun!


First! [first one to complete gets a cookie!]

Fastest time! [post your MET at landing of all stages landed, fastest one gets this]

Re-creation! [make it look very very similar]

Modder! [make the falcon 9 parts!]

Good luck!

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Nice OP revival...

What Dragon Mod? If you don't supply the mods, nobody is going to do your challenge.

He's talking about the mod linked in his banner thingy at the bottom of his posts

Edit: Ive tried only to be foiled by docking mod limitations tearing my station apart before the first manned visit. -_-

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I know but i still have the issue.( maybe its because i didn't read the not docking multiple motherships together part....)

Anyways will try and maybe make video.

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I WAS going to make another Challenge regarding the powered recovery in the video, but then saw that link because i saw it else where. Any bonus points for successfully pulling off a powered landing?? will attempt in a day or so. Whenever this annoying thing called "School" gets out of the way for a bit i.e. no homework. :P

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Well, i don't even come close to what they did in that video (3D), but it is a start.

Here Goes the Dragon.

I made this just for fun.

Because it not have an useful mean, just, lift off, get orbit, de orbit, and land on KSC with Rocket.

No RCS, No ASAS. Have a docking port put i did not use until now.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/8z4vavx4rwvu78k/Dragon.craft (MechJeb)

https://www.dropbox.com/s/tqfblowmtt...%20Stock.craft (Stock)

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So now, my second try, i think is a little bit closer...

This one is for 3, and have ASAS and RCS fuel for docking. I don't try yet to dock, but the landing is ok. on Rocket. And now Have Ladders too. (still need some lights...)

The thing is that is not fuel for maneuvers too. And is a SSTO, not like the original reference.

But is fun. :D

https://www.dropbox.com/s/k0h6a12nc1sj4eu/Falcon.craft (MechJeb)

https://www.dropbox.com/s/riisfhcaw05p70q/Falcon%20Stock.craft (Stock)

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Alright, Climber, you need to notice that this is another thread that has been dead since September. There is no need to post in it, start a new one if you want to.

Also, why is there a need for you to change your font?

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Alright, Climber, you need to notice that this is another thread that has been dead since September. There is no need to post in it, start a new one if you want to.

Also, why is there a need for you to change your font?

I think this, all things lost, and still have a old tread that before everyone use it, but lost the new part of it. Why build a new one? Just because is old?

If will be the same, use the same, but i don't make the rules.

I will follow the rules of the forum, if they insist.

And the font, i would ask for you, if you have a Porsche, i you buy it? But i will have a Porsche, so forget it.

I just like this one more.


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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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