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[Completed] JNSQ Space Race 2: Two Race, Two Space

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42 minutes ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

Advanced Audacious Aerospace Research Group: Our first ever crewed rocket launch!


A momentous day at AAARG as we do what we never dared to (deliberately) do before- stick a Kerbal on top of a rocket! And fire it into SPAAAAAACE!

Natagard Kerman didn't run away fast enough bravely volunteered to pilot this first mission. She will forever be remembered as the first Kerbal to make it into orbit, and come back down again! The Board spent two hours debating how someone could come back from orbit without getting there first, apparently oblivious to the opposite concept...

Numerous important discoveries were made, the most important (for the Board, at least) being that launching at night makes for rubbish mission photographs, because it's dark. They were also disappointed with the performance of the solar panels mounted on the pod, until it was explained that they weren't expected to work, because it's dark.

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1 hour ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

Advanced Audacious Aerospace Research Group: Our first second rocket launch!


A momentous day at AAARG as we set more things on fire, on purpose! And they don't explode immediately again!

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Well, good progress! I better catch up. I'm booting up KSP right now, so no worries (mwahahaha)

You got 3 milestones, so I better catch up. 


Also, @epicfailure2020 I hate to break it to you, but I have to take away all your points and stuff. Sorry, but you were doing stock kerbin. You can probably still catch up though.


Also, @jimmymcgoochie do you want that flight to count for first kerbed launch or first kerbal in orbit?

Edited by Misguided_Kerbal
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Advanced Audacious Aerospace Research Group: Two launches and an orbital docking!


Another busy mission at AAARG requiring not one, but two rockets! First up was a little probe with a little docking port, followed by a crew pod flown by Jeb who we found hiding in a broom cupboard bravely volunteered for this difficult and daring mission. After launching the pod from Darude's launch pad, the decision was made to launch Jeb's pod from the Island Airfield because it was directly underneath the target's flight path, which was meant to make rendezvousing easier; however a less than optimal launch meant that it took a whole orbit to bring the two together and the Board are fuming at the loss of valuable time.







During the closing stages of the mission Jeb was also observed to scream our name during re-entry; upon landing he immediately sprang out of the pod, ripped off his helmet and planted a flag. It remains unclear why he planted the flag, however the Board sees it as a good way to get more publicity so future missions are expected to follow suit. We have also learned that 'talking to yourself' and 'fear of small spaces and the smell of burning plastic' are in fact normal side-effects of going into space; both Natagard and Jebediah are receiving intensive therapy to resolve these issues as our remaining Kerbonauts are currently AWOL and a full scale lockdown of the KSC has been initiated to allow a room by room search for them.

Full album is here: https://imgur.com/a/Hp8D5jH

AAARG's space program has now been running for 2 hours and 9 minutes, with 2 satellites launched (and both still in orbit!), 2 Kerbals sent to orbit (and both brought back!) and a crewed orbital docking completed. The next 'mission' will be a simple one to complete the 'launch a Kerbal' milestone, which our previous two orbital missions didn't count towards as 'only one milestone is permitted per mission' and it seemed like a waste to count those space missions as a mere 'launch a Kerbal' mission.


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 Advanced Audacious Aerospace Research Group: Even we can't make this interesting!


So, we needed to 'launch a Kerbal'. After Frodo Kerman was lured out by making Hobbit jokes bravely volunteered for this daring and... oh, who am I kidding? A 30 second jump that barely even cleared the tower on Tundra Space Centre's Pad 34 (TSC was in daylight, plus they offered the Board free drinks- the Board were not amused when that turned out to be 'free drinks of water') and a gentle parachute back down is about as dull as you can get while still propelling a Kerbal with a rocket.






Full album is here: https://imgur.com/a/N1Opj3W Not that there's much point in clicking that link, since all the images are included in this report.

AAARG's space program has been running for 2 hours, 10 minutes and 16 seconds but with the latest 'mission' out of the way, we can set our sights on loftier goals. Specifically, visiting the Mun and Minmus. While throwing some probes at the Mun and Minmus would be easily done with the current Luciole systems, the Board is anxious to try something a little bit bigger for the next set of missions; watch this space...

Edited by jimmymcgoochie
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1 minute ago, Kraken that doesn't exist said:

i did that around uhh 40 minutes ago?

I missed the part where each mission could only complete one milestone so had to go back and do that later.

Now that I'm into the race, I think that Luciole is actually pretty OP compared to stock parts as the engines are very efficient (especially monopropellant stuff and especially for their size), the fuel tanks have very high fuel density for their size and most other parts are extremely lightweight.

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1 minute ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

I missed the part where each mission could only complete one milestone so had to go back and do that later.

Now that I'm into the race, I think that Luciole is actually pretty OP compared to stock parts as the engines are very efficient (especially monopropellant stuff and especially for their size), the fuel tanks have very high fuel density for their size and most other parts are extremely lightweight.

i agree luciole is OP with stuff like cubesats and efficient parts

Edited by Kraken that doesn't exist
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