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[1.12.x] L-Tech Continued Release


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@linuxgurugamer - well, that didn't take long

I'm getting the following spammed in the log when I create a new game and click on the "settings" button:

[ERR 12:25:15.450] Error calling custom Interactible method in type LtScience.Utilities.LTech_2:
[EXC 12:25:15.454] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	LtScience.Utilities.LTech_2.Interactible (System.Reflection.MemberInfo member, GameParameters parameters) (at <cca63ed0490447bca56b64dde7f219cd>:0)
	DifficultyOptionsMenu+<>c__DisplayClass14_2.<CreateDifficultWindow>b__78 () (at <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	PopupDialog:SpawnPopupDialog(MultiOptionDialog, Boolean, UISkinDef, Boolean, String)
	PopupDialog:SpawnPopupDialog(Vector2, Vector2, MultiOptionDialog, Boolean, UISkinDef, Boolean, String)
	DifficultyOptionsMenu:Create(Modes, GameParameters, Boolean, Callback`2, GameObject)
	DifficultyOptionsMenu:Create(Modes, GameParameters, Boolean, Callback`2)

Everything runs fine until then, but it slows the game to 3-4 FPS as soon as I enter the custom options window (even without having LTech selected.)

Browsing through the log, there aren't any other errors regarding L-Tech, and the few warnings are about stuff like "part costs less than its resources" more than any sort of loading errors.

Here's the log if you want to view it yourself: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mkroywq85zgos9d/KSP.log.20200829.7z?dl=0

I trimmed out the majority of the spam from the end of the log - trust me when I say it continued for about 23k lines. :V

Edited by etmoonshade
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@linuxgurugamer New minor bug:

When adding the L-Tech icon to Blizzy's Toolbar, it looks fine... but clicking it to open the settings window causes it to go magenta (as in, broken texture magenta.) Clicking it again to close the settings window does not make it revert, but saving settings does cause the icon to go back to normal.


Edited by etmoonshade
Changed to actually @ LGG
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8 hours ago, etmoonshade said:

@linuxgurugamer New minor bug:

When adding the L-Tech icon to Blizzy's Toolbar, it looks fine... but clicking it to open the settings window causes it to go magenta (as in, broken texture magenta.) Clicking it again to close the settings window does not make it revert, but saving settings does cause the icon to go back to normal.


 This should be easy to fix. I do not consider this to be a mod - breaking bug, so unless I hear of anything else, I will do a full release when I fix this bug.

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1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

 This should be easy to fix. I do not consider this to be a mod - breaking bug, so unless I hear of anything else, I will do a full release when I fix this bug.

FWIW, I'm probably a day from getting a station started, and I'll toss on the L-Tech experimental parts of course.

The camera appeared to work fine, though we'll see if I still get the old anomaly bug that used to happen (take a picture of a planet from high up, and if there's an anomaly on that side of the planet you get 100 science instead of like, 4 - if I remember the bug correctly.)

I'm not terribly worried about the science parts - I don't think they've changed significantly enough to break in many years.

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14 hours ago, etmoonshade said:

FWIW, I'm probably a day from getting a station started, and I'll toss on the L-Tech experimental parts of course.

The camera appeared to work fine, though we'll see if I still get the old anomaly bug that used to happen (take a picture of a planet from high up, and if there's an anomaly on that side of the planet you get 100 science instead of like, 4 - if I remember the bug correctly.)

I'm not terribly worried about the science parts - I don't think they've changed significantly enough to break in many years.

Well, I had to rework the science code, while I don't think I touched anything critical, please pay a close look at them.

Re the button, the purple is a missing icon, I'll get it fixed in a day or so

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On 9/2/2020 at 8:58 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

Well, I had to rework the science code, while I don't think I touched anything critical, please pay a close look at them.

Re the button, the purple is a missing icon, I'll get it fixed in a day or so

@linuxgurugamer - a couple of bugs for you:

I have three level 2 scientists in my SkyLab, but it claims that I'm short on crew - 2/3, to be specific. It doesn't appear to be tied to the scientists themselves, since I can swap any of them out to my Hitchhiker and it'll still show 2/3. It correctly reflects 1/3 scientists if I remove two of them from the module.

Even with that, I apparently am able to study science. In fact, I can still study science with only two scientists in the module.

Which leads me to another... bug? Balance issue? Holy crap I just got 2000 science (1400 transmitted) from studying microgravity, and I'm at 50% science on the game settings. That seems like... just a little bit too much? Taking a look at it, I see this in Skylab_ScienceDefs.cfg:

    id = microGrav
    title = #autoLOC_LTech_MicroGrav_Title
    baseValue = 100
    scienceCap = 400
    dataScale = 0.2

Misplaced a decimal point somewhere, maybe? 2000 is definitely 50% of 4000, and 4000 is 10x 400 (i.e. "scienceCap".)
I am using RSS right now, but all the rest of the science values are what I expect them to be, i.e. painfully and depressingly low. I don't think that's affecting things, unless there's some hardcoding somewhere.

Yet another edit: I also noticed that the "Plant Seeds" resource is about 10x as dense as the other ones - intentional, or no?

More edit: I'm going to keep editing this post until you either like it or reply to it. :V

Next edit: I almost like my idea better, but I'm dumb. The experiments are biome-sensitive, which I didn't realize until I was reading the science report after recovery. *facepalm*

More edit: Okay, I feel better about myself - got a second lab up in the air, and after reading carefully - the science window doesn't imply that the experiments are biome-dependent. No wonder I went off the rails thinking it was time-dependent.

Interesting point about this - the L-Tech experiments don't show up in [x]Science!, which makes it difficult to keep track of where I've done science so far.

Even more edit!: I finally found a bug in the cameras! Maybe.

If you have the PAW up and switch to camera view, and then close the PAW, you have no way to return to normal flight view - at least I can tell. This one might just be a lack of education than a bug - none of the camera switch controls I tried worked to return me from the camera view.

A quicksave/quickload works to pull you out of being stuck in this view, but it's still a pain.

Edited by etmoonshade
Cleaning up some.
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On 9/2/2020 at 10:55 PM, etmoonshade said:

Yet another edit: I also noticed that the "Plant Seeds" resource is about 10x as dense as the other ones - intentional, or

It was, but I'll be reducing that


On 9/2/2020 at 10:55 PM, etmoonshade said:

If you have the PAW up and switch to camera view, and then close the PAW, you have no way to return to normal flight view - at least I can tell. This one might just be a lack of education than a bug - none of the camera switch controls I tried worked to return me from the camera view.

Known issue.  Actually works ok with HullcamVDS installed

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On 9/1/2020 at 9:51 AM, etmoonshade said:

@linuxgurugamer New minor bug:

When adding the L-Tech icon to Blizzy's Toolbar, it looks fine... but clicking it to open the settings window causes it to go magenta (as in, broken texture magenta.) Clicking it again to close the settings window does not make it revert, but saving settings does cause the icon to go back to normal.

I was unable to replicate this.  Can you provide more info?


On 9/2/2020 at 10:55 PM, etmoonshade said:

Interesting point about this - the L-Tech experiments don't show up in [x]Science!, which makes it difficult to keep track of where I've done science so far

Would require [x]Science changes, contact the author/maintainer when I've released this

On 9/2/2020 at 10:55 PM, etmoonshade said:

Which leads me to another... bug? Balance issue? Holy crap I just got 2000 science (1400 transmitted) from studying microgravity, and I'm at 50% science on the game settings. That seems like... just a little bit too much? Taking a look at it, I see this in Skylab_ScienceDefs.cfg:

    id = microGrav
    title = #autoLOC_LTech_MicroGrav_Title
    baseValue = 100
    scienceCap = 400
    dataScale = 0.2

Misplaced a decimal point somewhere, maybe? 2000 is definitely 50% of 4000, and 4000 is 10x 400 (i.e. "scienceCap".)
I am using RSS right now, but all the rest of the science values are what I expect them to be, i.e. painfully and depressingly low. I don't think that's affecting things, unless there's some hardcoding somewhere.

What about any of the other experiments? 

I haven't changed any of these values, but after looking at stock, it seems that they are all rather overpowered, so I'll probably be reducing them by a lot

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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On 9/5/2020 at 4:08 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

What about any of the other experiments? 

I haven't changed any of these values, but after looking at stock, it seems that they are all rather overpowered, so I'll probably be reducing them by a lot

All experiments from the SkyLab (and only the SkyLab) are returning similarly high values - it definitely feels like they're 10x what they're supposed to be.

Edited by etmoonshade
bad bug report
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  • Increased mass of seeds & updated description
  • Added "Biome dependent" to experiment definitions
  • Science values adjusted for all skylab experiments
  • Science dataScale adjusted for all skylab experiments
  • Fixed checks for number of crew needed
  • Added enforcement of number of crew needed
  • Added check for minimum aggregate science experience needed in scientists in lab
  • Reduced frequency of updates to SkyLabCore PAW to 4x/sec
  • Reduced frequency of updates to SkylabExperiment PAW to 4x/sec
  • Added check for stock CAMERA_NEXT key (defaults to V), also added check for stock CAMERA_RESET (defaults to BackQuote)



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Okay, re-tested the bug with the icon, per our discussion on your stream. Here's the detailed steps to replication:

  • Installed folders:
      D:\Game Data\KSP Folder Backups\20200829 - 1.10.1\GameData>dir /AD
       Volume in drive D is Data
       Volume Serial Number is 5288-E8CB
       Directory of D:\Game Data\KSP Folder Backups\20200829 - 1.10.1\GameData
      2020-09-06  18:10    <DIR>          .
      2020-09-06  18:10    <DIR>          ..
      2020-09-06  18:00    <DIR>          000_ClickThroughBlocker
      2020-09-06  18:03    <DIR>          000_Toolbar
      2020-09-06  18:03    <DIR>          001_ToolbarControl
      2020-09-06  17:57    <DIR>          LTech
      2020-09-06  18:00    <DIR>          SpaceTuxLibrary
      2020-08-29  22:30    <DIR>          Squad
      2020-08-29  22:30    <DIR>          SquadExpansion
                     0 File(s)              0 bytes
                     9 Dir(s)  1,793,715,200,000 bytes free


  • Game type doesn't seem to matter - career game in my main install, sandbox in my test install.
  • Start game
  • Go to VAB
  • Build a ship - again, I don't think it matters since I've replicated it with few or many parts, and even without a SkyLab entirely, but I used mainsail -> 2.5m fuel tank -> SkyLab -> Mk2 Lander Can -> 2.5m nosecone
  • Launch! I decided to go to space (and set a bunch of cheat options besides,) but again - it doesn't seem to matter.
  • Assuming an entirely clean install, the default state is stock toolbar only. If this is not the case for some reason, make it the case. ;)
  • Test steps:
    • Click L-Tech icon in stock toolbar. Icon goes from blue to green, and window opens.
    • Click L-Tech icon again in stock toolbar. Icon goes from green to blue, and window closes.
    • Click ToolbarController Icon, set L-Tech to "Both"
    • Click L-Tech icon. Icon goes from blue to green, and window opens.
    • Click L-Tech icon. Icon goes from green to blue, and window closes.
    • Change ToolbarController to set L-Tech to "Blizzy"
    • Click L-Tech icon. Icon does not change color, and window opens.
    • Click L-Tech icon. Icon does not change color, and window closes.

Interesting bit about the magenta icon - try reversing my steps - set ToolbarController to "Blizzy" immediately after a clean install (I was double checking my steps, and ended up reversing them since I was no longer working with a truly clean install.) I suspect you'll get the Magenta icon that way.

This entire mess was apparently caused by something dirty in my "clean" install. I'm leaving it for posteriority, but sticking it behind spoiler tags because it's invalid.

Edited by etmoonshade
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1 hour ago, etmoonshade said:


So, I see the correct version of L-Tech on SpaceDock, but it looks like CKAN didn't update - it's still showing the patch by Olympic1 as far as version and links (except for the SpaceDock link - I assume that stayed consistent from the previous version.)

It looks good, I'll ping someone about it

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3 hours ago, etmoonshade said:


So, I see the correct version of L-Tech on SpaceDock, but it looks like CKAN didn't update - it's still showing the patch by Olympic1 as far as version and links (except for the SpaceDock link - I assume that stayed consistent from the previous version.)

Being fixed now

Fixed and available.  Be sure to allow 1.8 compatible mods into 1.9 & 1.10 to see it

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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I've been running into an issue where my experiments with the Skylab can be repeated above what should be possible.  To give an example, the Plant Growth experiment has a base value of 50, science cap of 100, and biomeMask of 0 (so no biome specific results).  Remaining in high orbit around the Mun which has a science multiplier of 2 combined with a labBoostScalar of 10 in Skylab, that should give a maximum of 2000 science in that situation.  There seems to be an implicitly defined xmitDataScalar value set to 0.7, so every time I run the experiment yields about 700 experience (all good).  Yet I can run the experiment more than 3 times yielding over 2100 science (I stopped after this).  At best, I should be able to transmit 1400 and have to return the results of the experiment for the remaining 600. 

It appears that unlike stock science experiments, these experiments do not appear to be registering that they have completed.  Let me know if you need any more information. Here's my KSP log: Google Drive (zip)


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5 hours ago, hemeac said:

I've been running into an issue where my experiments with the Skylab can be repeated above what should be possible.  To give an example, the Plant Growth experiment has a base value of 50, science cap of 100, and biomeMask of 0 (so no biome specific results).  Remaining in high orbit around the Mun which has a science multiplier of 2 combined with a labBoostScalar of 10 in Skylab, that should give a maximum of 2000 science in that situation.  There seems to be an implicitly defined xmitDataScalar value set to 0.7, so every time I run the experiment yields about 700 experience (all good).  Yet I can run the experiment more than 3 times yielding over 2100 science (I stopped after this).  At best, I should be able to transmit 1400 and have to return the results of the experiment for the remaining 600. 

It appears that unlike stock science experiments, these experiments do not appear to be registering that they have completed.  Let me know if you need any more information. Here's my KSP log: Google Drive (zip)


Based on the fiddling I did before, it appears that all the experiments are biome-sensitive for whatever reason. Even if it doesn't say so on the science window. :V

Did you try running the experiments over the same biome twice? I suggest the poles for a test. Figuring this out really messed with my head, since it certainly doesn't look like the science is biome-sensitive in the results window.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally realized why the LTech containers were showing up white after going through the log files, the models reference Squad textures and I have ReStock installed.

The solution is to create a restockwhitelist with Squad/Parts/Science/ScienceBox/Container


On 9/13/2020 at 12:07 AM, etmoonshade said:

Based on the fiddling I did before, it appears that all the experiments are biome-sensitive for whatever reason. Even if it doesn't say so on the science window. :V

Did you try running the experiments over the same biome twice? I suggest the poles for a test. Figuring this out really messed with my head, since it certainly doesn't look like the science is biome-sensitive in the results window.

@etmoonshade, sorry missed your reply to this.  They "shouldn't" be biome specific based on how they are configured in the science definitions, they all have a biome mask set to zero, unless the mod itself is overriding that.  I will try and test it by placing it in a stationary orbit, to keep the biome fixed and test.

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On 9/23/2020 at 4:43 PM, hemeac said:

@etmoonshade, sorry missed your reply to this.  They "shouldn't" be biome specific based on how they are configured in the science definitions, they all have a biome mask set to zero, unless the mod itself is overriding that.  I will try and test it by placing it in a stationary orbit, to keep the biome fixed and test.

I'm curious to see if you verified this. Also, the experiments seem to register the biome you finish them over, not the one you start them over - something else to keep in mind. I had to either learn or re-learn that today. :sticktongue:


@linuxgurugamer - Minor bug - the "internal" storage for the SkyLab is still set to 200 seeds/20 rocketparts/20 clipboards. Presumably it should be 20/20/20 since you put the density of seeds in line with the other two resources..

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23 minutes ago, etmoonshade said:

@linuxgurugamer - Minor bug - the "internal" storage for the SkyLab is still set to 200 seeds/20 rocketparts/20 clipboards. Presumably it should be 20/20/20 since you put the density of seeds in line with the other two resources..

Thanks, fix will be in the next update.  Waiting to see if any other things need to be changed

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21 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Thanks, fix will be in the next update.  Waiting to see if any other things need to be changed

Only other thing I can think of is including biome information in the science window popped up by the SkyLab experiments. It's more of a "graphical bug" than anything else, but y'know, still obnoxious. :D

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