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My first orbit!


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I think I did it!

This is my orbit right now:


Its pretty ellipctical but that should work right?

I also still have fuel left!

So maybe after a few orbits I can try a reentry!



I do wonder how I can still maneuver my ship using the canards and control surfaces though? Should that work?


Hmm you know, looking at my first post with the solid boosters that orbit looked a lot better than my current...

And also my current orbit will take me farther out than even the moon Mun, thats at 11million m and my highest point is 17million m, maybe we will meet! ;)

Edited by technotica
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Congratulations. You've achieved your first stable orbit. It's very elliptical, but it's better than some of my initial attempts. For reentry, wait until you reach apoapsis, burn retrograde watch your periapsis fall, once it is less than 69km, you will be coming home (though at 69km it'll take FOREVER to return). You want your periapsis to be, optimally, no greater than...call it 50km, but since there's no reentry heat you don't have to worry too much about the return forces, so you can drop the periapsis as low as you want (I like 35km).

Later you'll want to practice getting a nice circular orbit with minimal inclination, once you've got that down, you can start making Munar attempts. But that's all down the road, keep practicing achieving orbit...any orbit so that you can always get one.

I'd also suggest hitting up youtube, there's a couple of really good videos that will help you get your orbits perfect.

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Aaaand touchdown!

I managed to land, though I think the forces of entry should have atomized my spaceship *s*

I managed to slow the ship down a bit:


Once I entered the atmosphere the ship slowed from over 2.2k m/s to its final 5,5 m/s speed on touching down.



Unfortunately my little Kerbonaut ended up near the south pole...

But at least the parachutes worked:




But now he is all alone, cold and miserable... maybe he'll become feral and join the ice bears....



Now for the future I will pratice my orbiting, I don't know if I want to look at youtube videos, I like to discover stuff myself not follow a video of someone else! ;) (But I will if I can't get it right on my own)


Hmm, I accidentally attached one of the images, can't seem to delete it?

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For reentry, wait until you reach apoapsis, burn retrograde
That's an efficient way to do it, but Kerbin is a HUGE target, and really retroburning just about anywhere other than periapsis should do the trick.
accidentally attached one of the images, can't seem to delete it?
Hit the button to edit the post, choose the "go advanced" version of post-composing, then click on "manage attachments" a ways below the compose box.
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you know that your body of rocket is still holding f*ck load of fuel? try attaching fuel lines from it to your tanks at stage #2. That will do rocket suck fuel from your ship first, then fuel from tanks itself (and then you drop them), or better: Put fuel lines in oposite direction (from tanks to body) and add one (could be small, in space you always have enough time) engine at the end of your body. That way, you will be able to use all fuel from tanks, drop them, and without that deadweight use fuel from your ship. :)

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It's really odd, whenever I move the throttle above about 70% my solid boosters all blow up without the overheating showing up.

Maybe they get so hot instantly that the indicator never gets a chance to show?

I'd suspect they're breaking the decouplers, everything goes kablooie because they suddenly get much lighter with no attached payload and smash into rest of the rocket causing a fireball.

I do wonder how I can still maneuver my ship using the canards and control surfaces though? Should that work?

You're using the command pod's gyros, try mounting the control surfaces on radial decouplers so you can compare the turning rate with and without them, you should see little to no difference.

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Completed my first orbit (and return) today!

Lifted with my Phoenix III rocket, a three stage rocket that didn't have the best track record. The first attempt didn't go well. The rocket definitely has enough kick, but I didn't have my physics down. I used a bit too much power, achieved escape velocity, and shot the capsule into an orbit...of the sun. Oops!

The next closest attempt did establish an orbit. But, I was way too high and used too much fuel getting there, and the capsule got stuck in orbit. The radio was quietly turned off, and we assume that they are still up there somewhere.

Finally managed it today, the video tutorial helped a ton.


Day 2 of the mission, passing over the launch facility.


Splash down!

Very fun, might be time to upgrade from the demo.

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The full version is a lot more fun than the demo (especially with interior view, can't wait to fly my ship from the inside when I get home!).

I have the orbits down pat now, thanks to my new ship design I think, its really maneuverable:



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