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Official v0.18 Upcoming thread

Capt'n Skunky

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These are my suggestions / predictions

* Rest of the planets + Asteroid Belt

* Docking (Only do this if you guys are going to do it completely and properly)

* Rest of the IVA Compatible with Docking

* Campaign Mode

* Solar Power/Electricity maybe?


* New system

* ... *ahem* aliens *ahem*

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* Solar Power/Electricity maybe?


I think there are actually some things that are best left to the modders, to my mind. If anything, and i highly suggest this if they dont get around it themselves, the devs coordinate them all to bring some compatibility to the many electricity mods, and set up some (suggested) standards

Just my 2 cents, but i eagerly await whatever is in store for 0.18!

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For me is mostly the docking (a tons of possibilities) and stable, simple electricity system. There's a lot of these done by modders, but the more electricity mods are created, the more compatibility issues are born. Electricity is very generic and base kind of "fuel" and I think it should be implemented in game - to avoid future problems with upcoming mods.

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Saving & naming partial builds in VAB/SPH is my key desire for 0.18 or a.s.a.p. after (as much as I can't wait for even more planets and all the other IVA/resources/docking/missions).

We can already develop payloads - just build your lander or satellite - but we can't yet take that saved design and stick it on a launch stage, or vice versa - we have to build it all anew (especially galling if you've come up with a doozy of a launcher and have to keep rebuilding it for a host of different payloads).

This would save so many people a lot of time so there's little re-hashing and rebuilding needed (and folks can get on with the exploration!) - to be able to develop stages, launch vehicles and payloads seperately and load them up, forming them into a single craft which, when it separates still has the names associated with the saved stage - which is handy from gameplay terms and might also help clear up the tracking view and persistence files.

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Some of my wish list items / predictions. Mostly long awaited stuff:

- Docking.

- Multi-capsule ships (Apollo-style).

- VAB/SPH assemblies (saving/loading assembled parts).

- Complete IVA (kerbals walking around in the ships).

- Stock crew modules / empty capsules (for space stations).

- More information readouts (think MechJeb's info panels).

- Consumables (electricity, oxygen & food/water).

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Some of my wish list items / predictions. Mostly long awaited stuff:

- Docking.

- Multi-capsule ships (Apollo-style).

- VAB/SPH assemblies (saving/loading assembled parts).

- Complete IVA (kerbals walking around in the ships).

- Stock crew modules / empty capsules (for space stations).

- More information readouts (think MechJeb's info panels).

- Consumables (electricity, oxygen & food/water).

Docking would pretty much give you your multi-capsule wish. It wont exactly be apollo style, more like Constellation style. And please please please no oxygen, food, or water. I'm pretty sure the dev's said they wouldn't do that. But can you imagine having a little more than enough consumables, making the tiniest error, and then your kerbals die right when your mission was almost complete? I would be soooo mad.

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I'd first like to say how impressed I am with .17. It's everything I hoped for and more.

For .18 I think I would most like to see docking, although getting by with transferring crew between vehicles works pretty well for me. Other than that I'm looking forward to more IVA related content (moving around in ships etc), more planets/moons/asteroids, and maybe more things to do once we're landed in fun places.

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The good thing about docking will be the ability to bring transfer stages in to space independent of the command module and lander. Look up the Constellation Program. It was basically what I just said on a small scale, although I don't think it ever left the drawing board.

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