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[1.12.3+] UnKerballed Start v1.3.1 (Happy New Year! Jan 01, 2022)


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6 minutes ago, ShadowDr said:

As mentioned KSC science doesn't *exist* on my setup for whatever reason. 

I think that may be a Kerbalism thing, if I'm remembering correctly. 

Considering how much of a jump a 3.5x rescale can be in difficulty, and if you're wary of installing specialized early game parts, you might consider using something like Contract Reward Modifier to boost the science rewards associated with contract completion.

Another mod that came to mind between my last post and this is Knes.  It does have some early game sounding rocket type stuff, including a pod where you launch a cat on a sounding rocket :P  but it's also got  Ariane replicas and a small lifting body shuttle.  Something to consider.

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3 hours ago, DeliriumTrigger said:

Another mod that came to mind between my last post and this is Knes.

Oh that one looks good, and I never even seen it before. Thanks for suggestion!
Those little shuttles definitely may be quite useful. Poor catto though.

Meanwhile, tech problem has been successfully solved by flinging a probe past Mun (twice, and then it goes off into the black thanks to gravity assists). Flinging a probe past Mun is much easier than reaching KSO, as it turns out. Such things you don't really learn on stock scale, where pretty much anything can go out of SOI with ease.
Here I may have been unclear or there is some misunderstanding. You're focused on sounding rockets, but the tech "gap" happened on later stage, after the Sputnik if we're going by rl analogues. Struggled to go beyond LKO while no more science could be acquired from within LKO in reasonable manners.
27 engines + 4 SRB's in first stage, such a cool sounding rocket she is x)
Now I've got Merlins and Merlins are literal cheat in comparison. Now the fun part begins.

Back to the first question though, is there anything in Making History that was supposed to go into this stage? Tiers 2 and 3 of the tree, more specifically?

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Here I may have been unclear or there is some misunderstanding. You're focused on sounding rockets, but the tech "gap" happened on later stage, after the Sputnik if we're going by rl analogues. Struggled to go beyond LKO while no more science could be acquired from within LKO in reasonable manners.
27 engines + 4 SRB's in first stage, such a cool sounding rocket she is x)

Lol yeah I guess I was misunderstanding.    I never really noticed a tech gap but I am playing on a smaller scale, had access to the KSC science since I'm using USI LS and MKS instead of Kerbalism,  and have a pretty varied assortment of engines to choose from.  Most of the parts I've been using, at least for the lifter stage have been from SSTU since they look the part and I can cluster them without increasing part count.  Not on the list of 'supported' mods but it has CRP support (i think?) so it slots right in.  The early Merlins from that mod come maybe a little early (tier 1) but I'm guessing you're using the ones from Tundra since you're talking about a gap and them being OP, in SSTU the early Merlins are comparable to Reliant/Swivel.  In any case I didn't end up using them much since I was able to blow right past them largely due to the extra science I was able to get w/o kerbalism.


Back to the first question though, is there anything in Making History that was supposed to go into this stage? Tiers 2 and 3 of the tree, more specifically?

Don't have an answer to that one, sorry!

Edited by DeliriumTrigger
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33 minutes ago, DeliriumTrigger said:

The early Merlins from that mod come maybe a little early (tier 1) but I'm guessing you're using the ones from Tundra since you're talking about a gap and them being OP,

Sorry for misleading, those aren't even Merlins, turns out they're based on ESA Prometheus (which i completely missed the existence of, heh).
Am specifically not going the "copy real life" path here (have RP-1 install for that), so it's a kerbalized version from Cryo Engines. Not exactly OP per se, but after having to 9-cluster LVT-10's anything feels OP x)

They are on Tier 4. And there are no other booster engines besides the two from this mod, until Tier 4. That's where the gap is. Been questioning if it's Making History that's supposed to fill that gap
Trying to stay low-ish with part mods though (the game may implode any moment as is)

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Rocket fairings in Aviation don't really work that well. Should be in Construction.

Upd. Here's a little patch to move fairings around. Had to learn how MM works for this and am proud of myself.
This affects stock/restock and NF fairings - 7 "standard" sizes in total from 0.625 up to 7m
Moves them into Construction branch nodes, at around the tiers where respective sized tanks and payloads appear.

//move rocket fairings into rocket related nodes, because for fek's sake they are ROCKET parts, not aeroplane!

		@TechRequired = structures1

		@TechRequired = structures1p5

		@TechRequired = generalConstruction

		@TechRequired = structures2

		@TechRequired = structures3

		@TechRequired = structures4

		@TechRequired = orbitalAssembly



Edited by ShadowDr
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  • 2 months later...
On 6/19/2023 at 12:43 PM, Westrum said:

Hello. In the Aeronautics node, you get propeller, but no way to use it? Need robotics controller?

You can hook it to the normal vehicle controls using action groups, but for that need to upgrade VAB.

Edited by ShadowDr
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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I have been using UnKerballed Start for my career playthrough, and lately I have been testing other Tech Trees to compare and see what's updated and what not.

For starters, Taerobee mod has been updated, because of the adoption of @zer0kerbal so I updated the new part names to the config, and added the new ones keeping vehicle parts in each node.

Here it is:


//*********************** Tier 1 ***********************
        @TechRequired = start
//*********************** Tier2 ***********************
        @TechRequired = basicRocketry
//*********************** Tier 3 ***********************
        @TechRequired = earlyAviation
//*********************** Tier 4 ***********************
//*********************** Tier 5 *********************** 
//*********************** Tier 6 ***********************
//*********************** Tier 7 ***********************
//scienceTech aka scanningTech
//largeElectrics aka highPowerElectrics
//*********************** Tier 8 ***********************
//largeNuclearPower aka improvedNuclearPower
//*********************** Tier 9 ***********************
//advNuclearPower aka highEnergyNuclearPower
//*********************** Tier 10 ***********************
//*********************** Tier 11 ***********************
//*********************** Tier 12 ***********************
//*********************** Tier 13 ***********************


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I think I fixed missing sounds for the lvt05/lvt10 when using Rocket Sound Enhancements.  It seems the file structure in RSE changed sometime after support for it was added here. I changed these 2 lines in UKSliquidEngineLVT05.cfg and UKSliquidEngineLVT10.cfg.

from this:


audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancement/Sounds/Engines/Liquid_Light-High

audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancement/Sounds/Engines/Liquid_Light-Low

to this:


audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancementDefault/Sounds/Engines/Liquid_Light-Vac_High

audioClip = RocketSoundEnhancementDefault/Sounds/Engines/Liquid_Light-Low

I don't know anything about modding parts and such so anyone more knowledgeable can make a better fix or something.

Edited by Wepa
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With further testing and advancing in career mode I have found that the 3.75m XL001 probe core and 5m N core from Near Future Launch Vehicles, seem switched places, it maybe is intentional, because the XL001 is at the LAST node of unmanned probes, and N Core is on the previous node, also the EX core (7.5m one) is on Orbital Assembly on a totally diferent part of the tree, I dont know if this is intentional or needs rebalancing, but all the other cores are in line on the unmanned probes nodes, so it seems to me.

Edited by Overlocker96
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
On 3/29/2022 at 9:28 PM, jlcarneiro said:

Hello, guys!
I initiated a(nother) new career with Unkerballed Start and it works nice! Thanks!

Unfortunatelly, although Cogswell and Spacely works fine, they have absolutely no sound. I noticed some of the patches mention "zzzUnKerballedStart". I didn't see any mention to this on installation notes.

Do I have to rename the folder of the mod to "zzzUnKerballedStart"? 

Why is nobody answering this man? The rockets have no sound!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
On 11/20/2023 at 2:41 PM, Kerbal2023 said:

I put this mod in my GameData folder, like the other mods, but I see no tech tree changes in the game...?

Do you have community tech tree?


Does anyone know where the Mechjeb 2 updates end up going in this mod? A lot of them are in unmanned tech, which is now gone.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/6/2023 at 5:45 PM, kerbnub said:

Thank you for the reply, but the issue was that the missing things are not parts, but experiments and upgrades from Kerbalism and automation functions from MechJeb.

I eventually found that I only need fieldScience restored and figured it out. I added it back in as a 1 research point branch from Scanning Tech, which it had been merged into.

  Hide contents


Here's the cfg if anyone else might want it.

//Adds fieldScience node back, needed either for kerbalism or MechJeb RoverAutopilot
		id = fieldScience
		title = #autoLOC_501098 //#autoLOC_501098 = Field Science
		description = #autoLOC_501099 //#autoLOC_501099 = Freedom to roam as far as curiosity will take you, or as long as batteries last.
		cost = 1
		hideEmpty = False
		nodeName = node6_fieldScience
		anyToUnlock = True
		icon = RDicon_science-field
		pos = -2600,962.5,0
		scale = 0.6

			parentID = scienceTech 	//AKA ScanningTech
			lineFrom = TOP		
			lineTo = BOTTOM	

Where exactly am I meant to paste this into? A bit of a late question, but i'm having the same issue and can't figure it out


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/3/2024 at 7:40 AM, JollyCordie said:


Sorry I haven't been here in a while. You probably  figured it out already, but in case not, it's a module manager patch. You make a new text file, paste it there, and save it as a .cfg file somewhere in the GameData folder. You should probably make a new folder for your custom patches named zzzzMyPatches or something (the zzzz's help them go last if not specified, as they're loaded in alphabetical order) and place it there.

To learn more, there's this: 


And  many examples of simple patches here: 

You can do A LOT with module manager patches; edit any stat of any part, make copies of parts, resize, and tinker with mods like this, etc. It's the next level of KSP after you start modding.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For the Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux, you have the 1.875m core & the 1.25m core swapped - the larger one should be in Command Modules & the smaller in Advanced Flight Control.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Im having an issue that I hope someone can help me with. When using this mod I found an issue with Waterfall and RocketSoundEnhancement.  Unkerballed Start and RSE seem to play well together.  But when adding waterfall, the Spacey and Cogswell engines added by this mod fail to provide any audio.  Any known work arounds?

I also asked for help on the waterfall and RSE forum pages .


In my test save I am using:

Unkerballed Start, ReStock, ReStock Plus, Rocket Sound Enhancement, Waterfall, Waterfall ReStock.

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On 7/30/2024 at 10:51 AM, dylsh said:


Im having an issue that I hope someone can help me with. When using this mod I found an issue with Waterfall and RocketSoundEnhancement.  Unkerballed Start and RSE seem to play well together.  But when adding waterfall, the Spacey and Cogswell engines added by this mod fail to provide any audio.  Any known work arounds?

I also asked for help on the waterfall and RSE forum pages .


In my test save I am using:

Unkerballed Start, ReStock, ReStock Plus, Rocket Sound Enhancement, Waterfall, Waterfall ReStock.

I think it because the author didnt provide waterfall configs? 

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1 hour ago, B0lt said:

I think it because the author didnt provide waterfall configs? 

Actually, the author did provide both waterfall and Rocket Sound Enhancement configs. When using Unkerballed Start, the two engines provided with UKS do infact have Waterfall Effects. But they provide zero audio. 

So naturally I dived into the config files for the mod. I played around with deleting sections of the config files to see what would happen. I managed to delete the segment that allows the Rocket Sound Enhancement audio to come through.. but at the price of losing the Waterfall Effects. 

I couldn’t figure out a way to keep both the RSE audio and the Waterfall Effects. After a lot of failed trial and error I ended up switching to Kiwi Tech Tree. Although I’d much rather Unkerballed Start for me playthrough. 

As someone who knows nothing about making config files, my best guess is that when the author made the mod..  Waterfall and RSE may have had different versions. And perhaps the authors config files no longer work as intended with the newer versions?

 If anyone can figure it out, I’d love to hear a way to get both RSE and Waterfall to work with the two engines provided by Unkerballed. Thanks again!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/6/2024 at 3:26 PM, dylsh said:

Actually, the author did provide both waterfall and Rocket Sound Enhancement configs. When using Unkerballed Start, the two engines provided with UKS do infact have Waterfall Effects. But they provide zero audio. 

So naturally I dived into the config files for the mod. I played around with deleting sections of the config files to see what would happen. I managed to delete the segment that allows the Rocket Sound Enhancement audio to come through.. but at the price of losing the Waterfall Effects. 

I couldn’t figure out a way to keep both the RSE audio and the Waterfall Effects. After a lot of failed trial and error I ended up switching to Kiwi Tech Tree. Although I’d much rather Unkerballed Start for me playthrough. 

As someone who knows nothing about making config files, my best guess is that when the author made the mod..  Waterfall and RSE may have had different versions. And perhaps the authors config files no longer work as intended with the newer versions?

 If anyone can figure it out, I’d love to hear a way to get both RSE and Waterfall to work with the two engines provided by Unkerballed. Thanks again!

Hi! Same problem here, did you manage to get rse and waterfall working ?

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I’m currently developing a mod aimed at bridging compatibility between LRTR (Less Real Than Real's) RP-1 fork and the UnKerballed Start tech tree. This mod is designed for those who want to experience a lighter version of RP-1 without being confined to the more restrictive tech tree structure.

The project will include full support for LRTR Kerbalism within the tech tree, integration with procedural parts, real antennas, and the entire LRTR custom barn kit. Additionally, I’ll be creating several configurations to incorporate various part packs into the UnKerballed Start tree, expanding compatibility for those not already supported. These will mostly just be compatibility patches to allow the two to work together nicely. 

Ive gotten most of the work done. Its more down to tweaking and cleaning up folder structure and MM patch order.

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19 hours ago, szpeicer said:

Hi! Same problem here, did you manage to get rse and waterfall working ?

Unfortunately no. I ended up just switching to Kiwi Tech Tree. Wish I had a better answer for you. 

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