alverro Posted October 5, 2020 Share Posted October 5, 2020 (edited) On 10/5/2020 at 7:35 PM, Aazard said: I WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOUR LOGS PLEASE! please detail your issues Expand I’m not at home at the moment, so unfortunately I can’t grab the log file. After selecting the suits in the texture replacer menu, my game starts lagging. IIRC it went from 60 FPS to 50~ FPS in the KSC menu scene. When I spawned in a crew, and EVA’d, my game went down to 30~ FPS. The suit itself looked phenomenal by the way. About the OP, no worries. We all have our own ways of going about. Edited October 5, 2020 by alberro+ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 5, 2020 Share Posted October 5, 2020 (edited) On 10/5/2020 at 7:58 PM, alberro+ said: I’m not at home at the moment, so unfortunately I can’t grab the log file. After selecting the suits in the texture replacer menu, my game starts lagging. IIRC it went from 60 FPS to 50~ FPS in the KSC menu scene. When I spawned in a crew, and EVA’d, my game went down to 30~ FPS. The suit itself looked phenomenal by the way. About the OP, no worries. We all have our own ways of going about. Expand thats typical for loading a "4K BC3 SET" OVER stock "2K set" png's "Per suit" your loading 6 "22mb" BC3 FILES & 1 "22mb" NORMAL plus any heads/visors etc, also BC3. vram use: Is always at POT sizes only, (less will occupy all of next POT size OVER IT) is roughly "horizontal x Vertical x bit depth" of EACH image loaded we are going from 1024x1024x24 heads to 2048x2048x32 heads alone, with 2 layers of mipmaps Skybox is 8192x8192x32 with 12 layers of mipmaps (stock was 4096x4096x32, no mipmaps) stock suits were 2K, mine are 4K...again mipmaped vs not everything is basically doubled for "System Resource" usage But I'm still doing an optimization pass and moving "easy builder workshop" library OK RELEASE v1.3.1 Insertion Burn, NOW 337MB from 1.4GB # Change Log # //HumanStuff// ## 1.3.1 - BigPack "texture library" removed from main pack. Still working out what to do ## 1.2.5 - Fix pass to all flags, all correct DXT5-BC3 now Saved 1.2GB moving texture library for "Easy Builder Workshop" I need to make it a optional, for now I have it out of main pack. It still exists and is worked on. Give me 48 hours to figure it out Edited October 5, 2020 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alverro Posted October 5, 2020 Share Posted October 5, 2020 On 10/5/2020 at 8:46 PM, Aazard said: But I'm still doing an optimization pass and moving "easy builder workshop" library RELEASE v1.3.1 Insertion Burn, NOW 337MB from 1.4GB Saved 1.2GB moving texture library for "Easy Builder Workshop" Expand So this is basically a pruned version of the mod? Sick! I’ll try installing later today if I get home. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 5, 2020 Share Posted October 5, 2020 (edited) ta da: SHAMELESS PLUG: I HAVE THESE, STANDARD, VINTAGE & FUTURISTIC, ALL IN 640X480 TO 2560X1440 OPTIMIZED SIZES, AS ANIMATED WEBP'S Edited October 6, 2020 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alverro Posted October 6, 2020 Share Posted October 6, 2020 Will try reinstalling today, will post results. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 6, 2020 Share Posted October 6, 2020 OH poop ....this was work: TexConv_IMG_2_BC3_UNORM_MIPMAPED.bat ECHO OFF Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion ::Variables SET @FORMAT=BC3_UNORM SET @InputFolder=%~dp0Input_IMG_TO_BC3\ SET @OutputFolder=%~dp0Output_DXT5_BC3\ SET @TEXCONVEXE=%~dp0texconv.exe SET @TEXCONVEXE02=%~dp0texconv.exe :: Check for texconv.exe IF EXIST "%@TEXCONVEXE%" SET @TEXCONVEXE=1 IF "%@TEXCONVEXE%"=="1" GOTO EXESTATE_1 :EXESTATE_0 TITLE - ERROR! texconv.exe not found!!! COLOR 04 ECHO: && ECHO: && ECHO: ECHO === ERROR! texconv.exe not found!=== ECHO: ECHO Install Path: "%~dp0texconv.exe" ECHO: ECHO The script needs texconv.exe in order to work properly. ECHO: ECHO Please make sure texconv.exe is in: "%~dp0" ECHO: && ECHO: GOTO CONT01 :EXESTATE_1 TITLE - Texconv.exe found!!! COLOR 0A ECHO: && ECHO: && ECHO: ECHO [ texconv.exe Is Installed! ] ECHO: ECHO "%~dp0texconv.exe" ECHO: GOTO CONT00 :CONT01 ECHO: && ECHO: ECHO Please copy/move the missing texconv.exe executable to where the script needs it to be and refresh this window. ECHO: :CONT00 IF "%@TEXCONVEXE%"=="1" GOTO START ECHO: && ECHO: && ECHO [Press any key to refresh the window] && PAUSE>NUL GOTO SetTexConvPath :START :: Customize CMD Window TITLE HumanStuff TexConv Batch Directory Script v1.0.2 PROMPT $G COLOR 04 CLS :: Make The Folders IF NOT EXIST "%@InputFolder%" MKDIR "%@InputFolder%" IF NOT EXIST "%@OutputFolder%" MKDIR "%@OutputFolder%" ::Run TexConv.exe ::-srgb was added because PNG images were getting high contrast colors ::Sorry about the messy code but this was harder to do than it sounds FOR /R "%@InputFolder%" %%i IN (*.*) DO ( set word=%@OutputFolder% set str=%%~dpi CALL :REPLACESTRING SET @IFOL=!@OSTRING! CALL :MKFOL SET @ISTRING=%%i CALL :TexConv01 ) PAUSE GOTO SCRIPTEND :MKFOL IF NOT EXIST "%@IFOL%" ( MKDIR "%@IFOL%" ) GOTO SCRIPTEND :TexConv01 IF NOT "%@LOGO%"=="" SET @LOGO=-nologo "%@TEXCONVEXE02%" %@LOGO% -srgb -nogpu -pow2 -vflip -if triangle -bc u -f %@FORMAT% "%@ISTRING%" -o "%@OSTRING%" -y ECHO: SET @LOGO= GOTO SCRIPTEND :REPLACESTRING call set str=%%str:%@InputFolder%=%word%%% set @OSTRING=!str:~0,-1! GOTO SCRIPTEND :SCRIPTEND Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 9, 2020 Share Posted October 9, 2020 (edited) Note on HumanStuff Easy Builder Workshop almost 10 years there was a single other attempt at this, by TextureReplacerReplaced by @HaArLiNsH. This isnt as advanced as it uses TR mod (not doing it myself), But I promise to add EVERY SINGLE TEXTURE POSSIBLE FORGIVE COLOR SIZE, MAJOR CHANGES TO PACK WITH IMPORTANT INFO "HIGHLIGHTED" You can now go from player to self or community modder with ease! HumanStuff Easy Builder Workshop & Texture Library v1.1.1 - "Raster", is LIVE Size: 2.4Gb fully zipped "ZIP" archive of 7z's Fully "unzipped" size: 7.16Gb, fully "installed" + "Library + WORKBIN" (Full pack install) size: Approximately 29.4Gb (7.24Gb Win8.1, 4224mb PAGE FILE, 5.5Gb Library, 12.5GB tools, with unneeded tool/addons installers deleted) FITS ON A "32GB NAND FLASH SSD" (REALLY 31224MB OR 30.4GB) WITH 1.1GB TO "SPARE" AFTER PAGE FILE (PAGE FILE/FILE CACHE SET TO "SAFE CLEAR" at 1.05Gb, along with TEMP FILE MAX OF 0.255GB SET TO "SAFE AUTO CLEAN" AT 0.25Gb), I work off a "SD Express 3.1, 1x" 985mb read/write SD Card (set to fixed) for "D:/" drive Forgive screenshot age: Ill take newer 1 Reveal hidden contents Main zip is a "ultra" setting "M$ type zip", Windows XP could open it, 7z support required (They are Format: 7z: LZMA2 on Ultra, Dictionary: 1536mb, Word size: 274, Block: Solid) for internal 7z's THE WORK THIS TOOK! IT WAS LIKE 22 HOURS STRAIGHT! DO NOT MOVE FOLDERS/FILES IN "WORKBIN" FOLDER AFTER YOU MOVE THE MAIN "HumanStuff_EasyBuilderWorkshop" FOLDER TO THE ROOT OF A DRIVE ROOT = C:\ OR D:\ OR H:\ ETC, EXAMPLE: C:\HumanStuff_EasyBuilderWorkshop\WORKBIN THE "*.bat" FILES ARE DESIGNED TO WORK AS FOLDERS ARE "BUILT". ONLY ADD, MOVE DELETE IMAGES TO CONVERT TO DDS AND THE RESULTING DDS FILES. MOVING OR RENAMIG THE FOLDERS WILL BREAK THE "EASY" PART OF THE PACK! AND THE "*.bat" WILL REMAKE THE FOLDERS, THEY INTERACT WITH, WHEN RUN Change Log # //HumanStuff_EasyBuilderWorkshop// 1.1.1 - NUMBERED INSTALL ORDER FOR TOOLS, PLEASE FOLLOW THAT ORDER! (SEE PICS) -FULL "Easy Builder Workshop" Directory (aka: Folder) structure built. - ALL *.dds FILES REMOVED - ADDED EXR SUPPORT TO TEXCONV CMD LINE TOOL & GUI TOOL! - Custom BAT FILES for TexConv for non-CLI accustom users, v.flip is DEFAULT! - Auto installer added for all users, great for PROs, LIFESAVER to the learner - ALL BUNDLEWARE REMOVED, AV SCANNED LOCAL AND ONLINE, MD5 CHECKED, ALL FIXED PRE-DONE (Ceasium 2 alpha, TexConv CMD/GUI TOOLS, VARIOUS OTHERS, PLUGINS UPDATED) - ALL CODECS, LINKS TO RUN TIMES, PLUGINS ETC ARE AS NEW AS TIME OF PACKING (ALWAYS CHECK FOR UPDATES, WEEKLY LIKE SUNDAY AFTERNOON) - WINDOWS 64BIT PREVIOUS TO 7 REQUIRE ADDITIONAL RUN TIMES. ASK ME - WINDOWS 32BIT PREVIOUS TO & INCLUDING 8.1/10 REQUIRE ADDITIONAL RUN TIMES. ASK ME - WINDOWS 32BIT & 64BIT PREVIOUS TO VISTA/7 (READ: 2000/XP, NO MS STORE etc) REQUIRE A SPECIAL PRE-MADE INSTALL IMAGE/DISC/USB & ALTERNATIVE TOOL INSTALLS *ASK ME ^*- YOU MUST SUPPLY YOUR OWN COA (KEY) - OR HAVE DOWNGRADE RIGHTS FROM OWNED COA (KEY) Out of convention with other mods: I will be including all "READ ME USER" intended Docs to RTF (rich text format, as an 8088 powered PC PC-XT or XT running DOS 3.0 & Windows 1.0 from 1985 can even open them with "MS Write") Out of convention with other mods: I will be including all "ADVANCED USER TUTORIALS" as both RFT's & PDF's in Text, Plus Video versions in WMV at "ED" 576p25 (at 16:9, 1024x576p25 & at 4:3, 768x576p25, It will look magical!) VIDEOS: Will be hosted by me on Google drive (it can play them direct!), for download or viewing due to size. NEW linux users...message me for a player with good WMV support, oddly Quicktime is "ok" for both Mac & Linux users to view them. The method: I used a short video clip, in: Table 1: MY PC "CRUSHING" small video of my wife and cat. Spoiled: (ps i totally had to copy past a "box" in to fill in: how do i make a good 1) Reveal hidden contents Format Codec file Size Quality Time to crush (min:sec.) good 1 region no to big! 4 max I want "good+"! I want under 20:00 (But over 9:59) .avi NTSC DV 37.7Mb Excellent :8.7 old works GOOD blah wow .f4v Match Source 2.29Mb Fair :5.1 GOOD works Ok Good blah H.264 Match Source (Keyframe 30) 5.31 Mb Good :14.1 ODD works better blah wow QuickTime H.264 (keyframe 30) 4.21 Mb Fair :7.8 ODD, but better its flv works GOOD BLAH Sorenson Flash Flv (720) 2.21Mb Fair 1:04.6 over 1 hour S-CLASS FOUND! PERFECT! GOOD FOR BIG OR SMALL NICE!! ALRIGHT! Squeeze wmv Custom 576p/25p 2.71Mb Good-very good :11.2 < PERFECT! MAYBE? MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE Windows Media Custom 600p/30p 2.59Mb Very Good :20.75 < Bit Long, but 30FPS Conclusion: Squeeze wmv, 576P at 25FPS 4:3 & 16:9, Videos look good but are "small", WMV 9 codec for A/V, Bitrate: 3 Mbps, 25 fps, test sized at 720x576p Remarks on TexConv CMD & GUI tools: (Additions pre-done, this is not only permitted in EULA, it is suggested until they are default in next releases) When loading BMP files, if the WIC codec fails to load the image, the texconv tool will check to see if it's an Extended BMP containing DXT1, DXT3, or DXT5 compressed data. The tool does not support writing Extended BMP files. Typically you need to use -vflip with such files as well. PRE-Done: Support for OpenEXR (EXR) can be added to the texconv utility. Uncomment #define USE_OPENEXR in the source, and add the DirectXTex auxiliary module to the project. See Adding OpenEXR for more details including building the OpenEXR library. This adds exr as an option for -ft. INPUT file-type: The file type for the INPUT texture. Use one of the following. The default value is *.*. bmp: Windows BMP jpg, jpeg: Joint Photographic Experts Group png: Portable Network Graphics dds: DirectDraw Surface (Direct3D texture file format) tga: Truevision Graphics Adapter hdr: Radiance RGBE tif, tiff: Tagged Image File Format wdp, hdp, jxr: Windows Media Photo ppm, pfm: Portable PixMap, Portable FloatMap (Netpbm) exr OpenEXR or a WIC-supported format (bmp, jpg, png, jxr, etc.). OUTPUT file-type: The file type for the OUTPUT texture. Use one of the following. The default value is *.dds. bmp: Windows BMP jpg, jpeg: Joint Photographic Experts Group png: Portable Network Graphics dds: DirectDraw Surface (Direct3D texture file format) tga: Truevision Graphics Adapter hdr: Radiance RGBE tif, tiff: Tagged Image File Format wdp, hdp, jxr: Windows Media Photo ppm, pfm: Portable PixMap, Portable FloatMap (Netpbm) exr OpenEXR ADDITIONAL OPEN DOMAIN CREDITS:, Rodz Labs, Holger Dammertz,, K. Kolasinski, Voidtools (David Carpenter),, J. Rathlev, IEAP, Uni-Kiel, LIGHTNING UK! XnSoft, Irfan Skiljan, BoltBit,, Mankua Software, Paint.NET.,, BinomialLLC, MS Texconv, OpenEXR, zlib, Meso, u7angel, woei, DarthAazard < me To my understanding: Nothing supplied violates EULA/TOS and/or Licences. No tools, documents, etc and/or changes/alterations have been made require licencing, only accreditation, they are on sites/ in the repo PR and suggested by dev's. Any existing readme, etc documents are included. PICs: Reveal hidden contents TexConv_IMG_2_BC1_UNORM_NO_MIPMAPS.bat IN NOTEPAD++ & THE DXT_BC33 bat IN ACTION (RED IS GOOD ON EYES!) The Full Detailed List: Spoiled: Reveal hidden contents ** Warning files : To remind you! 00 ShutUp Win10: If you use win10, You want this. 01 CleanMem: Manages ram better than anything else free 02 Brave Web Browser: Fast, safe, pays you for ads, like $14 USD per month (Please support HumanStuff with a donation of 1 BAT monthly if you could be so kind, that’s about $0.22 USD) 03 HumanStuff Ninite Auto Installer: No crap, no bundle ware, no extra languages, installs to default location, IT’S THE SAFEST WAY TO DO A NEW PC SETUP, IF NOT FROM A DISK IMAGE. · Run it again to update all! · I could list them all, but a picture is worth a few hundred words: 04 Kapersky free Cloud: The best free AV in tests, if its too ram/cpu “heavy” on your system, Avast is the lightest of the “best” free Anti-Virus, see chart below 04-alt, Avast Free Anti-Virus: GREAT ALTERNATIVE! Free Anti-Virus Program (and Norton for comparison) Memory Usage (MB) smaller better Scan Speed (MB/s) bigger better Avast Antivirus (Free, post Nirto) 6.6 20.0 Norton Antivirus (Paid) 9.9 36.3 Kaspersky Antivirus (Free Cloud) 23.0 34.4 AVG Antivirus (Free) 29.6 32.4 05 Cleaning Tools: · BleachBit: So good it was once used for evil, google it · Bulk Crap Uninstaller: Cause everyone wants to add crap to installers for some reason 06 Personal Backup: THE BEST free in OS backup for windows. Can backup open/locked files. 07 Windows Enhancements: · Auslogic Disk Deframrgmentor: Best free defrag for HDD’s & SSD’s · Cmder: Windows CMD line “make easy” tool · DoubleCommander QT build: The BEST double pane & tabbed file explorer · Ghostscript libraries: You’ll need these, trust me · G'MIC: GREYC's Magic for Image Computing is a full-featured open-source framework for digital image processing, distributed under the CeCILL free software licenses · NtLite: Intelligent solutions for Windows integration and customization · O&O RegEditor: A much better and SAFER reg editor · UltraCopier: Because the windows shell one is slow and corrupts big (like huge) files. Replaces the Windows context “copy” menu · ImgBurn: The most powerful and expandable with plugins Disc writer/reader, CAUTION stand-alone install may attempt to add bundle ware, Ninite auto-installer auto declines 08 Office Tools: · Bulk File Rename Utility: This is a super time saver, espally when you have added an prefix in an image converter · Jarte: Makes Wordpad a real word processor (nearly “stand alone” ms-word equal for most tasks) that opens txt, rtf, docx, doc, odf. SAVES TO: txt, rtf, doc, odf · Pandoc: cmd tool that can make basically anydocument into anyother type, INSANLY POWERFUL · Turtl: A note and bookmark organizer better than evernote, (because Joplin is too large to package and has no on-line installer) JOPLIN IS BETTER · Typora: The greatest What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) markdown editor, supports pretty much everything (one beta ends this will go payware, currently its mixed source FREE, when beta ends you may keep or switch to JOPLIN) 09 Image Tools: · 3D Tools: o Material Maker: Free and powerful texture generator/editor o Quixel Mixer: THE free 3D tool, along with Blender (or B for Artists) o TexGraph: Free, Powerful, light o Texture Lab: Free, powerful, full featured, not so light · Convert & Optimize Image Tools o Caesium Image Compressor 1.7 & 20 Beta (Fixed via PR rebuild, zilflop.dll typo lol, repackaged with PB Installer Maker), CaesiumPH LOSSLESS OPTIMIZER o RIOT & ROIT Plugin for other applications: Super good at what its made to do, FREE o XnConvert: The most powerful/fastest image converter etc. HAS BULK “BATCHING” FEATURES o System Monitoring (for errors in Conversion/Encoding debugging): CPU-Z, GPU-z, HWiNFO and DirectX Dialogistic tool (its built into directx drivers) · DDS ENCODE / COMPRESS TOOLS o COMMAND LINE, aka CLI, TOOLS: § AMD Compressinator CLI tool (zip is misnamed GUI tool, will fix next release) § Enhanced Crunch Binomial’s Tree: Makes the LOWEST RAM using DDS files! But the quality isn’t “great”! § Nvidia Texture Exporter CLI tools: VERY powerful if abit OLD! § TexConv CLI TOOL: THE MOST UP TO DATE DDS COMPRESSOR/ENCODER, GET GUI HERE , , I’ll add it next release. (PR fixed and OpenEXR support added) o GUI TOOLS: § AMD Compressinator GUI TOOL: I never have good results with this on anything BUT DXT1-BC1…AVOID! § DDS Converter 1.4: The original, still VERY fast for bulk small textures with a display window § DDS Converter 2.1: The enchaned version of above, a few old features were removed (so we have both) § Nvidia Texture Exporter Tool: THE BEST TOOL with a GUI, BEST QUALITY OF A GUI TOOL, TUTORIAL PDF INCLUDED o Image Format Codecs: § AV1 § HEIF § HEVC § MPEG2 § VP9 § EXR/ORA (they are added by Krita) § Almost Every other format (added by & its Plugins) o PC CPU, RAM, GPU Tweakers: § MSI Afterburner: The GPU overclocker EVERYONE uses, so SUPER well documented/supported. Light. Has FPS counter, SAFE! Use its forum to find “best average setting” for your GPU § AMD or Intel CPU Overclocking tools (Ryzen Master or similar): Get these yourself, correct for your CPU (CPU-Z will give you all info you need), too many “types” to include in pack § MSI Kombustor: FREE and light, but it can stress a Titan-X in SLI o Normal Map Tools: § AwesomeBump: Best advanced Normal map too, that I forgot to add, will add next release, get it here: § Dxtbmpx: Super fast and light, powerful § ModLab: The hard to get off stream version § XNormal: The Normal Map tool o Plugins: § My personal: “Filetypes”, “filters”, “effects”, & “brushes” pack (EVERY file type you need that can handle is in here) § BoltBits: Enhanced pack § G’MIC: for Paint.Net o Raster Editors: § PixaFlux: Its small powerful and has AWESOME compare image tools (like the best ever) o Test Tool: § DDSopti: Final version, Awesome DDS testing app o Viewer Tools: § DDS Viewer: the MS-DX included dds viewer § IrfanView64, with all plugins: the fastest image viewer § ProgImgView: Powerful image viewer § SageThumbs: So windows can make thumbnails of almost any image file type § XnView Classic: The most powerful image viewer there is, good companion to IrfanView, due to format support 10 Free Cloud Storage & Sync, Free approximately 1.3Tb: · Ymail 1Tb, WFT, 1TB?: YES! google how to use · Box 5Gb: Full features, the big daddy of OG clouds · Degoo 100Gb: basic but huge! 100mb file size limit · DropBox 5Gb: Its dropbox… · IceDrive 10Gb: Security focused · iDrive 5Gb: Backup focused · MediaFire 10Gb: FAST · Mega 50Gb: If it wasn’t for Degoo this would be king… almost NO LIMITS · pCloud 10Gb: You can stream media directly from it · Sync 2Gb: Its not a lot, but you can boost it to 10gb+ free 11 Show Off Tools: · PB Installer maker: For packaging zips into self extracting EXE’s · KDE Live: The most powerful free video editor, well supported, good for beginner or pro · OSB Studio: The streaming software everyone knows, well documented · Ocean Audio: Because Audacity is no longer king of the Free Audio Editor hill 12 ImgBurn Plugins: The most powerful and expandable with plugins Disc writer/reader, Ninite auto-installer doesn’t add plugins 99 ALT Links 2 HumanStuff Tools: For users that wish to mix and match tools, I have web links to about 100 free ware apps, I’ve tried them all. Edited October 9, 2020 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 9, 2020 Share Posted October 9, 2020 (edited) On 10/6/2020 at 3:48 PM, alberro+ said: Will try reinstalling today, will post results. Expand You might perfer this version it was so much work.... But I can (once again for some, new for others) write in makedown, well restructuredtext is easy, git is...odd, and looks like it changed recently gmf to git wiki?.. (thank goodness Joplin and Typoria!) plus , bash, python Windows Command Processor again (Its been YEARS, I think I wrote a bat file for talking to IP cop... from windows NT 4.0 .... 7 years ago last...and that was the 1st time from like my 1st year on Win2K, after 9x I never really "needed it"). I tossed linux when 386 support was dumped from kernel, but I'm running Mint Linux (its a Qubes OS unit day to day) on an Athlon 64 Clawhammer system, Mint is very smooth (like super nice) Last time I did this I was running basic linux or Grey cat on a 486 and windows on a AMD sharptooth system (EDIT: I booted it, its a "super 7").. I thought I was hot cause my windows machine has 284mb BEDO ram lol. I Think I was hooked on darklands and dune back then. not sure if Tides of Darkness or TW: shogun was out yet. PS Reveal hidden contents i found a ati rage fury xx 64mb pci in my bin box < how old am I (it wont boot in my sharptooth)...but this did: (where is cpu-z's & Nvidias 9x 32bit archive? oldversion gave me these for 32bit, I'm sure a newer video driver exists...but maybe NT only?) did u know faststone did screenshots on 9x? I didnt (shareX went.."nope" did ..wa-la, ms paint, compositing images blew, quality is that of "cold barf" ) Reveal hidden contents Edited October 9, 2020 by Guest all in 1 screenshot...duh Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 9, 2020 Share Posted October 9, 2020 (edited) Updated these: SHAMELESS PLUG: I HAVE THESE, STANDARD, VINTAGE & FUTURISTIC, ALL IN 640X480 TO 2560X1440 OPTIMIZED SIZES, AS ANIMATED WEBP'S. if anyone wants UPDATED: ANIMATED WEBP SUITS OPTIMIZED TO 4:3 & 16:9 AT 480P TO 1440P (THESE ARE THE for <600 to >900 pixels wide to 4:3 up to 1152x864 & 16:9 up to 1366x768 OPTIMIZED: TRANSPARENT COLOR, SINGLE TABLE, REVERSED LABELED) AVG 388KB SIZE AT 538x720 PIXELS if i use the 900's it would 101% my forum post , the 720 fill about 90% of it..too bad EDIT: now i see an error on font size.or optimization order..can you lol Edited October 9, 2020 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 9, 2020 Share Posted October 9, 2020 (edited) THANKS @hemeac! I love the "reverse play" feels smoother, AT VxH/25P, to my eye, tinting alpha "beige" helped clean up eye strain: a single color table and color difference helped on size.. image magick + made the biggest, of the 896x1440's, is 1028kb ( by 5 flipping kb, its over a mb, needs a 1% increase to compression), They are mixed.compression.color is lossless/alpha is lossy. I labeled them with my mod branding, for "S's & G's" The 1440 is ideal for a 2560x1440 (or 16:10 equivalent) display PS: I now worship WebP & ORA as top formats for their intended uses. *Nods to OpenEXR by the door * they: Taught to me this point > (me before coffee, booting MIB Coin miner on 250 mobiles) Edited October 9, 2020 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hemeac Posted October 9, 2020 Share Posted October 9, 2020 On 10/9/2020 at 9:24 AM, Aazard said: THANKS @hemeac! I love the "reverse play" feels smoother to my ete, a single color table and color difference helped on size..image magick + the biggest, of the 896x1440's, is 1028kb ( by 5 flipping kb, its over a mb, needs a 1% increase to compression), they are mixed..color is lossless/alpha is lossy, Expand Looking a couple posts above, you were an early adopter of AMD, my first wasn't until the Athlon XP 2600+. Hopefully you didn't pull the K6 + MX440 out of your bin to try to get KSP to run on the them Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 9, 2020 Share Posted October 9, 2020 (edited) On 10/9/2020 at 9:42 AM, hemeac said: Looking a couple posts above, you were an early adopter of AMD, my first wasn't until the Athlon XP 2600+. Hopefully you didn't pull the K6 + MX440 out of your bin to try to get KSP to run on the them Expand I always like to buy "2nd to best" CPU from AMD, due to cost. was better, then "80% the bang for 40% the buck", then, now WAY INSANE BETTER (like better than the Athlon 64bit, & then after that,the 1st fx-"hammer series" days, in 2001-2003) My first amd, as a child, (my grandfathers, he made tabulation cards for IMB) was an AM286 20mhz, but by "olivette, as we are Italian on that side"... (I'm old lol). My 1st home PC was a AM368 dx33, then up from there K's, durnons, early Tbirds/athlon xp, then right to clawhammer after a socket 478 p4 (3.0"e" HT) that was so behind the amds....(but i couldnt get 2x "xp-mp's" at the time as "everyone bought them", and I wanted threads (it was hot at the time so was odd pc was BRIGHT "yellow", "BOTH floppy" drives [ibm 2.88mb & 750mb "Zip disk" by iomega] /cold tubes/fans and all", cheap platics everything, rounder "IDE/Floppy cables"), heck, back then we used to "paperclip hammered pennies" onto ram as heatsinks and RIP..Tides of Darkness and Rome Totalwar, Wolfenstine ET free (cause CS was paid then)? KSP "might" run on a single core, single thread, cpu. I would guess "pure min to run is": a 32bit Tulatin P3 @ 1.3/1.4ghz with 4gb sd 133 ram and an hd4650 512mb (or nvidia equal) could run it on windows 2K with "blackwingcat's" patches/kernel, ex32 and the 3rd party "final" service pack if: Fully optimized OS image and setup (like rebuilding the wim/iso & the best foss tweak utilities) KSP was running v1.4.5, pruned of all "not-needed" parts, for full career play You had last TR that runs on that (v3.2 + 1 shader fix). any additional tricks that would work (hyperspace, ATM aggressive, DDS loader, my KSP auto-pruner updated list etc) Divided all resolutions of textures, pot, /2, again, by /2 (stock stybox's 4096x4096 to 1024x1024 and so on..DOWN TO 128x128 = 32x32) Convert ALL, like ALL, to DXT1-BC1, NO MIPMAPS w TR cfg to FULL NO MIPMAPPING, Enhanced Unity "Crunch" (plus with 1-bit alpha, when needed and see if it "works") & compress normals/maps max at format that still works, prune anything possible Tweak the CPU, GPU & RAM 115% stock (thats OC'er "always safe, if smart!" %) so thats CPU SOCKET 370 aprox P3-S 1.62Ghz, FSB about 302-306mhz & Ram 152 or 156mhz SDR, GPU, if X700: 512mb 128bit AGP 8x in 4x slot G-DDR2 card: core: 460mhz Mem: 345mhz ~ effectively as "ddr": 690mhz Run in 4:3 640x480 or 16:9 equivalent, on "min" via ini, monitor FPS in Step up UNTIL launching KerbalX looking top down gives you 27fps while recording (this should equal 29.9 or just over not recording fps) its the CPU..... single core /single thread, i'd bet "AMD1.5ghz 266FSB to Intel 1.62ghz 250FSB" Min: Pentium III-S 1400mhz OC'ed 15%, was "the number" to "play" 25fps or more WITH A "GOOD ENOUGH TO TAKE IT" GPU (GEFORCE 6/X700, AT LEAST 256MB, I HAD an old X700 "SUPER 512MB" AGP) (THE MIN GPU)..ANY PCI 2.1 (real/old pci) OR AGP 4X CARD LIKE: ATI Radeon X700 SERIES OR NVIDIA GEFORCE 6 SERIES (The 1st DX_9_3/DirectX 9.0c CARDS) or BETTER Direct3D 10 Level 9 IS THE ISSUE... CAN 98SE/ME DO IT? IF SO OVER HEAD IS ABOUT 80% THAT OF 2K ON "FIXED" WIN ME (HUGE LIST OF FIXES, BUT GOOGLE 98SE>ME, FINAL SERVICE PACK, AND ALL THE TOOLS MADE BY A USER THAT PASSED AWAY 5 YEARS AGO, Now all FOSS: like 4gb 9x fix, true msdos 7.x for me, memory leak patch etc) Hardware, tweaks, work arounds, dirty tricks & "odd fixes", PEBKAC / ID10T error fixes, NT Windows (mostly home versions after NT4.0) Repair Plus buy/fix broken Android (anything) > FARM PASSIVE $, WordPress, Churning & ALT-COINS is my thing Scan my stuff: no badies! I only put out pure programs not bloat and/or system cycle "ghosters". I DO "very low aprox 10mhz per ghz of target" mine, BAT, on some sites I run (I run FREE a multi-frame coinpot etc website), but nothing ksp/forum linked or involved! And its clearly posted when entering that site (1 BAT, braves basic attention token or $0.032 per week as donation towards site fees, gets you for "faster no ads", no-miner portal or $0.10 per month per user) Similar to this crappier heavy miner USA "wix" site DO NOT TAKE THIS LINK WITH OUT A POP UP BLOCKER/AV on, and dont take it at all unless your username is @hemeac). Mine is on Hostinger via custom WordPress install (I make simple 5 page WP sites for ppl CHEAP! > $50 USD lorium ipsom'ed, Elementor free full plugins with offline edit kit, Emailed in 24hours) But I prefer not to link to my off ksp modding stuff, here openly, ever...sorry. I'll do videos with face/vioce and names blah blah, BUT just nothing I consider too "private" for public. Like my CAT! Edited October 9, 2020 by Guest sanitized my vernacular, wasn't bad, this is better Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 12, 2020 Share Posted October 12, 2020 (edited) From the other mod in the HumanStuff family of mods, Easy Builder Workshop *>Version 2.0.1 "Vector" Promo Video<* Edited October 12, 2020 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted October 13, 2020 Share Posted October 13, 2020 (edited) Ok, tiny update. I am continuing to remake more images as "true 16K" at 16bcp with 8bpc ORA copies of 16K images (standing in for webp, ORA is the BEST possible format in 8bpc) I am considering swapping out webp UNDER 16K to ORA aswell.. its quality IS BETTER, but file size is a MAJOR CONCERN, I will not use 10% "better images" if its at 120%+ the webp may be safe lol I have the Suit broken down, but its at 4K...and I'm NOT happy with it. I am TOTALLY REDOING A FRESH ONE, at 16K 8bpc in KRA & EXR (I will include a 8K webp as a "sharable guide", as its very small) I will be going through a "yandex" shared cloud folder I copied locally and reuploaded to my own cloud (for safety), its 6.8 by of "TGA" files. Its named in english though, so thats awesome. IT WILL take about 4 days to sort it Once sorted I will convert it to ORA & WebP (due to its massive size as TGA's). I will share it then (well in this mod, only the pieces we are "missing") After that its ALOT to remake as 16K (BUT I will use these to "scale down")...ETA: 1 to 2 Weeks Edited October 13, 2020 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted November 22, 2020 Share Posted November 22, 2020 (edited) Finished the "HumanStuff EasyBuilderWorkShop", it took about 3 weeks longer than I expected.... I'M NOW RETURNING to "RE-Mastering" the master images for "HumanStuff Texture Pak" Edited November 22, 2020 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted November 28, 2020 Share Posted November 28, 2020 (edited) Ran into a bug in my other mod/release. Took a week to sort out 100%. I have most main images/masters re-done to 16K, I dont see a reason to get into release/test spam until I have them all ready. After this I can start on the other Era suits. This will be added on a Era by Era update so ppl arnt left waiting "longer" Once I reach "Current Era" of suit releases this mod will enter "Maintained mode", with only fixes/future additions added Modding is fun: My advice...1 project at a time to start. I got very "busy" with these project's for almost 100 days "straight"... Its Time for me to "play a game again", I think I'll start with a week of: Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, I love KSP, but I need week off Edited November 28, 2020 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 27, 2020 Share Posted December 27, 2020 Texture pack complete and updated! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ItsSnowyy Posted January 8, 2021 Share Posted January 8, 2021 Does this work with 1,9.1? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sesshaku Posted January 22, 2021 Share Posted January 22, 2021 (edited) No disrespect. But that opening post reminds me why early 00s websites were awful. You need to be more concise. Otherwise people will just pass on you. And your work is pretty solid. Edited January 22, 2021 by Sesshaku Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Factor_X Posted February 14, 2021 Share Posted February 14, 2021 Wow! This seems to be such a great mod. Finally I found something worthy of texturereplacer But the description is simply scary. It seems the mod is trying to do a lot of stuff. So I have a couple of questions : 1) How is it working with the latest KSP 1.11 and texture replacer 4.3.1? 2) On the compatibility side, this mod just impact Kerbals suits and heads right? It should be compatible with anything. Or is it expanding beyond its scope (frankly I got lost reading the description!) 3) Does this mod increase loading times beyond reasonable? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sesshaku Posted March 2, 2021 Share Posted March 2, 2021 So far all I can say about this mod is that it works fine in 1.11 Except....the new visor feature becomes broken. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted April 4, 2021 Share Posted April 4, 2021 (edited) Hi guys, Back from working on an Indie game project (Low Magic Age) with its dev (community art packs/full game guide). Took alot longer than I thought, check out the game guide on steam if you like. Its currently the "de-facto" English language info source I will look into visors fixes Quote 1) How is it working with the latest KSP 1.11 and texture replacer 4.3.1? 2) On the compatibility side, this mod just impact Kerbals suits and heads right? It should be compatible with anything. Or is it expanding beyond its scope (frankly I got lost reading the description!) 3) Does this mod increase loading times beyond reasonable? Expand 1: fine in my tests, will need a "2nd game load" to be fully good. If you want the loading screens you need to move them manually (see notes in DL) 2: It should work with ANYTHING that is OK with "TextureReplacer", the loading screens are just fine also if you want them. 3: Not at all, its default setup is no more "heavy" than most suit packs, like "kiwi suits" or all the old "human colored" packs (that my work is based on).... but it is more than stock...I suggest "hyperspace" mod on "slower loading" systems Edited April 4, 2021 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted April 4, 2021 Share Posted April 4, 2021 (edited) I have a few more faces for pack. But I feel faces are pretty "done" now I need to get the "next era" of suits finished/added now....AKA "Soon" ...... I also have a few 1950's replica Planes & Rockets "ready" for RP1 use ALL Starting tech (ALL Tooled Costs): Speeds listed are at min/max of 0.01m/1m "climbing" horizontal/level flight (AKA: max sustainable flight speed, Mach 1 = aprox 343m/s @ sea-level & at about 12000m above sea-level its only 295m/s, see HERE if interested in why that is) Altitudes listed = Safe Ceiling, Max Ceiling OR AP/Downrange if noted as such 1st Launch: (can achieve vertical speed in excess of 50m/s in climb, can also "pop" over 10km , but is unstable past 8.5km) Beechcraft 35-33 Debonair - 6 seat cabin, Conventional Tail with 1x IO-550-B Propeller = 6.5km/10km+ @ 125m/s in level flight/3.25 hours... 5 Funds (The Cape Florida to Chicago or Dallas or Acapulco, etc, Thats a 1500km+ Range, 2x 100L Drop tanks & 200L Fueled tail = Trans-Atlantic/5000km+) craft cost bugged (bu cockpit? Due to removing resources from sliders?) be 25.8 funds (minimally) X-Plane "Break Sound Barrier": (can EASILY pass 25km altitude, BUT crew WILL DIE, it is possible to QUICKLY "Steep climp" over 20km & Quickly, but carefully, "steep dive back under 16.3km, the max safe altitude for "non-pressurized aircraft cabins") Corvair TF-102-X0 -2 seat inline, V-Tail with 1x Derwent V Jet = 16.3km/25km+ @ 375m/s (Mach 1.26) in level flight/1.1 hours... 325 Funds (The Cape Florida to North or South Pole in "Tran-Sonic Super Cruise", Thats a 13000km+ Range... 2x 200L DROP TANKS DOUBLE THAT! PURE MADNESS!) Karmin Line: WAC 1-Stage Unboosted 62sec/spin stabilized 101km/recovered... 51 Funds (launch clamped) "Space"/Sub-Orital: WAC 1-Stage & 1x Type 30 Tiny Tim Boosted 62sec/spin stabilized 151km/recovered.. 82 Funds (launch clamped) Bio-Sample Return: WAC 1-Stage & 2x Type 30 Tiny Tim Boosted (both boosters in same stage) 62sec/spin stabilized 161km/recovered 114 Funds (launch clamped) 3000km Downrange: RD-100 boosted WAC 2-Stage, RD-100 125sec & both WAC 62sec, RD-100 Stage Active Guided (11T/400EC) & 2x WAC Stages spin stabilized/ullaged via 2x "spin solid boosters", 1001km AP/3100km Downrange (burns up at aprox 67km on sub-orbital "re-entry"). Funds: Aprox 200Working on: Project Pacecar (not Racecar lol), or the "U2", a single Derwent V powered jet able to lift off runway "unassisted", capable of "The Cape to The Cape" circumnavigation of Earth, AKA 40100km Range, at a 16.3km ceiling with a 296m/s minimum cruise speed 95% done 41000km+ range achived, Needs fuel trim to 40120km, area ruling improvments Funds: Aprox 290 Also Project F-104 Starfighter, or the "Mach 2 jet", a 5x Derwent V powered jet able to glide/land "unassisted by throttle" & not "BURN UP/BURST APART" at Mach 2, capable of "686m/s+", in "level flight" at a 16.3km ceiling with a minimum 10 minute full throttle flight time 99% Done level & "climbing" flight top speed of Mach 1.7 to Mach 1.8 or 619.2m/s, any "faster" under any thrust % & Derwent V's explode, area-ruling/craft mass tweaks MAY allow upto 625m/s? Conclusion: Derwent V, in any arrangement, has max speed of Mach 1.8. AKA Mach 1.9+ is not possible. Bonus: Altitude ceiling is WAY past 30km (but cockpit is not pressurized) Funds: Aprox 535 On 3/2/2021 at 7:10 PM, Sesshaku said: So far all I can say about this mod is that it works fine in 1.11 Except....the new visor feature becomes broken. Expand Thanks for being the nice guy to answer while I was away/busy with a project On 1/22/2021 at 9:14 PM, Sesshaku said: No disrespect. But that opening post reminds me why early 00s websites were awful. You need to be more concise. Otherwise people will just pass on you. And your work is pretty solid. Expand Ok I like your directness.... lets fix that OP Community effort...less scary, clean, with the "needed features info" Maybe a link for "Would you like to know more"... like "Star-Ship Troopers" commercial style Edited April 5, 2021 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted April 4, 2021 Share Posted April 4, 2021 On 1/8/2021 at 5:58 AM, ItsSnowyy said: Does this work with 1,9.1? Expand yes, "in my tests"... if your version of texture replacer works with your KSP version this also works (suit/etc generation of "old type" vs "new updated type" dds files that match your KSP version ofcourse) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted April 4, 2021 Share Posted April 4, 2021 (edited) BOUNTY OFFER! Help "Fix" = Reward > "Gift KSP" As A Steam Key Reward = "Gift" key for KSP (or game of equal value on Steam if you dont need/want a gift copy of KSP) HOW: Help Fix Gene Kerman's Head Texture (and by extension also Scientists/Flight Crews in VAB/SPH), so its the correct "Human Skin tone" not "blank" or "Bada55" green I have tried for almost a year, no luck.. I am opening a "community bounty" on this fix... I find it very "immersion breaking", personally Edited April 4, 2021 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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