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Replace Kirk and Spock With Andy Griffith and Barney


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Replace these guys...








Now if you ever watched the Andy Griffith show, you already know Barney is impulsive, cowardly, and also brave at times.

Andy is wiser, but both have a weakness for ladies.... just not to Kirk's shameless degree.

So... if these guys replace the Kirk and Spock acting in character how well do they do in TOS?


How does TOS go differently?

How do the movies play out?

Wrath of Khan? The Undiscovered Country? Etc?


My guesses: Andy is sly.... really sly. Chances are very high I think he finds a way to trick his enemies more often than not. Problem is he is going to have save Barney's butt a dozen times over. And the moment Barney takes command of the Enterprise while Andy is away Barney will probably impulsively order full phasers and torpedoes fired at any threat.... which does not always work in ST and can even get you killed.

How well would they get along with Mcoy and Scotty? Does Andy ever behave like the womanizer Kirk was?


Barney? Yeah he would... has a bit of an ego problem LOL.

Edited by Spacescifi
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6 minutes ago, Nuke said:

can we replace wesley crusher with opie?



It occurs to me that TOS is not as well known.

Feel free to use TNG or DS9 switcharoos.

STD shall not be included nor the Picard series.

Enterprise could actually be funny with Andy, Barney, and T'pol.

T'pol and Barney's interactions would be highly amusing.

Barney the engineer.... that's what I wanna see.

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actually im pretty familiar with both shows. i was just making a joke. 

i dont think i would want barney on a star ship. he would have the lunacy of reginald barclay but without the redeeming quality of above average intelligence. 

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