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[1.12.5] Kerbin Side Remastered GAP - Flight contract pack [v2.1.7] [2022-12-19]


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  On 1/30/2021 at 9:45 PM, Caerfinon said:

There are Contract Configurator hooks to make BD armory based contracts. There is a TargetDestroyed Parameter  that lets you specify a list of vessels that need to be eliminated to complete objectives. Presumably that would be done with the weaponry BD Armory provides. There is an example mission on a GitHub fork of the Original GAP mod that has the player fighting with rebels who have seized the Island Airport! It spawns aircraft and AA guns and the objective is to land and plant a flag presumably after you fight it out with the enemy assets.  BDArmory Missions  KSP-IslandLandingBD.cfg

I've read through it and it's interesting. Might be something "optional" put together much later. I've never used BD Armory so I've have to spend some time figuring all that out.


I used BD when it was first developed, played around with the guns, missiles, and bombs, but I haven't touched it since the original dev  left it. I've actually got a screenshot from back then that's in my desktop background rotation slide show of one of the warplanes I designed.


Those old school classic parts though...

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Version v2.0.1 for Kerbal Space Program 1.11.1 Released on 2021-02-01


  • Issue 23 KSIS missions added see wiki

  • Issue 29 Terminal Marker appears below terrain - removed from Landing Rights flights. Fixed in all other airline flight missions

  • Issue 30 Fixed KSC landing parameters in "Lets Start an Airline" mission

  • Issue 31 Navy Mission Tourist SPAM corrected. Exceptions for rescued pilots noted in wiki

Minor issues:

  • fixed hinterland missions that had dependency on KSC Extended mods

  • Support for mods that change the ModuleControlSurface has been added to the Let's Start an Airline mission to allow it to begin correctly with those mods.

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  On 2/2/2021 at 10:54 PM, xZephy said:

Hi, i've done the first mission 'fly the area then come back' and the second after i came back from the island, it doesn't want to valid the 2 passengers recovered .. what did i miss ? Is this a bug ?


Probably wouldn't hurt to have more info, some screenshots, your log, really hard to figure out what might have gone wrong from that. What area did you fly too? Did the mission call for you to land and wait for a time and did you do that or not? If it wasn't a landing mission, did you reach the correct area and altitude? [being at the wrong altitude has bit me in the rear before]  Did you land at the correct spot? some missions require you to land within a certain distance of a very specific spot. it's not always enough to just land near the runway and recover.

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  On 2/3/2021 at 12:47 AM, xZephy said:

also how to post a screenshot here ?


The image needs to be on a site like imgur.com or similar. Then use the insert image from url button when adding a reply and make sure the url you are adding ends in a .jpg or .png

If you are going to collect logs, I need to see the ksp.log, the player.log and the persistent.sfs from the game a save this occured in. These can be zipped and put on dropbox or google drive.

Also are you using the latest version of the contract pack?

Edited by Caerfinon
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(Thx for the fast answer) 
Yea i'm using the latest, also the latest of KK and contract config.
I'll try to search for those and put it here ^^

Edit: sorry for being such a noob but .. where do i find those logs pls :x ?

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  On 2/3/2021 at 1:17 AM, xZephy said:

Edit: sorry for being such a noob but .. where do i find those logs pls :x ?


KSP versions 1.8.0 and above:

  • Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log
    - This folder is usually hidden so you should enable the view hidden folders option (more information).
  • Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log
  • Linux: The log is written to ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Player.log

You can upload these files to any file sharing site (such as Dropbox, Pastebin or File2web). These sites will give you a link you can include in your posts to share your files.

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  On 2/3/2021 at 1:37 AM, xZephy said:

Okay so, here's the screen, the last thing about those passengers and i've find 2 logs i think, but not the player.log : /
and here's a link (that work i hope) for the logs, tell if not, i'll edit here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9106knw6o65ax6m/AAAg48f31W1yPux1e5S2CYNma?dl=0



Okay, that's odd. I can't read the log myself, so I don't know what is going on in there, but it certainly looks like it should have cleared from the screenshot. I haven't done this mission since I restarted my playthrough, so I'll download the latest version of the mod and see if I can reproduce on my end in the latest install. Caerfinon might see something in the log that explains it, but I'm clueless.

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  On 2/3/2021 at 1:37 AM, xZephy said:

Okay so, here's the screen


I've reviewed the persistent.sfs file and it shows you as having not completed the landing fully by being less than 690 meters from the KSC runway way-point that the mission sets. 

						name = VisitWaypoint
						id = VisitWaypoint
						state = Incomplete   // <-----------------------------------Here
						disableOnStateChange = False
						values = 0,0,0,0,0
						ContractIdentifier = KSRGAP.KSRGAP02-LandingRights
						title = 
						notes = 
						completedMessage = 
						hidden = True
						allowStateReset = True
						distance = 690
						horizontalDistance = 690
						waypointIndex = 0
						hideOnCompletion = True
						showMessages = True

 I believe you can see and activate the way-points in map view (activated ones will show up in your flight view and blink when you are near them. It's not required but I recommend using Waypoint Manager to better control which way-points can be seen in flight mode and can give you a read out of the distance your aircraft is from the way-points at a glance.

Let me know if getting closer to the marker works.


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It work !!! Thanks a lot ! 
I wanted to say, thanks a lot for this mod, this is what i've always dreamed for in KSP (Plus the multiPlayer but meh .. i'll wait KSP2) 
Thanks again for this awesome mod and thanks for your hard work ! :D <3  

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  On 2/3/2021 at 2:01 AM, Caerfinon said:

I've reviewed the persistent.sfs file and it shows you as having not completed the landing fully by being less than 690 meters from the KSC runway way-point that the mission sets. 


@xZephy I was able to complete the mission, so it is working. The landing distance from the markers can really trip you up.




@Caerfinon Couple of things I did notice with the missions, the island marker is under the terrain again, which is not that big of a deal, just letting you know, but for both the island marker and the KSC marker, the mission no longer requires you to come to a stop before the negotiations at the island start, so the marker for that disappears really fast. I touched down and bounced and it was gone, and same at KSC. I was coming in for a landing and had a touch and go because my plane didn't want to stay on the ground, and the marker disappeared. If I didn't remember where it was, I wouldn't have know where to drive back too. also the target marker for landing at KSC appears at the very end of the runway, which feels awkward to me? it's not a huge issue, but it feels like it was more natural near the middle of the runway like you had the old terminal markers.

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  On 2/3/2021 at 2:27 AM, vardicd said:

the island marker is under the terrain again


This is a bug in the way that Landing Rights calculates it's flight progress and the waypoint generator behaviour on setting an altitude from a variable based on that flight progress calculation. It does not occur in regular flight missions so I simply removed having to use the "terminals"  in the Landing Rights  and rely on being within 690 meters of the runway marker. It's a Kludge but it works.  The airport and terminal markers in the rest of the flights should work out OK.  Especially Top Secret Area 15 where the marker was extremely underground. 

  On 2/3/2021 at 2:27 AM, vardicd said:

so the marker for that disappears really fast


The parameters of the mission require a stop for the marker to clear, however there is no duration of time to be at the stopped state, so even a brief halt (including any processing time delays) could register the parameter as complete.  I could add a duration parameter to the test of 5-10 seconds to avoid this.   Issue 32

  On 2/3/2021 at 2:27 AM, vardicd said:

KSC appears at the very end of the runway,


The KSC marker does appear at he end of the runway. It is set from the GAP code that uses a PQS offset rather than a LAT/LON location . This is a fairly easy fix  Issue 33


Thanks for pointing these out.

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Hullo, it's me again, i apologize but .. i've another issue T.T 
I've tried to recover the vessel on the KSC waypoint AND the KSC runway at less than 50meters .. but it still don't work .. what am i missing ? T.T 

EDIT: Maybe it's because my runway isn't fully upgraded ?
EDIT2: NVM i've decline the contract and redo it entirely and now it was good, dunno what was the problem

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  On 2/3/2021 at 2:30 PM, xZephy said:

what am i missing ? T.T 


That is a strange one. your plane is within the 690 meter requirement of the Landing Rights mission but for some reason the parameter is not being completed. 

The crew manifest for this flight lists;

  • Valentina Kerman
  • Rosley Kerman
  • Gerfen Kerman
  •  Wehrly Kerman
  • Shergee Kerman

is this correct?
is the way-point marker flashing or not?

Have you tried taking off and landing again? 

Can you show me a picture of the way-points in Waypoint  Manager?

Note: There is no requirement in the missions that the runway be upgraded to a certain level.

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  On 2/3/2021 at 4:02 PM, Caerfinon said:

That is a strange one. your plane is within the 690 meter requirement of the Landing Rights mission but for some reason the parameter is not being completed. 

The crew manifest for this flight lists;

  • Valentina Kerman
  • Rosley Kerman
  • Gerfen Kerman
  •  Wehrly Kerman
  • Shergee Kerman

is this correct?
is the way-point marker flashing or not?

Have you tried taking off and landing again? 

Can you show me a picture of the way-points in Waypoint  Manager?



So .. for some reason .. i've find a way to fix it, (ive done several missions now) i only touch the runway during the landing in the 690mradius of the waypoint and with that it works every time
For those name i think yes. Yes the waypoint was flashing (the screen was took at the time it was off during the flash) yes i've tried the T/O -Landing too so i dunno

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  On 2/3/2021 at 4:06 PM, xZephy said:

i've find a way to fix it


Well that's good but still strange.

Have you done the missions that require you to taxi the aircraft to a terminal? Do you have similar issues  with them? Those are the missions where the flight number does not end in a "0".   

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