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Fairing Size 4 Missing

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I don't really know where else to put this in so I put it here. Anyway I was checking some Starship SN8 tutorials and saw that a fairing size 8 was needed for basically every tutorial. When I went to place the fairing I noticed that I don't have a fairing size 8. Anyone one know how to get it or if its a bug? (I am on ksp 1.10.1)


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31 minutes ago, ImAKerbal said:

I don't really know where else to put this in so I put it here.

As basically it's a question, not in the Tutorial subforum, but in the one just above, the Gameplay Questions.


36 minutes ago, ImAKerbal said:

a fairing size 8 was needed

size 8?.. hum.. I could be wrong, not sure but this "size 8 whatever" is probably provided by a mod that I don't know.

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I don't know what a size 8 fairing would be, but I do know what a size 4 (as mentioned in the title) is.

Size 4 is 5 meters, which would make the size 4 fairing the one included in the Making History DLC's Saturn parts.

If you don't have the DLC, that's why it doesn't show up. If you don't want to pay $15 for a (IMHO) fairly mediocre DLC, you can instead get Restock+ from the Restock project. It has nearly exact copies of the Making History parts but with better models and textures (it's legal, they checked).

Restock is also a great install anyway, it makes the parts look *SO* much better.

(Tutorial on modding KSP if you need it)


Keep in mind that this solution only works on PC, so if you're on console you'll either have to bite the bullet and buy the expansion or just do some creative clipping of parts.

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21 minutes ago, Clamp-o-Tron said:

I don't know what a size 8 fairing would be

it seems size 8 is 10m diameter

Size Scale Diameter Real-life Bulkhead Node Size
  0.1 0.125 0.2   0
Size 00 0.25 0.3125 0.5 size00 0
Size 0 0.5 0.625 1 size0 0
Size 0.5 0.75 0.9375 1.5 size0p5 0
Size 1 1 1.25 2 size1 1
Size 1.2 1.2 1.5 2.4 size1p2 1
Size 1.5 1.5 1.875 3 size1p5 2
Size 2 2 2.5 4 size2 2
Size 2.5 2.5 3.125 5 size2p5 3
Size 3 3 3.75 6 size3 3
Size 3.5 3 3.75 6 size3p5 4
Size 4 4 5 8 size4 4
Size 4.5 4.5 5.625 9 size4p5 5
Size 5 5 6.25 10 size5 5
Size 6 6 7.5 12 size6 6
Size 7 7 8.75 14 size7 7
Size 8 8 10 16 size8 8
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