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Fuel transfer between vessels

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I'm trying to find a simple solution to transferring fuel between two vessels, which are parked next to each other on the surface.  In the past I've used docking ports, Klaws, and robotics to join vessels.  Those solutions can be clunky and buggy.

In 1.11 you can now attach parts while on EVA.  I had hoped to use the fuel transfer lines as a fuel hose.   I was able to connect a fuel hose to a vessel, and then connect the other end to the same vessel.  Unfortunately, I was not able to connect the other end of the hose to a different vessel.

If anyone else has had success with this, please advise.   Otherwise perhaps a new part for the Kerbals to carry- a Garden Hose - would be useful.

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Maybe in the next patch release it might be possible. However, for now in stock, you must dock the two vessels together (into a single vessel) before you can do a fuel transfer. So (depending on your settings) you may need some fuel ducts along with a klaw or mini-klaw, or you can weld docking ports onto one or both of your vessels and then remove the docking ports when you are done.


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52 minutes ago, Superfluous J said:

You could take a fuel tank with fuel in it off of one vessel and put it on the other.

If you then drain it, you could then take it off and put it back on the vessel with fuel, still it, and repeat.

Like a jerry can. :)

That made me smile!   Unfortunately, we are talking about vast amounts of fuel.   So, while this would work (I'm assuming..), not really the workable solution I'm looking for.

I am able to dock vessels on the surface, although there are some nasty bugs that sometimes happen when you do that.  So, lots of F5.   I'm looking forward to a stock way to just run a fuel hose from one ship to another.

@Curveball Anders, thank you for your mod suggestion.   While I'm trying to do this in stock KSP (for, uh, reasons), other members who hit this post will find your suggestion very helpful!

@bewing, Hmmm, that gives me an idea to try.  I'll report back if it works.

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