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Can we have costumisabal kerbals to rebrezent your self?

Sky Kerman

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In KSP 1 you can edit the properties of a Kerbal in the text file that is your save game, change their name and other aspects. I think the same abilities will be present in KSP2, and it's probably possible to make a mod which allows you to edit these in game.

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Customization confirmed or known already: 

  • Suit/vessel paint colors (including 'bare' unpainted surfaces)
  • Flags
  • Different suits (stated, not shown)
  • Different vessels (obviously) 

Customization unconfirmed or suspected:

  • Emotes/taunts/action animations
  • Mission patches
  • Kerbal hair, eye, apparel options (portrait editor? )
  • Kerbal character options (bravery, stupidity, constitution options or all procedural generation?)
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