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The KSP Caveman Challenge 1.11.x - 1.12.x


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Thanks, @Blaarkies!  This really helps a lot!

57 minutes ago, Blaarkies said:

Sure thing, i forgot to ask about the Mun stones as well, but i see you got them. So the Mun Stone had a 100% return rate (they can't be transmitted at all). On my Diamond run, only the first Mun Stone counted towards the 24:science: I got from it (I mentioned in my report thread that it is kind of like a stationary science sensor experiment, with a global situation)

Here you go, the first 2 images are the Mun stone, and the deployable science. My Mun deployable science didn't get enough time to complete since I finished the challenge before that. The other images are just for interest sake.

For Kerbals picking up and returning the Tier 1 Surface Features, this confirms what I'd found in only one quote: it provides the max Science return for that Surface Feature from that Celestial Body, as if the Tech Tier 8 Large Robot Scan Arm was used.

For the Deployable Science, I have another question: do you remember who deployed the Experiment, the Go-ob ED Monitor, on both Kerbin and Mun?  Comes down to whether it was Bob the Scientist or someone else.  And if it was Bob, what his Star Level at the time was.

I know the Deployable Science rate of return is affected by the Experiment base rate (baseValue), the Celestial Body Surface Landed Science Parameter (for Kerbin 0.3, for Mun 4.0), and the Scientist Level from Not, 0 to 5 (.05, .25, .35, .45, .60, .80. 1.0).  I know that the maximum possible Science Return is affected by the Experiment Max Return (scienceCap) and the Celestial Body Surface Landed Science Parameter.

I was trying to determine whether the Max Return was affected by who deployed the Experiment.  If it is, then it would take a constant amount of time, 160 sunlite hours, and delivere a variable Max Return of Science.  If it's not, it'll always return the same Max Return of Science but take from 160 to 3200 sunlite hours.

I think from your completed Kerbin Go-ob Science Return and the strong unlikeliness you had a 5-Star Scientist deploy it, that the Max Return of Science isn't dependent on who sets up the Experiment, just the data rate and how long to complete. :)

It's even more important to have an Engineer (like Bill) deploy the power source, whether solar or RTG.  Each Deployable Science Device consumes 1 unit of power.  A power source deployed by a non-Engineer produces 1 unit of power.  An Engineer deploys it and it produces 2 units plus 1 more for every pair of Star Levels the Engineer has, up to 4 max.



I find it funny how Atmospheric pressure science is worth more when near Eve, than when it is literally in the upper atmosphere of Eve where there is at least something to measure :D

That's Eve's funky set of Science Parameters:

	Eve Science Parameters		
8.0			Landed Data
8.0			Splashed Data
6.0			Flying Low Data
6.0			Flying High Data
7.0			Low Space Data
5.0			High Space Data
5.0			Recovery

Worse on Duna.

	Duna Science Parameters		
8.0			Landed Data
5.0			Flying Low Data
5.0			Flying High Data
7.0			Low Space Data
5.0			High Space Data
5.0			Recovery

Jool's is at least progressive all the way down.

	Jool Science Parameters		
12.0			Flying Low Data
 9.0			Flying High Data
 7.0			Low Space Data
 6.0			High Space Data
 6.0			Recovery

But then there's Kerbol's! :)

	Kerbol Science Parameters		
 1.0			Flying Low Data
 1.0			Flying High Data
11.0			Low Space Data
 2.0			High Space Data
 4.0			Recovery

Low Space starts at 1,000,000km (above Kerbol's standard radius of 261,600km) and is a Science bonanza.  Kerbol's atmosphere starts at 600km and is a Science let-down.  There's some more Body-wide Science, but only the one-time and max Recovery Science goes up (100% returns: from 40 and 48 Low Space to 48 and 57.6 Flying).  Only addition is Atmosphere Analysis, but that needs Tech Tier 7 Electronics.



Material bay science seems to be by far the largest source of :science: , and the craft recovery bonus gets pretty nice for places outside Kerbin.

It does!

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21 minutes ago, Jacke said:

For Kerbals picking up and returning the Tier 1 Surface Features, this confirms what I'd found in only one quote: it provides the max Science return for that Surface Feature from that Celestial Body, as if the Tech Tier 8 Large Robot Scan Arm was used.

For the Deployable Science, I have another question: do you remember who deployed the Experiment, the Go-ob ED Monitor, on both Kerbin and Mun? 

Can scanning arms collect Mun Stones? I have never even considered that

The experiments were deployed by Bob, hes been the only one to EVA in space. He was in LKO kerbin (and then recovered )before that mission, so i believe he was skilled 1:rep: when deploying the stuff on the Mun. I did not recover Bob after the Mun mission (left him in LKO), I'm wondering how it affects science returns (does the scientist need to be onboard of the recovered vessel, with science in hand?)

Yeah that engineer bonus is amazing, I had to pack 2 deployable solar power parts since Bob was the only one out there.

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Just now, Blaarkies said:

Can scanning arms collect Mun Stones? I have never even considered that

As far as I can tell by investigation outside of the game, the Robot Scan Arms don't collect the Surface Features, even the Tier 1 ones, they only scan them and either store the data or transmit it.  From your game, returning a Kerbal-collected Tier 1 Mun Stone provided all the Science that can be extracted by them.  A Tech Tier 6 Space Exploration Small Scan Arm could return only 1/3 of the Science, the Tier 7 Scanning Tech Medium Arm 2/3, and the Tier 8 Advanced Science Tech all of it.

Looks like if the Kerbal is returning to KSC, collect the Tier 1 Surface Features.  For the Tier 2 and 3, the Robot Scan Arms are necessary.


Just now, Blaarkies said:

The experiments were deployed by Bob, hes been the only one to EVA in space. He was in LKO kerbin (and then recovered )before that mission, so i believe he was skilled 1:rep: when deploying the stuff on the Mun. I did not recover Bob after the Mun mission (left him in LKO), I'm wondering how it affects science returns (does the scientist need to be onboard of the recovered vessel, with science in hand?)

From what I've learned, as Bob was a 1-Star Scientist, when he set up the Deployable Experiment, it could only transmit at 35% of the max data rate (when a 5-Star Scientist sets it up).  But it didn't affect the max Science Return, only the time to transmit it, from the minimum 160 sunlite hours to just over 457 sunlite hours.

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It begs the question though.....for NCD, do the "little extras" alter the needed missions (a lot)?

For example, Kerbin earns (max) 109.27, Mun earns 547.5, Minmus earns 386.25, Sun (high) only 15 leaving you 129.98 short. I've not included contracts or world first science - I'm not sure its significant anyway.

Would the extras mean interplanetary is not needed? That would be a game-changer. I suspect gathering and returning science from another planet is an order of magnitude harder than Mun/Minmus trips. Without the precision of manoeuvre nodes, you need to do some funky stuff or pack a bunch of excess fuel, to make the encounter. And do it again to get back safely.

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2 hours ago, paul_c said:

Would the extras mean interplanetary is not needed?

I think it's getting close.  Here's my post from last Thursday where I point out in an Apatite Career in 1.11, without the Breaking Ground Science, there's almost enough Science (within 100 points) just in the Kerbin SOI--excluding Mun and Minmus--to complete the Career.  Though that means sending a Kerbal--Bob, where are you?--on the outside of the spacecraft to every situation and biome, including the Badlands.

Now, adding the Go-ob ED Monitor's 45 Science on Kerbin in Apatite still leaves Kerbin SOI short, 1143.66, but by even less.

I'm getting close to a new release for my Science Checklists.  I've got the background details on the Breaking Ground Science straight now.  Just have to go through all the Celestial Bodies to adjust each.  Then I'll be able to see. :)



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TL;dr: An NCD Career needs to either do Mun or Minmus EVA or go Interplanetary. :)

Still working on my Science Checklists to add Breaking Ground Science to the Celestial Bodies, but I have done Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus, so I have revised Caveman Science totals for them.  I've gone over them carefully, catching mistakes (like having "Splashed" Atmosphere Analysis on my last release; it's only Landed, Flying Low, and Flying High, all 3 by biome).  These numbers are almost certainly correct for the totals for all Caveman Experiments in all Situations in all Biomes at 100% Science Return.

And as a picture is worth a 1000 words, here's 6 screenshots of the first 5 sheets, almost certain not to change except in positioning the numbers tables.  They're PNGs with a lot of detail.

The front sheet with virtual all of the general details.




The second sheet with Kerbin.




The third sheet with KSC and other Kerbin bases.




The lower part of the third sheet with extra details about KSC.




The fourth sheet with Mun.




The fifth sheet with Minmus.




I was using my last released version to check that the transformations I've done haven't introduced new errors.  Here's some tidbits, numbers are Caveman-capable 100% Science Return.

Prior to adding Breaking Ground Science, all Caveman Science on Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus--excluding KSC and other bases--added to 12,369.1.

Adding Caveman Breaking Ground Science brought that up to 13,057.6, an increase of 688.5.

KSC's 11 areas--including the razor-thin "Flying over...." situations, add 419.1.  KSC's 5 Structures (buildings the craft has to be touching) add 117.0.

The other 6 bases (Baikerbanur, Baikerbanur LaunchPad, Island Airfield, Dessert Airfield, Dessert Launch Site, Woomerang Launch Site) each add 38.1.

As they are biomes, none of the bases gets any addition from Breaking Ground Science, which is all global.

KSP 1.11's EVA Science Kit Experiments (can someone confirm that the EVA Science Kits aren't consumed when the Experiment is run?) added a total of 632.5 to Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus, available for all situations but otherwise global.

Prior to 1.11, Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus would have produced 11,736.6 Science.  Adding in KSC areas alone pushes this over the 100% 11,840 needed to complete an NCD Career.

Exhaustive digging out of the Science in the Kerbin system alone can complete an NCD Career.

So, the only need even in an NCD Career to go Interplanetary is wanting to do something cool and different, fear of having Bob ride outside for the EVA Science, biome exhaustion exhaustion, wanting to avoid Space Madness, or going Space Mad. :)


Now, getting all Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus Science except EVA-based (EVA Reports, EVA Science Experiments, all the Breaking Ground Science), adding KSC all 11 Areas and 5 Structures including EVA Reports, gives 10,406.3.

The other 6 Bases give 38.1 including EVA Reports for 228.6.

Kerbin Surface Landed and Splashed EVA Reports total 61.6.  Kerbin Flying Low & Flying High EVA Reports total 68.8.  Kerbin Near Space and Far Space EVA Reports total 100.0.  EVA Kits give for these 4 cases 17.5, 40.0, and 62.5.  The Breaking Ground Go-ob gives 13.5.  All Kerbin EVA is 363.9.

All Caveman Science in the Kerbin SOI including Mun and Minmus but not including Mun and Minmus EVA is 10,998.8.

All Mun EVA Science including Breaking Ground is 1493.0.  For Minmus, it's 1330.5.

An NCD Career needs to either do Mun or Minmus EVA or go Interplanetary. :)

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1 hour ago, Jacke said:

Still working on my Science Checklists

An impressive amount of work you've done there! Kudos!

@Jacke, I've added your Science Checklists to the Help Resources list in the OP.

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2 hours ago, Jacke said:

KSP 1.11's EVA Science Kit Experiments (can someone confirm that the EVA Science Kits aren't consumed when the Experiment is run?)

Not consumed. I only packed one and re-used it for Mun high, low, surface situations.

The fact that it can stack in inventories makes it look like its consumable, but it is completely re-usable just like kerbal EVA-Reports.

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Finally updated my Stock Science checklists with Breaking Ground Science and other changes and corrections.  Link to the post in my signature.

They should now document all Caveman Science for KSP 1.11, including those for Breaking Ground: Tier 1 Surface Features on all Celestial Bodies that have Tier 1's, as well as the Go-ob ED Monitor.

Now I can get on to completing my KSP 1.11.1 install and starting my Caveman Topaz Career. :)

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Thanks for the checklists, I took a look a little while ago and they're useful!

I am running quite a detailed tracking spreadsheet alongside my NCD attempt and it has certainly helped. In the previous Topaz and Diamond attempts, it is certainly useful to break it down into targets and know what body/biome(s) you need to visit, and what to do, to reach the target of the day. KSP certainly likes to make the calculation of the science rewards from each scenario complex to forwards predict! And the wiki page helps, but doesn't go 100% into the underlying (it would be very complicated to do so!) 

Anyway, my prediction vs actuals are getting better, still not exact, but good enough. And I think even in NCD, I'm not going to do a "full sweep" of any body. I am currently doing Minmus crew reports but they are worth so little compared to the effort/fuel needed! I am in two minds to track "science points/£ spend" as a metric, but if the bottom line is you need it anyway, its almost irrelevant.

It would be interesting for a "speed run" or maybe an "efficiency run" (like, complete a lower level at least cost; or least trips; or least RW time playing KSP.

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What do we collectively think here?


The middle component is the T400 fuel tank. I am sure we could all agree attaching 8 other 1.25m 'modules' via mini docking ports is no worries - indeed you could offset the lower and upper rows. 2x6 clashes, 2x5 seems to just fit in theory....



In practice the gaps are very close, could/would it affect docking ability in space and make things much harder or impossible? (It goes without saying, anything that stick out of a module I'll place away from the docking port end and align things during docking etc) I want to get as many on as possible to a central "main part"; the previous challenge used 8x modules attached in pairs but it produced a very wide, wobbly craft:



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On 1/11/2021 at 7:15 AM, JAFO said:

No mods that alter game play (mods used for graphics, radio chatter, ect. are fine)

I was wondering if the [x]Science! checklist mod is ok for Caveman usage?

 The main purpose is to track/filter which science experiments have been recovered, are currently in a craft somewhere, and which are still out there.

That info is obviously available in the science archives already, but the area I was worried about is that it shows you which biome you are currently above. This info can be gathered in stock by just opening KerbNet, or by eyeballing your map view compared to the online kerbal maps, or just by spamming some experiment and reading the science text.


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On 3/1/2021 at 6:36 PM, Blaarkies said:

I was wondering if the [x]Science! checklist mod is ok for Caveman usage?

Having looked through the list of features, I see nothing there that I'd be concerned about. And as you mentioned, it tells you nothing that's more than a click or two away in pure stock. It's not like it totally automates the science gathering process, like some mods I've seen do.

So yeah, it gets a thumbs-up from me! &)

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2 hours ago, JAFO said:

Having looked through the list of features, I see nothing there that I'd be concerned about. And as you mentioned, it tells you nothing that's more than a click or two away in pure stock. It's not like it totally automates the science gathering process, like some mods I've seen do.

So yeah, it gets a thumbs-up from me! &)

Awesome, I'm excited to hear that. The mod slipped my mind since the last few updates, but it's going to be great to run with it again!

Its how I learned about the silly experiment situations: You can gather "landed" science in the water biome. An equally silly solution to this was to get a 2-stage craft in the water, the bottom stage acts as a barge and the top stage decouples and become the lander. I want to see if that still works in 1.11 :sticktongue:


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On 2/22/2021 at 6:07 AM, Jacke said:

KSC's 11 areas--including the razor-thin "Flying over...." situations, add 419.1.  KSC's 5 Structures (buildings the craft has to be touching) add 117.0.

Thanks for these, I thought they just didn't exist (since it always gives "Shores" biome when jumping in the KSC). So it seems that the height restriction for this is absolute: I couldn't get one from Runway, but I could easily get them from Launchpad (I think the Runway is at a slightly higher altitude, so I went off to the edge and it was much easier).

So what I do is (with Kerbal on EVA) just jump upwards and click the "EVA Report" button right before the Kerbal hits the ground again (it takes a few tries). But that's just for EVA reports, how do you do the rest?

  • I tried getting such "Flying low" EVA report from the "R&D Corner Lab" building, but I guess Bob has to be in contact with the building at that moment?
  • I got some "Flying low over Crawlerway" Mystery Goo science, but it was a lot of luck and hard to reproduce that
    • Are there any surefire ways if doing it?
    • Maybe some kind of piston setup, or a kind of VTOL?
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3 hours ago, Blaarkies said:

Thanks for these, I thought they just didn't exist (since it always gives "Shores" biome when jumping in the KSC). So it seems that the height restriction for this is absolute: I couldn't get one from Runway, but I could easily get them from Launchpad (I think the Runway is at a slightly higher altitude, so I went off to the edge and it was much easier).

So what I do is (with Kerbal on EVA) just jump upwards and click the "EVA Report" button right before the Kerbal hits the ground again (it takes a few tries). But that's just for EVA reports, how do you do the rest?

  • I tried getting such "Flying low" EVA report from the "R&D Corner Lab" building, but I guess Bob has to be in contact with the building at that moment?
  • I got some "Flying low over Crawlerway" Mystery Goo science, but it was a lot of luck and hard to reproduce that
    • Are there any surefire ways if doing it?
    • Maybe some kind of piston setup, or a kind of VTOL?

It's important to differentiate between KSC areas, which are called mini-biomes and have the razor-thin "Flying over ..." situations, and the 5 (for Caveman) Structures micro-biomes that are buildings on the KSC and which the craft or Kerbal must be touching and can't have anything but the "Landed" situation.

I did a lot of trial-and-error on these in KSP 1.6 and during my abandonned KSP 1.6.1 Caveman LCD run.  All that experience is summarized into the 3rd Sheet of my Science Checklists.

There are 11 KSC Areas.  For Caveman they have 6 experiments (which are all per-biome for Landed):

  • Crew Report
  • EVA Report
  • Mystery Goo
  • Temperature Scan
  • Pressure Scan
  • Materials Study

Only the 3 Experiments that are per-biome when Flying Low:

  • Crew Report
  • EVA Report
  • Temperature Scan

have the razor-thin "Flying over ..." situation.  To get these, I find for the EVA Report a jumping Kerbal with a PAW up can get them.  The Crew Report and Temperature Scan are best gotten by pushing a 2xMk1 Pod Roller.  It bounces while it rolls and with a PAW up, you can click as you move it and see if you got the "Flying over ..." situation.

The 5 KSC Structures are buildings the Kerbal or craft have to be touching to get.  They're marked "1" on my Science Checklists as they are present on KSC Facilities Tier 1.  You can get all 6 of the Caveman Experiments for them.  The 5 are:

  • Flag Pole
  • R&D Corner Lab
  • SPH Main Building
  • Tracking Station Hub
  • VAB Main Building

SAFETY NOTE: DO NOT have a Kerbal go jumping on the R&D Main Building.  At Tier 1 before it's a proper KSC Structure, it's a death trap.  A Kerbal who lands on the steps isn't on the ground but "Shores Flying".  Won't get up, can't be moved.  Can't remember if they can be recovered.

The KSC Extra Information on my Science Checklists mentions a number of special KSC Structures that behave weirdly, including sharing the same Science return as their Area, thus no good for extra Science.

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It still works! :D Landed on water sounds so silly, and the amount of science is also silly. But knowing about it can get you some extra science that would otherwise have been missed, like splashed down at desert, mountains, etc.

This screenshot was taken a second before the landing legs friction bug started pulling the lander overboard (quite annoying). I had to retry the whole thing using wheels instead. This should be quite ironic to players of older KSP versions: Wheels used to be horrible back in the day, killing kerbals on contact and flipping rovers quite easily. Landing legs used to be great, keeping ground bases from moving and being fine with uneven terrain. Now it feels like the opposite is true.

Some bits of info about it:

  • Using small fins to rest the capsule on the "barge" counts as "Splashed down" (and sometimes counts as Flying :huh:)
  • Landing legs and Wheels count as landed
  • Heatshields have a nice curved concave shape, perfect for keeping the lander feet from slipping off


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Completed NCD, after over a month!

Full thread here:

Needless to say, it took a huge effort and was looking dicey at times. A summary of "how its done" is:

1. Pick the first contract wisely, resetting if needed. You need one which earns enough money to buy a command module to start off, but it achievable before too long so you can progress from there.
2. At the start, you need to do A LOT of contracts to build up funds; and never fail one, nor kill a Kerbin, they are "game over" for funds/Kerbals. You'll need the Kerbals for later.
3. It is important to be VERY methodical in gathering  (Kerbin) science. You need to plan so that you can earn science, then upgrade to a piece of kit, to be able to earn more, ie plot a 'pathway' through the tech. A wrong upgrade could/would result in a dead-end. A spreadsheet, and a thorough understanding of how science points accrue, is recommended.
4. Getting enough science to earn tech to get to the Mun (or Minmus) is VERY marginal - I 'borrowed' the Terrier engine by accepting a test contract, before I could earn enough science to buy the tech tree node (otherwise its a chicken-egg scenario). 
5. You need to scrape some science from Mun/Minmus initially (and transmit), using very basic tech, to earn enough to upgrade tech and build something that can return. Then you need to go there again (landing in pretty much EVERY biome) to earn enough to progress. Watch the funds too! By this point, you can combine contracts with the pursuit of science. Be careful to select profitable and/or science-earning contracts, no point doing any others.....
6. You can't avoid going to Minmus. There is a knack to intercepting it!
7. In theory you could avoid interplanetary but in practice.....I think you need to do it. Its quite possible with docking ports to 'build' a higher performing craft, but you'll need a pilot (or two). I took two, so I could do docking reconfigurations without the non-driven part tumbling, which makes docking a complete pain! So, I preserved my pilots for as long as possible by doing Mun/Minmus trips remotely. But going interplanetary is "do or die".

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Congratulations on completing NCD!


12 minutes ago, paul_c said:

7. In theory you could avoid interplanetary but in practice...

By the numbers, the only way to avoid Interplanetary is to do EVA at Mun and/or Minmus.  A lot of EVA.

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With 1.11 getting EVA reports from the surface of Minmus got WAY easier - because you can stow the jet pack in the capsule, then retrieve it full of free delta-V.  Makes up for EVA fuel lost finding the pod after timewarps, and makes a jet pack descent/ascent to surface fairly easy.  That ought to ease the scrounge for non-interplanetary science

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29 minutes ago, fourfa said:

With 1.11 getting EVA reports from the surface of Minmus got WAY easier - because you can stow the jet pack in the capsule, then retrieve it full of free delta-V.  Makes up for EVA fuel lost finding the pod after timewarps, and makes a jet pack descent/ascent to surface fairly easy.  That ought to ease the scrounge for non-interplanetary science

I'd not depend on something that is obviously a bug and will likely be patched even in the next point release, having the EVA pack consume Monoprop when refilled.  And there's another solution for post-time warp rendezvous, putting a pilot in a crewed pod (who can do Crew Reports), as the EVA Kerbal is almost always going to be Bob the Scientist.

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17 minutes ago, Jacke said:

I'd not depend on something that is obviously a bug and will likely be patched even in the next point release, having the EVA pack consume Monoprop when refilled.

Fair point..

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Stock EVA propellant has always been infinite and unlimited, where are we getting that it's likely to be patched?  I mean, outside of Caveman I use the EVA Propellant mod but for Caveman all exploits are go IMHO

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