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Am I allowed to put DLC models/meshes into my mod?


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I'm not very familiar with creating my own textures for parts (DDS editing, I only have the DDS Viewer). I want to copy a DLC part and mod it, but is that allowed (people could take the CFG and change the stuff back to its original values to get a free DLC part)?

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5 hours ago, WarpPrime said:

I'm not very familiar with creating my own textures for parts (DDS editing, I only have the DDS Viewer). I want to copy a DLC part and mod it, but is that allowed (people could take the CFG and change the stuff back to its original values to get a free DLC part)?

If you want to make an edited copy of a DLC part, you can use a ModuleManager patch instead of including DLC assets in your mod. For editing textures, you can use paint.NET.  Don't ship DLC assets with your mod, that may get you in legal trouble like @Miguelsgamingch mentioned earlier.

To learn how to mod, look around in the forums and analyze other modders' work.

Edited by OrdinaryKerman
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5 hours ago, OrdinaryKerman said:

If you want to make an edited copy of a DLC part, you can use a ModuleManager patch instead of including DLC assets in your mod. For editing textures, you can use paint.NET.  Don't ship DLC assets with your mod, that may get you in legal trouble like @Miguelsgamingch mentioned earlier.

To learn how to mod, look around in the forums and analyze other modders' work.

How can I create a ModuleManager patch, like you mentioned?

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12 hours ago, WarpPrime said:

I want to copy a DLC part and mod it, but is that allowed

That's a hard no.  You're not allowed to copy art assets out of the stock game or its DLCs.

You can, however do some tinkering via ModuleManager, as has been discussed.

2 hours ago, WarpPrime said:

How can I create a ModuleManager patch, like you mentioned?

Basically what ModuleManager does is, you write a .cfg file that's in the ModuleManager config language.  These are a set of directives that modify the base config of the part.  For example, you could have ModuleManager config that says "please take existing part X, and clone it to a new part with a different name, and then apply the following changes to it."  You can alter the physical characteristics, add or remove PartModules that govern what behaviors it has, change the scale, and do a certain amount of tinkering with the models.

Here's the main thread for it:

As for how you'd learn to make a patch, you have a few options.  For one thing, ModuleManager has some nice wikis that explain the syntax and how to use it; you can start here:

Another good source is to just look at other mods that are out there.  ModuleManager is enormously useful and many, many mods use it.  So if there's already a mod out there that does something vaguely similar to the sort of changes you want to make, then you could grab that mod and then look at their ModuleManager config to see what they do, as a useful example.

Finally, you could always talk to us here.  :)  Could you describe exactly what you're looking to do?  e.g. "I want to make a new part that's like <some DLC part> but <changed somehow>".  Knowing what you want to do, we'd be better able to advise you on whether ModuleManager would work for that, or whether you'd need to take some other route.

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