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What is Mystery Goo™ made of?


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It's the liquified remains of the first kerbal to get krakened past the speed of light, pinballed by gravity slingshots around the system, before plopping back in a container at the KSC (believe it or not, that's happened more than once). The container was conveniently left open outside the breakroom of the R&D dept and had previously been used to hold the tickets for the department's weekly lottery draw.

This freak combination of good and bad luck is what gives the Mystery Goo its special preperties.

It also smells of aniseed.

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On 3/25/2021 at 3:24 AM, steuben said:

It is made of a non-Newtonian, non-Euclidian,  non-Einsteinian semi-fluid.

I vaguely recall that if you got 100% goo science from every biome in every situation what the goo was made of was explained. But, I think it's been long since dummied out. Something about a coding error making it too hard to achieve.

probably somewhere in the code. somebody could do some data mining and find out the extinct information then ;)

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On 4/6/2021 at 3:29 AM, Single stage to ocean said:

Perhaps the goo is kerbal spores, kerbals reproduce via spores and are trying to test if spores can survive without oxygen.

That... actually makes sense. They would be testing if they can reproduce in space. Maybe kerbals are “smart” frogs

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